Trump on Trial!

Now Biden did ok during his press conference and it was more about Israel Gaza treaty draft. Until the end when he a question was shouted about Trump saying the trial was rigged and he stopped, and gave a childlike sneer like a kid that just away with with stealing a piece of candy. He did well up until that unnecessary gesture.
They concocted a felony out of what was a misdomeor, specifically for this trial only.
So, Trumps the only one who has ever been prosecuted for this "felony".
Same with the supposed over valuing his property when applying for a bank load. All real estate investors do it to some extent or another. The bank does due dilligence and verifies.
Nobody ever got prosecuted for that or will ever be prosecuted for it ....except Trump.
It's pretty simple to see what is going on for anyone who cares to take an honest look at it.
Yes, it's easy to see that nobody is above the law.

Even former VP Pence views the trial as a political hatchet job.
Please go back and look at what Republicans were saying about Trump before he got the nomination in 2016 - before everyone had to suck his d*ck in order to keep their job. They were telling you how they really felt then, and it was quite a different story than the crap they spout nowadays.
I've said this before (as have many of us), and I'll say it again:

If Biden (Joe, Hunter, cousin Lou, uncle Phil, whothef*ckever) has broken the law, then he should be charged with the crime and found guilty if the evidence supports it.

If Hilary has broken the law - same thing.

If Trump has broken the law - same thing.

If I've broken the law - same thing.

If you've broken the law - same thing.

It's that simple. I really don't see what the issue is here. I don't care how many times people yell "Political witch hunt." NO ONE should be above the law.
I 100% agree with you. However the problem here is ‘selective’ investigation and prosecution.

Go after all of them. I’m sure there could be found plenty of evidence of criminal activities of 90% of the politicians (or more)

This concept of going after the ‘deep state’ or whatever you want to call it is a good one except no one has done that. It’s just a talking point and government continues on as it always has. The biggest pusher of ‘drain the swamp’, eliminate the ‘deep state’ was the Donald. But what did he do? Nothing. No returning the government to the people, no draining the swamp, no combatting the ‘deep state’. As a matter of fact he populated his cabinet with deep staters and neocons.

We all know our government is hopelessly corrupt….. or at least I think we do….maybe I’m too optimistic. But no one is actually cleaning it up.

Trump in my view is a disingenuous fraud. Biden in my view is a disingenuous fraud.

They’re both bad. Just right now Trump is the target. No one will go after Biden while he’s in power

Just my opinion.
I 100% agree with you. However the problem here is ‘selective’ investigation and prosecution.

Go after all of them. I’m sure there could be found plenty of evidence of criminal activities of 90% of the politicians (or more)

This concept of going after the ‘deep state’ or whatever you want to call it is a good one except no one has done that. It’s just a talking point and government continues on as it always has. The biggest pusher of ‘drain the swamp’, eliminate the ‘deep state’ was the Donald. But what did he do? Nothing. No returning the government to the people, no draining the swamp, no combatting the ‘deep state’. As a matter of fact he populated his cabinet with deep staters and neocons.

We all know our government is hopelessly corrupt….. or at least I think we do….maybe I’m too optimistic. But no one is actually cleaning it up.

Trump in my view is a disingenuous fraud. Biden in my view is a disingenuous fraud.

They’re both bad. Just right now Trump is the target. No one will go after Biden while he’s in power

Just my opinion.
Deep states are for shallow minds.
I 100% agree with you. However the problem here is ‘selective’ investigation and prosecution.

Go after all of them. I’m sure there could be found plenty of evidence of criminal activities of 90% of the politicians (or more)

This concept of going after the ‘deep state’ or whatever you want to call it is a good one except no one has done that. It’s just a talking point and government continues on as it always has. The biggest pusher of ‘drain the swamp’, eliminate the ‘deep state’ was the Donald. But what did he do? Nothing. No returning the government to the people, no draining the swamp, no combatting the ‘deep state’. As a matter of fact he populated his cabinet with deep staters and neocons.

We all know our government is hopelessly corrupt….. or at least I think we do….maybe I’m too optimistic. But no one is actually cleaning it up.

Trump in my view is a disingenuous fraud. Biden in my view is a disingenuous fraud.

They’re both bad. Just right now Trump is the target. No one will go after Biden while he’s in power

Just my opinion.
Trump screwed up keeping obama-holdovers. He should have gotten rid of every single one of them...week 1.
Biden got rid of all the Trump holdovers...week 1. Biden was much wiser in that Respect. Democrat holdovers will undermine an incoming republican president and need to go. Same with republican holdovers undermining an incoming dem president.
Get rid of those fuckers and don't give the a chance to stab you in the back. Biden knew this because he is a career politician.

Trump wanted to go after the deep state, in the justice department, but they out maneuvered him and beat him to the punch. Like Chuck Shumer said:
"These people have six ways to Sunday to get you if you cross them"
I don't think a president can clean house on all these dug in deep state bureaucrats. It's pretty much impossible.
Trump screwed up keeping obama-holdovers. He should have gotten rid of every single one of them...week 1.
Biden got rid of all the Trump holdovers...week 1. Biden was much wiser in that Respect. Democrat holdovers will undermine an incoming republican president and need to go. Same with republican holdovers undermining an incoming dem president.
Get rid of those fuckers and don't give the a chance to stab you in the back. Biden knew this because he is a career politician.

Trump wanted to go after the deep state, in the justice department, but they out maneuvered him and beat him to the punch. Like Chuck Shumer said:
"These people have six ways to Sunday to get you if you cross them"
I don't think a president can clean house on all these dug in deep state bureaucrats. It's pretty much impossible.
I liked Trump when he was campaigning. But I always had this nagging concern. Was he genuine, the real deal, a true outsider? Or was he a pied piper ready to lead us off the cliff ?
So I watched what he did. He lost my support in his first week in office.
Wannabe tough guy. What was that ‘look in the mirror’ response? Lolol sounds like a stupid little kid in 3rd grade that doesn’t have enough wit or intelligence to come up with something better. Sit down, son.

Partisan pussy. Look in the mirror. I don't have to be a wannabe tough guy, because I am a tough guy. Not a partisan pussy. ;) 3rd Grade Kid? Like someone who's personality is so dimwitted that they have a "Let's Go Brandon" as part of their main personal being? You came in here and said that you paid some Fat Orange Grifter $50, like calling attention to the fact that you're admitting that you're a "mark" and you still don't get it?