Trump on Trial!

We have a 1:1 debate coming up on June 27 and another on Sept 10, then an election on Nov 5. Let’s see if the political climate in here changes between now and then.
"If they can do it to me, they can do it to you."

Well NO SHIT dumbass.
Yes, if I falsify my business records in order to hide something from the public that will damage my political campaign, I will get charged and probably convicted.
JUST LIKE YOU... dumbass...
I've said this before (as have many of us), and I'll say it again:

If Biden (Joe, Hunter, cousin Lou, uncle Phil, whothef*ckever) has broken the law, then he should be charged with the crime and found guilty if the evidence supports it.

If Hilary has broken the law - same thing.

If Trump has broken the law - same thing.

If I've broken the law - same thing.

If you've broken the law - same thing.

It's that simple. I really don't see what the issue is here. I don't care how many times people yell "Political witch hunt." NO ONE should be above the law.
I've said this before (as have many of us), and I'll say it again:

If Biden (Joe, Hunter, cousin Lou, uncle Phil, whothef*ckever) has broken the law, then he should be charged with the crime and found guilty if the evidence supports it.

If Hilary has broken the law - same thing.

If Trump has broken the law - same thing.

If I've broken the law - same thing.

If you've broken the law - same thing.

It's that simple. I really don't see what the issue is here. I don't care how many times people yell "Political witch hunt." NO ONE should be above the law.
I don’t disagree but there are a lot of coincidences on timing re: the decision to move forward with the case after several agencies decided not to pursue it. I respect the verdict and it was technically done legally but our justice system is not without flaw. One of the best examples of this is OJ Simpson’s murder acquittal. There isn’t anyone here who honestly believes he didn’t do it, is there? Nonetheless, the justice system has procedure, those procedures were followed in a fair trial and a jury of his peers acquitted him.

So there are definitely grey areas and I won’t focus on my suspicions, but Trump was found guilty following procedures and that is a fact. Doesn’t change my opinion of him being the best candidate to lead the country one bit, but yes, he is a convicted Felon and that’s now a fact.
I've said this before (as have many of us), and I'll say it again:

If Biden (Joe, Hunter, cousin Lou, uncle Phil, whothef*ckever) has broken the law, then he should be charged with the crime and found guilty if the evidence supports it.

If Hilary has broken the law - same thing.

If Trump has broken the law - same thing.

If I've broken the law - same thing.

If you've broken the law - same thing.

It's that simple. I really don't see what the issue is here. I don't care how many times people yell "Political witch hunt." NO ONE should be above the law.
Agree. All day long. Clinton, Biden.... whoever. Indict away. You won't find me crying "which hunt" or anything else. Because in not a partisan pussy.
"If they can do it to me, they can do it to you."

Well NO SHIT dumbass.
Yes, if I falsify my business records in order to hide something from the public that will damage my political campaign, I will get charged and probably convicted.
JUST LIKE YOU... dumbass...
They concocted a felony out of what was a misdomeor, specifically for this trial only.
So, Trumps the only one who has ever been prosecuted for this "felony".
Same with the supposed over valuing his property when applying for a bank load. All real estate investors do it to some extent or another. The bank does due dilligence and verifies.
Nobody ever got prosecuted for that or will ever be prosecuted for it ....except Trump.
It's pretty simple to see what is going on for anyone who cares to take an honest look at it.
They concocted a felony out of what was a misdomeor, specifically for this trial only.
So, Trumps the only one who has ever been prosecuted for this "felony".
Same with the supposed over valuing his property when applying for a bank load. All real estate investors do it to some extent or another. The bank does due dilligence and verifies.
Nobody ever got prosecuted for that or will ever be prosecuted for it ....except Trump.
It's pretty simple to see what is going on for anyone who cares to take an honest look at it.
12 people saw it differently.
A small gathering of supporters cheered intermittently during Trump’s speech. The night before, a crowd gathered on the street outside of Trump Tower after the verdict, chanting, "New York hates you."