Trump on Trial!

So the shooter of the NYC cops is from Venezuela, illegally here, and staying at a former Marriot hotel-turned-migrant housing.
I don’t know current silencer laws but while supporting right to bear arms, I’m trying to imagine the want or need for one on my gun. Maybe if I was hunting not to scare other animals in the area if I missed a shot but I don’t hunt and certainly wouldn’t with a .45

My post was in reference to the PBS article about the Republican baseball team shooting. In the article it said the voting would have to be postponed. On the docket was a proposal to make access easier to buy silencers. Imagine the carnage one could inflict using a silencer. I can only imagine. I've never actually heard a silencer (no irony) except in the movies. But, if the movies are accurate then it seems to me that an active shooter using a silencer would be way more difficult to locate.

"All House votes have been canceled today, according to Scalise’s office. That includes a vote on the Sportsmen Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act, or SHARE Act, which would ease restrictions for purchasing gun silencers."


Hearing Protection Act

(Sec. 1502) This bill amends the Internal Revenue Code to: (1) eliminate the $200 transfer tax on firearm silencers, and (2) treat any person who acquires or possesses a firearm silencer as meeting any registration or licensing requirements of the National Firearms Act with respect to such silencer.

(Sec. 1504) The bill provides that no force or effect shall be given to a law of a state or a state's subdivision that imposes: (1) a tax, other than a generally applicable sales or use tax, on the making, transferring, using, possessing, or transporting of a firearm silencer affecting interstate or foreign commerce; or (2) a marking, recordkeeping, or registration requirement concerning such a silencer.

(Sec. 1505) The Department of Justice (DOJ) must destroy: (1) any registration of a firearm silencer maintained in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record, (2) any application filed for the transfer and registration of a firearm that identifies the transferee of a silencer, and (3) any application for the making of a firearm that identifies the maker of a silencer.

(Sec. 1506) The bill amends the federal criminal code to: (1) redefine "firearm silencer" and "firearm muffler" as any device for silencing, muffling, or diminishing the report of a portable firearm, including the keystone part of such a device; and (2) define "keystone part" as an externally visible part of a firearm silencer or firearm muffler, without which a device capable of silencing, muffling, or diminishing the report of a portable firearm cannot be assembled, but not including any interchangeable parts designed to mount a silencer or muffler to such a firearm.

The bill permits licensed importers, manufacturers, dealers, and collectors to sell or deliver a firearm silencer or firearm muffler to: (1) an individual whom the licensee knows or has reasonable cause to believe is younger than 21 years old; and (2) a resident of a state other than a state in which the licensee's place of business is located, subject to specified requirements under current law.

Licensed importers and manufacturers must identify by a serial number engraved or cast on the keystone part of each firearm silencer or firearm muffler imported or manufactured by that importer or manufacturer, except for silencers and mufflers that do not have a clearly identifiable keystone part or has multiple keystone parts, in which cases the importers or manufacturers of those types of silencers or mufflers must submit a request for a marking variance to DOJ. DOJ shall grant such a request except upon showing good cause that marking the silencer or firearm would not further the purposes of federal firearms provisions.

(Sec. 1507) The bill amends the Internal Revenue Code to impose a tax equal to 10% of the price for which a firearm silencer or firearm muffler (any device for silencing, muffling, or diminishing the report of a portable firearm) is sold by a manufacturer, producer, or importer.
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My post was in reference to the PBS article about the Republican baseball team shooting. In the article it said the voting would have to be postponed. On the docket was a proposal to make access easier to buy silencers. Imagine the carnage one could inflict using a silencer. I can only imagine. I've never actually heard a silencer (no irony) except in the movies. But, if the movies are accurate then it seems to me that an active shooter using a silencer would be way more difficult to locate.
I agree and have never used or heard a silencer in person. Usually the first call to any shooting is dispatched as ‘shots fired!’

Unrelated to silencers but besides the NYC cop shooting apparently there was a drive-by mass shooting in Akron Ohio last night that apparently revolves around a birthday house party of way 200 people that spilled into the street and started as a noise complaint. Cops arrived and disbursed the crowd then apparently the party reconvened and somewhere along the way a car drove by spraying bullets. Oy vey.😞
I agree and have never used or heard a silencer in person. Usually the first call to any shooting is dispatched as ‘shots fired!’

Unrelated to silencers but besides the NYC cop shooting apparently there was a drive-by mass shooting in Akron Ohio last night that apparently revolves around a birthday house party of way 200 people that spilled into the street and started as a noise complaint. Cops arrived and disbursed the crowd then apparently the party reconvened and somewhere along the way a car drove by spraying bullets. Oy vey.😞

There is a shooting every day. So sad.

I edited post #2065 to show the details of the bill.

Can't find anything on its progress.
Conveniently you don't bother to cite where this quote is from.

If you have to lie to promote a point, your point is a lie.

The particular cases did *not* involve Epstein's Island. Katie Johnson - a pseudonym - whose claims were dismissed twice and she eventually dropped the matter - was a no-show at what was supposedly going to be a bombshell press conference with her attorney making excuses. Curiously this all occurred leading up to the election - she was never solidly identified and she hasn't been heard from since.

The point was to have the accusations out there not to back them up.

don't take my word, do your own research
Fauci is in front of one of the many Congressional committees getting drilled on the COVID thing. I’m not sure if this is just an information probe or they want to mail him for something and stopped following it when the world opened back up. I do know that my buddy (biochemist R&D at Pfizer) said this was lab-created/manipulated. Not uncommon because science does this kind of thing for research.
Wow, Marjorie Taylor Greene is a pistol. I’ve seen her many times but she is being pretty disrespectful to Fauci. I would not want to be in her bad side.

I was never vaccinated even though my buddy’s company Pfizer developed the first vaccine and he and his family all got it, so I never questioned it being safe. In my questionable level of fitness and bad habits I should been on a ventilator and died. This is pre-vaccine, pre-testing and right before the world shut down. I don’t get sick. I should but I just don’t so when it hit me a week after flying back from Indy I knew it was something strange. And it hit quick, like a snake. Checked websites and met the symptoms as the scare was starting to take hold on the internet. 100.5 fever, EXTREME fatigue, no chest or breathing problems, can’t remember the sense of smell/taste but only got up a few times to piss or drink, no diarrhea, just severe fatigue for about 48 hrs.

I wore masks when mandated and for good practice and used hand sanitizer incessantly but believe in natural immunity that has always worked for me and never ever had it again. Not everybody is made the same so I get the people who took every precaution. But there were people actually washing plastic grocery bags. There was a lot of panic. We’re all going to die like it or fight it, we’re just going to. Anyway, this hearing is bringing all of those events and memories back up which seems like soooooo long ago.
Fauci is in front of one of the many Congressional committees getting drilled on the COVID thing. I’m not sure if this is just an information probe or they want to mail him for something and stopped following it when the world opened back up. I do know that my buddy (biochemist R&D at Pfizer) said this was lab-created/manipulated. Not uncommon because science does this kind of thing for research.
What exactly has America gotten for the 500k or so that taxpayers have paid Fauci every year? In what way is America better off than if Fauci and his position didn't exist? What action or decision of his can be shown to have directly benefitted the US?

I've never heard a solid answer to this.
What exactly has America gotten for the 500k or so that taxpayers have paid Fauci every year? In what way is America better off than if Fauci and his position didn't exist? What action or decision of his can be shown to have directly benefitted the US?

I've never heard a solid answer to this.
Do you know how long Fauci served and under which administrations?