What do you think is worthy of praise regarding Joe Biden?

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Wake up. COVID happened. Trump wasn't some magician, and you should note that the economy tanked while he was in office.

Edit: Look... I can understand wanting to sleep through 2019 all the way to 2023... but if you just happened to look up now and realize that it's not 2019 anymore... and then blame some other person for things... that's pretty dumb.
For retirees, like myself, living on a fixed income, the cost of living has skyrocketed on Joe's watch.

So, inflation is the problem and Joe is the face you want to attach to it?

Don't read this then... you won't like it at all! Keep voting Republican, that'll save you!

Funny how some of these jackass anti trumpers are all, of course the economy is bad, it's bad all over the world, while others are all, no, the economy is in fact better than it was a few short years ago.
Who said it’s better than it was? You guys want to cherry pick to support your narrative rather than be honest. The economy was better before covid. Not because Trump was the potus and now it’s Biden, but because covid hadn’t happened yet. Now, the US is recovering better than most other countries. That seems like good news, but Trumpers want to slag Biden for that. Zero logic. But then, cults do what they do.

No one is slagging Trump for increasing unemployment because we understand that was from covid. Why can’t you guys be honest?
No one is slagging Trump for increasing unemployment because we understand that was from covid. Why can’t you guys be honest?
indeed. Unemployment increased due to Covid, but I highly doubt that a second term Trump would stoop low and use the return of jobs misrepresenting those returning jobs as "job creation".
indeed. Unemployment increased due to Covid, but I highly doubt that a second term Trump would stoop low and use the return of jobs misrepresenting those returning jobs as "job creation".
Is that your only beef then, using the word “creation” instead of “recovery”? That’s fair. It just sounds like you guys seem to think that somehow the economic effects of a world pandemic are Biden’s fault and gas would be $2 if only Trump were potus. Maybe I misunderstood.
Interesting when the Biden administration boasts of creating X million number of jobs when a fair portion if not the vast majority of such jobs are people simply going back to work following the COVID shutdowns, it doesn't appear you note that. In fact I believe you share the boast as an accomplishment credited to the Biden administration. Side note, they created the problem now boast of the predictable results of doing nothing other than returning freedom and liberty back to the people to which it belongs. When the Biden administration boasts of bringing down gas prices in actuality from the highs during the same administration, it doesn't appear you note that. What I am seeing is you repeatedly state the Biden administration holds no bearing on gas prices. It doesn't appear you note that, the inconsistency. When the Biden administration boasts of reducing inflation from in actuality the highs during that same administration, highs that are/were in part caused by Biden administration policy, it doesn't appear you ever note that. I don't know, that's what a lot of economists seem to be saying. Smoke and mirrors, a reduction in the rate of inflation does not equal a reduction in overall inflation and the suffering of the American people to afford day to day life. Ripple effect, it reduces quality of life, the poor become poorer, it reduces the ability of the middle class even at times with better pay to remain middle class. These things are killing this country.

But hey, it's like that all over the world, right? Of course there is no scary global effort by the elite to make things so, is there. That would be just crazy talk. And of course none of it is the fault of the Biden administration, nor can he take credit for it. Except when he does. And you? Well, you be you, you former conservative you.

Things that are worth noting.
Leddy loves the Biden Corruption, Senility & Incompetence Three-Ring Globalist Extravaganza & Puppet Show.
Is that your only beef then, using the word “creation” instead of “recovery”? That’s fair. It just sounds like you guys seem to think that somehow the economic effects of a world pandemic are Biden’s fault and gas would be $2 if only Trump were potus. Maybe I misunderstood.
Yes, it is his and other people’s fault including Trump.

The pandemic didn’t do shit. It was the response and handling of the pandemic that destroyed the economy.
Leddy loves the Biden Corruption, Senility & Incompetence Three-Ring Globalist Extravaganza & Puppet Show.

For someone that claims that my posts are "disjointed" and that I don't grasp how my posts "come across to others"... that seems really strange with the things you keep posting about.
Is that your only beef then, using the word “creation” instead of “recovery”? That’s fair. It just sounds like you guys seem to think that somehow the economic effects of a world pandemic are Biden’s fault and gas would be $2 if only Trump were potus. Maybe I misunderstood.
You definitely misunderstood! You are substituting my use of the word "returning" with the word "recovery". I don't expect you to be honest here whatsoever with anyone because you're incapable of being honest even with yourself.

The immediate effects of the Covid pandemic DO NOT fall squarely on the shoulders of either Trump or Biden, but to use your own word, the economic "recovery" from the Covid pandemic does fall squarely on Biden's shoulders. And he and his handlers have made quite a mess of it IMO.

Four more years of either Biden or Trump is unacceptable.
You definitely misunderstood! You are substituting my use of the word "returning" with the word "recovery". I don't expect you to be honest here whatsoever with anyone because you're incapable of being honest even with yourself.
I’m not sure how “returning” and “recovery” are so different that you think I’m being dishonest. You’ll have to explain that. I even said “that’s fair” and acknowledged your point. It’s pretty insulting to claim I’m dishonest with everyone. That’s a bold claim. So retract it and apologize, provide examples and support your claim, or just go fuck yourself.
The immediate effects of the Covid pandemic DO NOT fall squarely on the shoulders of either Trump or Biden, but to use your own word, the economic "recovery" from the Covid pandemic does fall squarely on Biden's shoulders. And he and his handlers have made quite a mess of it IMO.
As compared with the recovery, or return, of other countries? What metrics are you using to draw such a conclusion?
Four more years of either Biden or Trump is unacceptable.
Fair enough.

But seriously, retract your insult, provide examples of my “dishonesty”, or go fuck yourself.
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Trump's first instinct in response to covid - "What if anything should be done to protect Americans"

Democrat first instinct in response to covid - "How can we leverage this to our advantage?"


Trump's first response to COVID was to downplay it...
Trump's first instinct in response to covid - "What if anything should be done to protect Americans"

Democrat first instinct in response to covid - "How can we leverage this to our advantage?"
Call me crazy, but if we did absolutely nothing except took care of the old people, and allowed doctors to treat people that got sick, we would have been better off.

Instead it was lockdowns, mandates, endless testing, remdesiver, ventilators, waiting for the vaxx, endless fear campaigning, fudging the numbers etc, etc. And declaring a national emergency, released massive state powers and money that we didn’t have.
Call me crazy, but if we did absolutely nothing except took care of the old people, and allowed doctors to treat people that got sick, we would have been better off.

Instead it was lockdowns, mandates, endless testing, remdesiver, ventilators, waiting for the vaxx, endless fear campaigning, fudging the numbers etc, etc. And declaring a national emergency, released massive state powers and money that we didn’t have.
You’re not wrong, but it’s easy to say that now. At the time there were fears the virus would mutate to something more infectious or deadly.
I’m not sure how “returning” and “recovery” are so different that you think I’m being dishonest. You’ll have to explain that. It’s pretty insulting to claim I’m dishonest with everyone. That’s a bold claim. So provide examples or go fuck yourself.
Go fuck myself? It's not the first time I've been told to do so.

I can only provide you with one example of your dishonesty to "others" and yourself. You constantly claim that you are a former Republican/Conservative and now identify yourself as a Democrat.

That's complete nonsense!

I'm thinking that the truth of the matter is that you have a love/hate relationship with both Democrats and Republicans alike. And you're not quite ready just yet to admit it to yourself that you are still quite caught up in the struggle between the two parties and still lean strongly leftist.

Overall though, I see you struggling to admit it to yourself that you are slowly but surely morphing into the group of Independent voters.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
You’re not wrong, but it’s easy to say that now. At the time there were fears the virus would mutate to something more infectious or deadly.

I was saying the same thing at the beginning.

Most of the fearmongering came from Neil Ferguson’a wild computer models.
Go fuck myself? It's not the first time I've been told to do so.

I can only provide you with one example of your dishonesty to "others" and yourself. You constantly claim that you are a former Republican/Conservative and now identify yourself as a Democrat.

That's complete nonsense!

I'm thinking that the truth of the matter is that you have a love/hate relationship with both Democrats and Republicans alike. And you're not quite ready just yet to admit it to yourself that you are still quite caught up in the struggle between the two parties and still lean strongly leftist.

Overall though, I see you struggling to admit it to yourself that you are slowly but surely morphing into the group of Independent voters.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
That’s what being “incapable of being honest” means? I also don’t know exactly what you think is nonsense.

Ok, hostilities aside, I do not recall ever claiming to identify as a democrat. My vote for HRC was the first time I voted against republicans. In previous elections I voted Romney, McCain, Bush, Bush etc. I currently call myself independent, since I will not vote party line. I’m fully willing to vote for a republican, and have voted for them in my recent local election. That is consistent with everything I have posted here.

If you don’t believe I used to be Republican, perhaps someone who has been here as long as me can back me up and recall how I was a Bush apologist in the Cave days. I remember sparring with Nave and Hixmix (spelling?), Dr Stawl, etc. I was definitely a Fox News watching neocon.

I don’t “still” lean left. It’s been a progression over the last 5-10 years.

Where’s that dishonesty?
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