Hi Alan, long time no talk.. you may remember me, I'm from way over here and United States, Monterey California.. I'm going to check the threads when I get home, but just thought I'd check in with you.. I purchased four Avid Ultra 320 scsi drives.. formatting one at a time. The first one formatted just fine, however it will not initialize. I'll get into it more when I get home, I may not even need any help on it, but do you suppose I should set the jumpers on the hard drive exactly as they are set on my two working avid units? same units exactly, could be different internal drive, I'll find out when I get home and open them up. thanks, while I had a minute just thought I'd shoot you a message. Let me know if you'd prefer me to message you in the forums, if I remember correctly maybe that's better for you (?) I don't remember for sure. Anyway, Got four of them, excellent condition, with all cables, $100 US.. heck, the caddies are alone are worth that. Thanks again. Voice recognition.