What's goin' on with everybody

I’m about to go to Gatlinburg with a girl I’m dating for some Moonshine and sleep. We’re both really tired from our jobs.
That's fascinating. I can imagine, as much as is displayed on your screens, there is still quite a bit you have to visualize and keep track of in your head - which is always in a state of flux. That must be the fun part :)
Once it's down to editing, the decisions kind of come naturally. You pretty much just show whoever is singing or playing a lead or doing the most interesting thing at any given moment. So that doesn't take much space in your head. It's all the prep work that you have to keep track of: loading files, naming tracks, rough sync, final sync, color matching.

I do the audio mix in a separate project, then drop the stereo track into the video edit project. That way the audio doesn't compete for CPU. One nice thing about Vegas Pro, you can embed markers in a file. So when I drop the audio into the video project, it has markers for all the segments I'm going to use in the sampler. Another cool thing Vegas Pro does is let you drop a project into another project. Once I finish the color matching, I'll drop that massive 3 hour, 6 camera project into a new project and it will show up as a single video track with all the edits done. That's where I'll assemble the sampler, with the consolidated video.

That's probably TMI.
Once it's down to editing, the decisions kind of come naturally. You pretty much just show whoever is singing or playing a lead or doing the most interesting thing at any given moment. So that doesn't take much space in your head. It's all the prep work that you have to keep track of: loading files, naming tracks, rough sync, final sync, color matching.

I do the audio mix in a separate project, then drop the stereo track into the video edit project. That way the audio doesn't compete for CPU. One nice thing about Vegas Pro, you can embed markers in a file. So when I drop the audio into the video project, it has markers for all the segments I'm going to use in the sampler. Another cool thing Vegas Pro does is let you drop a project into another project. Once I finish the color matching, I'll drop that massive 3 hour, 6 camera project into a new project and it will show up as a single video track with all the edits done. That's where I'll assemble the sampler, with the consolidated video.

That's probably TMI.
That's probably TMI.
Not at all.. not at all. Highly informative :)
We (me and my wife) are from Brasil. We took the three vaccine doses and we are okay. Since I am a home officer since always we managed to get away from COVID for two years. Sadly it caught us one month ago but happily we surpassed it just with some cough and a sore throat. For me it was a bit worse because I didn't know that I was already with the Rona (I was feeling great) the day I got the third shot so one thing potentialized the other and it put me miserably on bed for whole three days. Summer here but a lot of heavy rain and cold weather in the mountains where I live. After over two year leaving my gear collecting dust I decided to retake recording.
Spent last night and this morning micro-shredding last year's personal documents. Sure frees up a lot of space in my file boxes.

I copy quite a lot of stuff to PDF documents and screenshots, but I save all my phone, internet and medical insurance hard copy documents in the file boxes - as well as anything government, banking or legal. Some of those are even copied to PDF for backups if they're very important.


Last year I bought a micro-shredder and I like it a lot. Had a regular cross-shredder before that and it was OK but the small-ish strips would often get clogged up in the teeth and I would spend 15 minutes clearing them out with an old letter opener which I had modified to hook the little devils and flip them out. When they finally jammed and overheated the motor, I dropped it for the micro-shredder (after the motor cooled down I could run it back and forth to help clear it with the letter opener - works perfectly now and it's in my closet).

That is all [bzzZZt ! click!]
Found out my company is moving to Virginia. Not too happy. Out of nowhere.

Years ago they said the same thing. Since its a contactor group, they might individually privatize. And continue servicing the area under a new moniker.

This could be a sign to follow my dreams..or not.
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No man, I get a shitty severance package too.

Could you retire early off $2600/mo? Im starting to think ..fuck it..
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So...Crazy times for this old man....STILL not done with the remod-hell but getting a lot closer....countertops are BITCHIN Got the Reverse Osmosis set up outside...45' crawl under the house to run the 1/4 water line...faucet, air actuated garbage disposal switch and water faucet connected...no leaks... got a@ 200' of 6" crown molding all painted ...Lugged a big ass GE refrigerator into the house still boxed up till the floors go in..This in between going to Vegas for a Stone show a few weeks ago then flying into Orlando last week for the big Kitchen n Bath show...on my way to the airport at 3:30 AM Tuesday and landing back in LAX @ 11 PM Thursday night.... whew! met a lot of good connections at the shows...MAYBE be able to sell my patent pending level idea to a company that sells it's tools to Lowes nationwide...It's a game changer in the level world...If I get the patent granted I am fo sho made in the shade...woodshedding for the Brent Payne country rock band practice coming up this Sunday...beat the wife and kicked the dog...twice ( Nah we don't have a dog, I was just seeing if you were paying attention ;) ) Truly this remodel has tested our marriage and it might have failed the test...TBC... I have so many fricking balls in the air "I can't see the light" Wrote this a million years ago...cool little melody to it too...

I don't like it much
I can't seem to stay in touch
with what's going on

In this time and place
I've seemed to have lost my place
Can anyone here show me the way?

Can't see the light
Can't see the darkness for the night
Can't see the light
Can't see the light
though I feel it burning down

upon my head
Kind of makes me wish that I was dead
far far from here
in another time and space
then perhaps I could find my place
can anyone here show me the way

Can't see the light
Can't see the darkness for the night
Can't see the light
Can't see the light
though I feel it burning down

Micro shredders are cool.... they even grind up credit cards :eek:

I am really trying to go paperless as much as possible but it's hard to break old school habits
I'd like to go 100% paperless, too. But I'm sort of a "double/triple-check everything; have hard copies on file; don't fully trust any system" kind of guy. As far as 100% paperless, I keep imagining what the world will do when all the electricity suddenly stops - for whatever reason. Very much like the scenario in The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951).

Then again, if it's a world-wide scene, even paper based data won't be of much use since today's systems aren't designed to operate at that level.

Hell.. the IRS can't even handle the tax returns that get mailed in to them.

.... where am i..? ... how did i get here..?
Ho-leee ... Here near Tampa Bay we're experiencing a little heatwave and next week's forecast is for record breaking heat.

Here's a peek at the local beach on the Gulf of Mexico - looks like Stephen King's The Mist

Clearwater Beach.jpg
What am I up to? Abso-fucking-lutely nothing.

I feel like I'm in an old folks home, sitting around waiting to die. And it's not coming anytime soon. At least not soon enough.

It's like that last line in Paradise By The Dashboard Light - "I'm just prayin' for the end of time, that's all that I can do."