What made Trump so bad?

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How the fuck would we know? Covid came in and screwed up every possibility of sustainability.
Yes, I care about the environment. But this bullshit new spending that creates a new green deal that kills the economy even more for the majority of us low life individuals that make under $200,00 is just fucking insane. And now let's create 87,000 more IRS agents? How about putting them in schools to protect our kids?
This admin is the most insanely destructive ever. If you don't see that, well, you must be either ignorant, deaf or or blind. Pick one.

I'll leave it at that.
If you slow down and actually read what I wrote, you’ll discover I said prior to covid. Trump had a good 3 years in office before that was a thing. That’s how the fuck we know. We look at data. We see things like employment and gdp, and debt. You can look at things with reason, or you can scream and shout and use emotion.
If you slow down and actually read what I wrote, you’ll discover I said prior to covid. Trump had a good 3 years in office before that was a thing. That’s how the fuck we know. We look at data. We see things like employment and gdp, and debt. You can look at things with reason, or you can scream and shout and use emotion.
And you can continue to ignore what is happening now, and try to make it all about some other guy...

Hey if it’s legal for them to open carry, no laws are broken. No biggie.

Are the optics kind of strange? yeah.
Are they helping the cause? No.
It’s just going to convince others that Trump supporters are ‘potentially violent extremists’

But I was living in Arizona for a few, when it was legal open carry. Don’t know about nowadays. It was a bit different from what I’m used to, but people carried all over the place. Got to be a normal sight.
But kind of funny seeing a biker go down the street on his Harley strapping a .45.

No more crime than anywhere else, probably had less.
Hey if it’s legal for them to open carry, no laws are broken. No biggie.

Are the optics kind of strange? yeah.
Are they helping the cause? No.
It’s just going to convince others that Trump supporters are ‘potentially violent extremists’

But I was living in Arizona for a few, when it was legal open carry. Don’t know about nowadays. It was a bit different from what I’m used to, but people carried all over the place. Got to be a normal sight.
But kind of funny seeing a biker go down the street on his Harley strapping a .45.

No more crime than anywhere else, probably had less.
Glad I don't live there to be honest.
Let's take a time out for everyone of us who has posted in this thread to hopefully come to the conclusion that at best.....we have accomplished nothing with the back and forth arguments and the tit for tat nonsense that has prevailed here. It's disgusting to me that a dozen people here are incapable of reasonably discussing differences of opinion. And so goes America.
Let's take a time out for everyone of us who has posted in this thread to hopefully come to the conclusion that at best.....we have accomplished nothing with the back and forth arguments and the tit for tat nonsense that has prevailed here. It's disgusting to me that a dozen people here are incapable of reasonably discussing differences of opinion. And so goes America.
With all due respect, I did ask for specifics on why you all felt Trump deserved accolades for the economy prior to covid and I got nothing but hostility. Now you say you’re disgusted by people unable to reasonably discuss. I’m cool with being done with this thread, but maybe look back at the last page or two and reconsider what you just wrote.
With all due respect to both of you, as an outsider looking in, I can see the dialogue did go a bit off the rails. Probably reading in haste??

As to economy. As much as trump brags about his “best economy in the history of the world” bullshit. I always said to myself that’s not true! :LOL:

As a kid in the early 70s, I remember In hindsight, THAT was a better economy.

Only Dad worked, paid off the house, bought a new car with cash, took vacations, etc.

Then the recession hit and all of a sudden all my friend’s moms, and my own, all got jobs. At least part time.
The days of the single wage earner who could support the entire family were over.

So fuck Trumps greatest economy ever story. :LOL:

Wouldn’t surprise me at all if he was riding the wave of the previous administration.
With all due respect, I did ask for specifics on why you all felt Trump deserved accolades for the economy prior to covid and I got nothing but hostility. Now you say you’re disgusted by people unable to reasonably discuss. I’m cool with being done with this thread, but maybe look back at the last page or two and reconsider what you just wrote.
I have never been hostile toward you and I will certainly not reconsider or apologize to you or anyone. Do you fucking understand what's going on here? An impasse to be precise! View it objectively in the sense that perhaps it's the same dozen or so posters in this thread and previous threads who are constantly beating up on each other about politicians they either love or hate. This post is about as long winded as I ever get.
I want to know what makes him so bad. And for the record, I don’t like him, but maybe for different reasons than others.

So knock off your trying to mock me for asking the question and just state your own reasons for not liking him.
The above is from post #4 of this thread that may have been ignored or not even read.
Guys, I caught Covid and I've been down for a few days. Is this thing resolved yet? I don't have time to go back and look. I just figure that it's been a while so we all must have come to some kind of understanding that we can all agree on. How close am I?
Guys, I caught Covid and I've been down for a few days. Is this thing resolved yet? I don't have time to go back and look. I just figure that it's been a while so we all must have come to some kind of understanding that we can all agree on. How close am I?
Sorry to read that you got Covid.
Lol, some guy sent an email to our news station that he’s no longer going to watch us because we’ve been reporting on the Trump FBI search. All we did is report “the FBI did this. Garland did that. Here’s reactions from our local Republican representatives.”

So apparently we can’t even report only things that actually happened because to them it paints Trump in a bad light. He even said in his email that they’re “false charges.” Trump hasn’t even been charged with anything.
“Investigations for thee but not for me” is the motto of some Trump supporters apparently. They can dish it out but can’t take it.

Willing to bet if nothing comes of this investigation that they’ll be like, “see! We told you Trump did nothing wrong!”
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