Walmart announces an increase in starting wage

Mick Doobie

from $9 an hr to $11 an hr, expansion in maternity and parental leave, cash bonuses, due to tax reform.

Those bastards. :mad:
Im old enough to remember Wal Mart as the Robin Hood of the stores....for the poor, to help fight the gouging evil Sears and other "marts".... Now WM is # 1 and evil bastards..ahahha

in a way though, they moved into my old hometown and bankrupted all the town square stores, its like ghost town now.
the funny thing is everyone complains but you see them at WalMart shopping. bizarre in a strange way.
im old enough to remember wal mart as the robin hood of the stores....for the poor, to help fight the gouging evil sears and other "marts".... Now wm is # 1 and evil bastards..ahahha

in a way though, they moved into my old hometown and bankrupted all the town square stores, its like ghost town now.
The funny thing is everyone complains but you see them at walmart shopping. Bizarre in a strange way.

southpark episode
I'm not a member of Sam's Club, but i've been in there several times. I'm not one for purchasing toilet paper in the four pack, a recipe for disaster, bulk purchase makes sense. But do I really need a 24 pack of paper towels, 5 lb can of nuts, canned corn by the case? I think they also sell other things. But do I really want to be boogying down the interstate at 70 mph on 4 walmart tires? And for real, what am I going to do with the other 8?

Bummer those folks lost their jobs, though.
And they eliminate jobs, too, to make up the difference in extra wages. No more greeters/receipt checkers at the doors. More self-checkouts, 8 scanners with 1 employee.
I do all my shopping in my underwear at that other evil empire.

If I’m going to be giving my money to some greedy corporate monolith, it’s nice to be able to scratch your balls while you do it!
my latest musical whim pushed Jeff Bezos over the line to be the richest person ever.

It was just a pack of picks purchased from the amazing pick-packer on amazon, that did it.
Straw... Camel's back.... etc...

He should thank me.
And they eliminate jobs, too, to make up the difference in extra wages. No more greeters/receipt checkers at the doors. More self-checkouts, 8 scanners with 1 employee.

yeah I scan my own. My son said one day "screw this..." and he went to the one old man doing check out, that wiped his nose and coughed a bit, and it was so slow and painful for him to get it done. My son said with fresh youth "I can see the benefits of self scan now."

for me sometimes I go fast I dont even know if I scanned everything, not my problem imo. Im old enough to recall when they started self scan there was a 10% savings or they'll probably charge us for self-scan convenience.

if they dont care, I dont care.
They've gotten rid of grocery bag boys, and now they want to start charging for the bags! :mad:

Did you hear about Oregon? They fired all the gas station attendants, and now people have to pump their own gas. It's crazy.

Way to go Oregon. Welcome to the twentieth century. But wait...? So many menial jobs in the US it seems.

As for self scanning supermarkets - the horny 16 year old boy's best friend. Wish they had them when I was a lad.
Way to go Oregon.

They say if you have to explain a joke, it wasn't funny to begin with. But..

Not sure how it is down there in the down under, but here the pump handle with the green cover is often diesel fuel(you don't want to go pumping-in diesel fuel unless you have a diesel engine). Oregon is tree hugger territory, "green" conscience. So...being that those folks never had to pump their own at the pump, apparently there is a learning curve.

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Though admittedly a bit before my time, there was a time when working at a service station wasn't considered a menial job. The friendly guy at the pump dispensed gas, washed your windows , checked the oil and air pressure in your tires, and pulled your vehicle into the bay to do needed repairs. Everybody knew who they were, they were a valuable and respected member of the community. Could work that job, buy a house, raise a family. Of course everything is relevant, but for what they made in take home pay back then couldn't pay the internet bill today.

Things have changed so much with modern technology. Working on cars isn't as instinctual and mechanically inclined centered. Kids these days when they leave the nest and get their first place on their own have to factor in the cost of cable service, internet, cell phone with unlimted data so they can keep up with the facebook 24/7. Yeah, technology has enriched our lives, but has made things much more complicated....and expensive, while at the same time many of the menial jobs are gone. I feel sorry for kids these days. Not too terribly long ago, when kids didn't yet know what they wanted to do after high school, it was very common to go work construction for a while until you figure your path. Now, a fair percentage of those jobs have been lost to border jumpers, jobs Americans won't do, dontchaknow.

They say there will be technology resultant physiological changes. Looking down at cell phones so often, neck/shoulder/back problems, having a hunchback will not become as uncommon. Something to look forward to. Facebook! :facepalm:

See any of those vintage gas station shirts, snatch 'em up. Pretty awesome to wear or display in the ol' man-cave.

They say if you have to explain a joke, it wasn't funny to begin with. But..

Not sure how it is down there in the down under, but here the pump handle with the green cover is often diesel fuel(you don't want to go pumping-in diesel fuel unless you have a diesel engine). Oregon is tree hugger territory, "green" conscience. So...being that those folks never had to pump their own at the pump, apparently there is a learning curve.


Diesel nozzle doesn't fit into a petrol tank down here - different size and mechanism. You could put petrol into a diesel however... But I got it.
Did you hear about Oregon? They fired all the gas station attendants, and now people have to pump their own gas. It's crazy.

Bloody hell, we have been doing that here for the last 25 years. I wanted the name "Service Station" banded as the was no service there.

Bloody hell, we have been doing that here for the last 25 years. I wanted the name "Service Station" banded as the was no service there.


I think it's probably been that way in most of the USA for the past 25 years too - just not Oregon (and one other state whose name escapes me - New Something.. Hampshire?).

We're only just now getting into card pay at the bowser stuff, but I was in France 5 years ago or more and they had totally automated service stations - no staff at all. Put card in, dispense fuel. No-one trying to flog you large size chocolate bars at the cash register. We have a way to go yet...