Well, now I feel better!!!

Regardless who appointed Muller...look back at his FBI role when the Uranium One deal was going down.
He is now in a "conflict of interest" spot...and there are questions as to what he knew when the Obama Administration (and Clinton) approved the deal.

There was a degree of cover-up to make the deal go through...and he has knowledge about that.

Here's your boy on Fox News talking about that very thing. Thoughts? I mean I know what they are already but go ahead and tell me anyways.
Regardless who appointed Muller...look back at his FBI role when the Uranium One deal was going down.
He is now in a "conflict of interest" spot..

No he isn't. You're just plain wrong.

The uranium one deal has nothing to do with anything, and it isn't a scandal.

Mueller had no interest in either party associated with that transaction, nor does he today.

Do you even know what a conflict of interest is?
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....and there are questions as to what he knew when the Obama Administration (and Clinton) approved the deal.

There was a degree of cover-up to make the deal go through..

No there wasn't. The Government process was followed for the approval of that deal.

Your sources are lying to you. You would probably get mad if they didn't. Hillary Clinton was barely involved and had no authority what-so-ever to approve or veto that deal. Your sources (which are really just the Republican party) lied about that. There was no uranium transfer to Russia. Your sources lied about that too. It was not 20% of our stockpile. Your sources also lied about that. That's three lies about this issue.

Here are the actual facts:

The repeated, incorrect claim that Russia obtained ‘20 percent of our uranium’ - The Washington Post

After being played and lied to that much, I would think a reasonable person would say "Hey, perhaps I should start getting my information elsewhere." But strangely, you will not.
We aren't talking about them.

You want to talk about Trump/Russia...but not about Clinton/Russia.
That's a big point in this Russia witch-hunt....who was really colluding with them VS who the liberal media wants to implicate.

Do you even know what a conflict of interest is?

The reason it IS a conflict of interest is that Muller may now be also part of the Uranium One deal investigation...but he was involved with it at the time.

Your sources are lying to you.


That, coming from a big leftist liberal...is pretty funny.
The reason it IS a conflict of interest is that Muller may now be also part of the Uranium One deal investigation...but he was involved with it at the time.

Trump could easily have that part of the investigation assigned to someone else. And they can investigate all they want. There is nothing there - just like Benghazi.

No, you've once again been fed a load of nonsense. Your Republican sources are afraid of the criminal investigation of Donald Trump and searching (reaching) for reasons to discredit it. The uranium one nonsense is nothing more.
Your Republican sources are afraid of the criminal investigation of Donald Trump and searching (reaching) for reasons to discredit it. The uranium one nonsense is nothing more.

So it's been a year...and where is the "criminal" part that has been proven for Trump...?
Nothing...not even a hint. Rather everyone is hung up on superficial nonsense, the color of his hair, and how he responds to media questions.

Just a lot of nonsense...but you go ahead an believe the liberal media...they always tell the truth. ;)

AFA Uranium One...that still has a lot of unanswered questions, so don't be too sure Obama/Clinton and everyone involved are 100% clean.
So it's been a year...and where is the "criminal" part that has been proven for Trump...?

Does it bother you that the Russians definitely did interfere in our election? I seriously doubt Trump knew anything about it and my guess is he has no criminal involvement but to say the Russians weren't involved is short sighted.

---------- Update ----------

I was wondering when someone would bring Smith up. :D

He's bucking for a job with MSNBC.

There it is. RINO, right?

---------- Update ----------

A high level Trump foreign policy advisor has already plead guilty to a felony as a direct result of Mueller's criminal investigation of Donald Trump.

Bahhhhh! Link please.

---------- Update ----------

A high level Trump foreign policy advisor has already plead guilty to a felony as a direct result of Mueller's criminal investigation of Donald Trump.

Well at least his appointee to head the NSA definitely had no knowledge of any wrongdoing.
A high level Trump foreign policy advisor has already plead guilty to a felony as a direct result of Mueller's criminal investigation of Donald Trump.

If you are talking about Manafort...he plead guilty for happened before he had anything to do with the Trump campaign.
Actually...he was more involved with Podesta, Clinton before he became involved with the Trump campaign.
AFA Gates...he's just a minor player.

Here you go...from CNN, so you don't say it's just a Fox twist.

Ex-Trump campaign adviser pleads guilty to making false statement - CNNPolitics

"The charges against Manafort and Gates are unrelated to the Trump campaign"
If you are talking about Manafort...he plead guilty for happened before he had anything to do with the Trump campaign.

Actually that is false and you've been lied to once again:

Trump said the allegations against Manafort involved crimes committed years ago. Most of the counts in the indictment detail Manafort’s money laundering efforts dating back to 2006. But that deception involving foreign bank accounts and misleading lenders, prosecutors said, extended until as late as October 2016.

By March of that year, Trump had named Manafort to oversee the Republican National Convention.

The charges that Manafort made false statements took place after Manafort stepped down from the Trump campaign, but they did take place within the past year.

Trump wrongly says Manafort crimes came years before he joined the campaign | PolitiFact

You do realize, being repeatedly duped about all this stuff by Trump is embarrassing, right?

Anyway, no, I was not referring to Donald Trump's indicted felon campaign manager. I was referring to Donald Trump's convicted felon foreign policy advisor - George Popadopolous. BTW I already posted this information, so I guess you are posting but not reading. If this is the case, how could anyone possibly have an actual discussion with you?
You do realize, being repeatedly duped about all this stuff by Trump is embarrassing, right?

I was quoting your liberal press, CNN...not anything Trump said...
...but really, who cares about that, I want you to show me where Trump is guilty of some crime concerning the Russians. That's what the witch-hunt is really about, and not about George Popadopolous.
I was quoting your liberal press, CNN...not anything Trump said...

Nope. CNN never said Manafort's fraud was completed before we was appointed by Donald Trump to be the chairman of his campaign. CNN didn't say that, because it isn't true.

Miroslav said:
If you are talking about Manafort...he plead guilty for happened before he had anything to do with the Trump campaign.

You said it, because you were once again parroting Trump's lies:

Trump's Twitter said:
Sorry, but this is years ago, before Paul Manafort was part of the Trump campaign.

^^^This is a lie. Manafort was still doing fraudulent business when and after Trump appointed him. Manafaort is facing federal charges for crimes that explicitly took place while he was Trump's campaign chairman.

Regardless, your line of reasoning is hilarious: Manafort was a fraud, an agent of Vladimir Putin, and a liar before Trump asked him to lead the campaign, therefore it's all good.
So it's okay that you believed, repeated, and continue to stand by Trump's lies, because you quoted CNN about something else? -That's your point?
