Trump on Trial!

brassplyer said:
What exactly has America gotten for the 500k or so that taxpayers have paid Fauci every year? In what way is America better off than if Fauci and his position didn't exist? What action or decision of his can be shown to have directly benefitted the US?

I've never heard a solid answer to this.
Do you know how long Fauci served and under which administrations?
That doesn't answer my question. Let's limit it to the covid era.
You gave the Orange Clown $50... came here to post about it... and I'm the dancing monkey? Hahahaha
He donated $50 of his hard earned $ to Trump and here you are chastising Seeker.

I would NOT chastise you if you donated $1 to a candidate of your choosing. It's your choice and $1 to spend as you see fit.
Fauci is in front of one of the many Congressional committees getting drilled on the COVID thing. I’m not sure if this is just an information probe or they want to mail him for something and stopped following it when the world opened back up. I do know that my buddy (biochemist R&D at Pfizer) said this was lab-created/manipulated. Not uncommon because science does this kind of thing for research.

My buddy. My buddy jesus. Gotta love Dogma.
He donated $50 of his hard earned $ to Trump and here you are chastising Seeker.

I would NOT chastise you if you donated $1 to a candidate of your choosing. It's your choice and $1 to spend as you see fit.

I'd never give a dime to any "candidate". How do you know it was "hard earned"? Could have been grifted just like the Orange Goblin.
After the conviction so many people were trying to donate on Trumps website that the fucker shut down. 50 million rolled in before that happened. Now he is at like what?...close to 200 million?
The dems vastly overplayed their hand and this naked election interference railroad job has backfired. The right wing base is now galvanized and even people who don't like Trump want to vote against democrats that are trying to destroy the justice system, and the school system, and the border security system, and the voting system, and the energy syatem, and the law enforcement system, and the Supreme Court system (insert every other system that Americans respect here). Independents are saying to themselves, "Can you believe this banana republic trial? He has been saying it's nothing but a witch hunt... Maybe he was right. Something is really wrong here."

I will make a prediction:

If the democrats put him in jail, his election war chest will swell to 500 million bucks, and he will win in a landslide.
The American people have had it with Biden, and NOTHING the dems can do will work against Trump short of assassinating him.

The democrats are fucked. The best thing they could do is to pardon him and STFU.
Maybe then the massive ground swell for Trump would ease.

But, nobody on the left is that smart
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After the conviction so many people were trying to donate on Trumps website that the fucker shut down. 50 million rolled in before that happened. Now he is at like what?...close to 200 million?
The dems vastly overplayed their hand and this naked election interference railroad job has backfired. The right wing base is now galvanized and even people who don't like Trump want to vote against democrats that are trying to destroy the justice system, and the school system, and the border security system, and the voting system, and the energy syatem, and the law enforcement system, and the Supreme Court system (insert every other system that Americans respect here). Independents are saying to themselves, "Can you believe this banana republic trial? He has been saying it's nothing but a witch hunt... Maybe he was right. Something is really wrong here."

I will make a prediction:

If the democrats put him in jail, his election war chest will swell to 500 million bucks, and he will win in a landslide.
The American people have had it with Biden, and NOTHING the dems can do will work against him, short of assassinating him.

The democrats are fucked. The best thing you guys could do is Pardon him and STFU.
Maybe then the massive ground swell for Trump would ease.

But, nobody on the left is that smart
I can understand your enthusiasm.
That said, elections are a game of addition.
Do you feel that there has been enough addition (voters) to overcome what happened in 2020?
I mean, there are a significant number of voters stating that a conviction negates a vote for Trump. Not sure where that leaves them though.
Trump has given the finger to Haley voters, and any Republican voter who questions him (young conservatives etc.). Same with Lara (RNC).
Sure there are nuances and changes happening, but MAGA NEEDS Republicans, and more. They need independents too.
So... Hmmm...
Grim said:
the supposed media intelligencia

In context of, and doing my part to dispell the incurious nature of Americans to world events...not to mention what I hear, despite him previously saying its Republican's fault there's nothing he can do, Biden now has a plan for an executive order of sealing the southern border and limiting crossings to only 4,000 per day(hm, how many is that a month, a year?)...

In Germany, apparently there was some kind of gathering or protest against what some view as excessive and out of hand immigration, a lack of assimilation, clash of cultures, that sort of thing. Did you hear about that, reporting it in the UK? A somewhat recent immigrant from Afghanistan, 2013 I believe, he showed up armed with a knife in hand. Thank goodness it wasn't, you know, a dang gun! Anyway, so he starts stabbing people. A really, really violent attack. 7 people stabbed. So it would seem a couple of the far right winger protestors got their hands on the attacker, had him pinned to the ground. Suppose you could say not unlike here in the US some folks are really worked up about the potential danger from far right wingers, so a cop goes over and pulls the right winger off of the somewhat recent immigrant from Afghanistan knife attacker. As the cop physically pins the right winger to the ground, the knife attacker jumps back up, runs over and stabs the cop twice in the neck. Got him good, the cop later died. While other female cops were scurrying about like their hair was on fire wondering what to do, worthless, another male cop shot and killed the knife attacker. Crazy stuff, I just watched it. Out of respect for this site, and the sensitive natured among us, I won't post the vid. Besides, it may give the impression of stirring anti immigration right winger viewpoint. Germany knife attack, anyone who is interested I'm sure vid of the attack could be somewhat easily located. Be warned, it's violent, brutally so. Crazy stuff, probably well advised that all of us pay attention to what goes on in the world around us.

However, speaking of the "supposed media intelligencia", I present to you a sample of the headlines they went with. Yep, that's apparently the angle they're presenting.

^^ There were other such headlines, pretty similar, you know, journalism.

Remember a while back all the fuss over disinformation, misinformation, malinformation, whichever it was or all of the above? Particularly fro the far right. Musk bought Twitter and he was allowing hate speech, that sort of thing. Now I don't do Twitter, I see links, but I'm not a member or anything. However from what I understand Musk implemented a community notes thing, a way to correct disinformation, misinformation, malinformation, whichever or all of the above. So, I did see one of those posted below a vid similar to the one above, the journalism. The community note or correction read....

"Headline is misleading and could lead readers of the headline to believe a far right activist perpetrated the stabbing. The perpetrator was a 25 year old Afghan counter protestor."

Hooray for community notes, corrections. Crazy world.
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