What's goin' on with everybody

In 4 months from now I'm retiring after 49 years in the work force. I plan to build (and ride) more fast gas-guzzling cars and motorcycles, increase my stock of 2A toys, and play my guitars and drums too loud. :guitar:
TURN IT UP!!!!! I heard that yelled in an old folks home.
Bought this for the outbuilding when I am not there to feed the wood stove. Estate sale, like new, used sparingly for one season. Has the remote, manual
and regulator. I saved a good deal. I have been looking at these for a long time. I always thought that if I need to purchase a heater like this, this is the one
I would get. The wall mount ones are uglier than sin. I drove three hours south of Asheville to pick it up and 2.5 hour back with new directions from the seller!
It bypassed all the traffic, construction and lights I had to go through after I got off the interstate on the way down. It will be set to 55 or 60. When I am inside the
wood stove will do all the work.
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I was in the music store yesterday and found one of these in the same condition
$1100.00.I am going back to pick it up tomorrow if it is still there.pr.jpg
Where do I begin. My best friend and LONG time band mate died two months ago. I had set up a pretty decent mobile recording system to track in his basement. When he passed his wife insisted that I find someone to play drums and continue recording and playing in her basement. So I did. And a keyboard player too. This is our first get together. Just pulling it from my nether regions.
Where do I begin. My best friend and LONG time band mate died two months ago. I had set up a pretty decent mobile recording system to track in his basement. When he passed his wife insisted that I find someone to play drums and continue recording and playing in her basement. So I did. And a keyboard player too. This is our first get together. Just pulling it from my nether regions.

Great job Mang!
I took this photo this evening.
At first it looked like a dirty smudge on the outside of my kitchen window.
On further inspection, you can see it was made by a bird flying straight at the window.
Its wings are up and flapping.
You can see the bird's whole body, its beak, eye, feathers, and even its feet.
It was difficult to get a good photo of it, but this was the best attempt.
You got a dog? That's what the passenger side window of my truck looks like after my dog rides shotgun and snots all over it.

Just in case, for our friends on the other side of the pond, "shotgun" is slang for riding up front next to the driver. I'm pretty sure it came from stagecoach days where you had a driver who held the reins while a sidekick road "shotgun" to guard/protect against bandits. Wasn't deputized or nuthin, just some dude with a shotgun. Gun culture! Go team 'merica.
You got a dog? That's what the passenger side window of my truck looks like after my dog rides shotgun and snots all over it.

Just in case, for our friends on the other side of the pond, "shotgun" is slang for riding up front next to the driver. I'm pretty sure it came from stagecoach days where you had a driver who held the reins while a sidekick road "shotgun" to guard/protect against bandits. Wasn't deputized or nuthin, just some dude with a shotgun. Gun culture! Go team 'merica.
Love dogs. Seen oodles of cowboy movies.
I may not live in Tn and my name isn't Ernie Ford but I have layed out the weed barrier and moved three tons of rock this morning preparing the site for the studio. Have about another ton to go.


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Does ya need to compact that rock? Level it out?
No, two inches deep is good enough and I think I will get more than that. It is just to keep weeds out, the moisture underneath down, and critters from making nests. I will skirt it with lattice once it is up. The floor frame is 2x8 on the perimeter with 2x6 floor joists on 16 in centers, all pressure treated. Then there will be a layer of 1.5 inch foam insulation sandwiched between aluminum sheets then covered with 7/16 plywood. They will start with the highest corner at least 4 inches off the ground and then level it from there which should put the highest point between 2 and 3 feet on the porch end. I am having the double doors installed on the low end. I will be taking pics as we go. They are supposed to start on Wednesday depending on weather.
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In the first photo you can see two wood piles on either side of the big maple. I decided to put it on the far side of the tree so I moved that pile
to the near side of the tree. Because it would have wound up under my Chestnut tree and I would have had to cut branches I changed my mind
and then I moved both piles back to the far side of the tree. In the meantime I had unloaded another pile on the near side that isn't in the original
photo and I had to move all that. Keeping me in shape sort of.