Trump on Trial!

I’m not sympathetic one bit but I’ll answer. To me this isn’t an applauseometer thing. To me this is who is the best person to run the country. Period. I keep open-minded to differing opinions but I am pretty steadfast in my belief that Trump is the best man to run the country in 2024 and still miss the times of 2016-2020 under his leadership. Doesn’t mean I’d want to have a drink with him and he’d likely think I was a long-haired, tattooed, bleeding heart architect not worth his royal company. That doesn’t matter to me and not what I’m hiring him to be. I’m hiring him in the simplest of terms to the best Commander-in-Chief/CEO of the United states of America, Inc.. I truly believe he is. Better candidates out there? Bet your sweet ass there are. Better realities for 2024? I don’t believe so. This is business Sonny, not personal.
I made my point. I disagree with you.
The dead horse has been beat. I wouldn’t mind taking a break from political discussion unless something new develops. With the exception of one or two folks, even the people here I will vote against seem like cool people.

As far as Trump being the better guy for the job, to me he lowered taxes and did stimulatory things (increasing debt) when the economy was already doing great and we should have been reducing debt. He mishandled the George Floyd riots and made that situation more divisive, he mishandled covid and turned people against science, McConnell set the stage for him to stack the SC with conservative judges, which lead to RvW being overturned, he is actively trying to consolidate more power to the executive branch, he’s shown plainly that he is for sale, regardless of Meuller he has people that worked for him that lied and went to jail for lying about working with the Russians, and…he’s also a shitty person. I’ll grant you that he hasn’t started any wars, but Ukraine is debatable. Maybe Russia didn’t have to invade when Trump was in office because their agenda matched with Trump’s.

Already debated each of these points, so not going to rehash. Horse is still dead.

So yeah. Biden sucks but he’s not nearly Trump. We’ll see you at the polls and go from there. Peace.
And what is your point? That I have an opinion based upon facts? Maybe my facts are not the same ones you have?

There is obviously a bias from media and unlawful use of the judicial system right? Not any logical minded person can say that is not true. Can you?

What is your direct relationship with the Biden administration? Can we all assume that you have either donated, contributed, or otherwise been influenced by someone that is biased for the means of gaslighting an agenda? 'Objection' 'Sustained"

So, you seem to believe everything you hear in media that is biased towards a candidate you oppose of? Would you not make shit up to defend such a false leader of the people of America? "objection".
You mad bro? :-)
There is no such thing as "my facts" or "your facts". There are only facts. We are both allowed to like/dislike and or have opinions. But facts are facts.
Yes, there are some biased media outlets. No, I don't agree regarding unlawful use of the judicial system in general. You are welcome to cite a specific example though.
I am Canadian, and have no affiliation with any American party, nor will I. Nor have I donated to anyone.
No, I don't believe everything I hear/see. Kind of lets me take a critical view of both sides.
And yes, I feel exactly how @PorterhouseMusic does about Trump. He is a POS (I left the TU out because he's no longer President).
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The dead horse has been beat. I wouldn’t mind taking a break from political discussion unless something new develops. With the exception of one or two folks, even the people here I will vote against seem like cool people.

As far as Trump being the better guy for the job, to me he lowered taxes and did stimulatory things (increasing debt) when the economy was already doing great and we should have been reducing debt. He mishandled the George Floyd riots and made that situation more divisive, he mishandled covid and turned people against science, McConnell set the stage for him to stack the SC with conservative judges, which lead to RvW being overturned, he is actively trying to consolidate more power to the executive branch, he’s shown plainly that he is for sale, regardless of Meuller he has people that worked for him that lied and went to jail for lying about working with the Russians, and…he’s also a shitty person. I’ll grant you that he hasn’t started any wars, but Ukraine is debatable. Maybe Russia didn’t have to invade when Trump was in office because their agenda matched with Trump’s.

Already debated each of these points, so not going to rehash. Horse is still dead.

So yeah. Biden sucks but he’s not nearly Trump. We’ll see you at the polls and go from there. Peace.
Hear, hear!
I’m fairly certain that this post will be the unpopular, but here you go anyway. (Launches grenade into the room)

All the fervent Trump haters completely miss his true and unforgivable crimes.

1) he declared a state of emergency over COVID. This not only provided heaps of money to the the states, but it gave the federal government new sweeping powers as well as to all the governors.
He opened the door to outright tyranny and a loss of civil liberties to the citizens. Lives were ruined, businesses shut down, some never opened again.

2) operation warp speed. He brought us an unproven, untested injection that has been proven to not stop the disease, but can cause death and serious harm as well.

Now let’s play devils advocate for a minute.

Say the ‘vaxx’ was indeed the ‘lifesaving miracle he claims it to be. Let’s say he saved billions of lives by rushing it to the population. He is from all accounts quite proud of this accomplishment and calls himself the “father of the vaccine”.
‘IF’ that was true, and he did save millions or billions of lives….. wouldn’t that offset some of his misdeeds? Wouldn’t the good that he did outweigh the bad??

For me however, lockdowns and the clot shot are unforgivable.
I’m not going to disagree with that and don’t want to summon hypotheses (noticed I refrained from ‘conspiracy’) but yeah, politics and war and most things media-worthy are likely backed by a financial elite. Convince me where I believe it for sure? Give me credible data as proof. But whether it’s an elite coordinated group, a loose affiliation of many groups, or crazy hypothesis altogether, the world IS ruled by money, or greed. In that hypothetical scenario, if I am just a fan at the Super Bowl election sitting in the stands cheering my division on, I’m ok with that. Not content, but ok if that’s the way things are.
However…..I’m not absolutely convinced that an organized elite 1% of global GDP is calling shots absolute. It would be foolish to think money groups were not bending and manipulating, but romantic lil ol’ me likes to think maybe a choice make a difference. May be the difference between two elite Big Brother members making a friendly wager, but I don’t care because I’m not at that financial level so I stick with my role where I am. I believe that womanizing, overly blunt, lying, self-absorbed, orange-complexioned, swindling carpetbagger Donald Trump is the best man to run this country 2024-2028. Not because I don’t despise swindling arrogant carpetbagger opportunists, but because he is the best man for the job of the realistic choices given. THAT is why I will vote for him Nov 5, and that alone.
I’m fairly certain that this post will be the unpopular, but here you go anyway. (Launches grenade into the room)

All the fervent Trump haters completely miss his true and unforgivable crimes.

1) he declared a state of emergency over COVID. This not only provided heaps of money to the the states, but it gave the federal government new sweeping powers as well as to all the governors.
He opened the door to outright tyranny and a loss of civil liberties to the citizens. Lives were ruined, businesses shut down, some never opened again.

2) operation warp speed. He brought us an unproven, untested injection that has been proven to not stop the disease, but can cause death and serious harm as well.

Now let’s play devils advocate for a minute.

Say the ‘vaxx’ was indeed the ‘lifesaving miracle he claims it to be. Let’s say he saved billions of lives by rushing it to the population. He is from all accounts quite proud of this accomplishment and calls himself the “father of the vaccine”.
‘IF’ that was true, and he did save millions or billions of lives….. wouldn’t that offset some of his misdeeds? Wouldn’t the good that he did outweigh the bad??

For me however, lockdowns and the clot shot are unforgivable.
My lead singer (‘80 band is a bio chemist for Pfizer and lives in sand Diego. Pretty straight forward and dry (but witty)- humored when he’s not playing persona on stage. So for #2 I call bullshit with backup. As for #1 that is a good point butBo forget the timeline. I donrember having COVID week after a flight to Indianapolis for a bid’s 50th bday. In should get sick with my lifestyle but I just don’t. Friday afternoon and just finished a deadline and the couch pulled me in, thinking post-stress. Nested on that couch for 46!hrs. 100.5 fever from 14-30 hrs. and just needed to lay and rest. Sunday at 9 am fever had broken, residual fatigue. 12 noon I had the first glass of wine and first menthols cigarette on my patio and felt like a million dollars. The whole COVID thing imo was overhyped from my personal experience. Real? Yeah, I had it. Something to overreact the way the world did?


China made us our bitch on that one but it was a necessary study and like 9/11 unexpected we can learn to expect the unexpected though we always restore complacency over time.

China, Big Brother, Illuminati, whoever…I remember Tommy in the early stages say, “If anyone tells you this was not engineered in a lab then they’re lying.” Could be wrong but he’s a PhD in R&D for at Pfizer and this is what he does for a living. He also has taken the vaccine and boosters regularly since released, he his wife an son. I have not and am still alive against all odds. Remind me to tell you the test monkeys story 😞
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One other thing I find very interesting.

It seems almost all the democrats were against the ‘Trump shot’. Basically said no way would they take this untested vaccine.

But….. as soon as Biden got in office the narrative was flipped. The shot was now good. The shot was now safe and effective.
The shot saved lives.

They now begged, bribed, demanded and mandated the taking of this ‘Trump shot’. People were punished in various ways for refusing to take the jab.

Exact same vaccine as when Trump was in office, but now it was good.

The whole script was flipped 180 degrees . All with the change of a president and new administration.

@Seeker of Rock

I’m not here to convince you of anything. I’ve never seen a posting on a forum get anyone to change their mind.
Wish it were that easy.
I’m just stating my views :D
One other thing I find very interesting.

It seems almost all the democrats were against the ‘Trump shot’. Basically said no way would they take this untested vaccine.

But….. as soon as Biden got in office the narrative was flipped. The shot was now good. The shot was now safe and effective.
The shot saved lives.

They now begged, bribed, demanded and mandated the taking of this ‘Trump shot’. People were punished in various ways for refusing to take the jab.

Exact same vaccine as when Trump was in office, but now it was good.

The whole script was flipped 180 degrees . All with the change of a president and new administration.

Like you - I was there. In my own world. And getting my information from the same sources I always have. I know a lot of progressives and democrats. My busy job and social life keep me engaged with my community. I remember my experience of that period clearly as it was not that long ago. I don't know one single person who had an opinion about that vaccines as you described. I 100% disagree with you and think your dead wrong about that. Based on my experience.

It was in the final weeks of the Trump administration that vaccines even became available.
One other thing I find very interesting.

It seems almost all the democrats were against the ‘Trump shot’. Basically said no way would they take this untested vaccine.

But….. as soon as Biden got in office the narrative was flipped. The shot was now good. The shot was now safe and effective.
The shot saved lives.

They now begged, bribed, demanded and mandated the taking of this ‘Trump shot’. People were punished in various ways for refusing to take the jab.

Exact same vaccine as when Trump was in office, but now it was good.

The whole script was flipped 180 degrees . All with the change of a president and new administration.

Yeah, but that’s big Pharma money and above political so no surprises
You mad bro? :-)
There is no such thing as "my facts" or "your facts". There are only facts. We are both allowed to like/dislike and or have opinions. But facts are facts.
Yes, there are some biased media outlets. No, I don't agree regarding unlawful use of the judicial system in general. You are welcome to cite a specific example though.
I am Canadian, and have no affiliation with any American party, nor will I. Nor have I donated to anyone.
No, I don't believe everything I hear/see. Kind of lets me take a critical view of both sides.
And yes, I feel exactly how @PorterhouseMusic does about Trump. He is a POS (I left the TU out because he's no longer President).
Yeah, I kind of am mad. Actually, I am fucking pissed. Biden and the democrats have undermined the constitution and abused their authority to undermine the will of the people. Sorry if that seems a bit controversial to you. Seems that to you this is a typical thing for you up North to allow. I myself find that unacceptable and at best corrupt power being absolute corruption.

For starters, I live in the US. I have likely a way better understanding of how fucked up things can get with a different/change of leadership that an outsider looking in.

Does that give me a better opinion of you and your injection? Well it sure the fuck does.

You only have media to show you what you know. You do not live here and see it all in front of you. So for that, I need not to give you facts, but my perspective from living here.

Lets start simple...

Have you been to my grocery store? 25% increase in costs for eggs, milk, and don't even start with Bidens bullshit gripe on lesser size products for the same price. That has been happening long before Covid and the excuse....

I own a remodeling business. Materials have increased between 20 and 25% since the covid dubacle. The reason is likely that half of the small businesses were killed by the China made/US funded virus. I'm not even going to go there now...

The fact that now inflation due to the laughable 'Bidenomics' and the influx of possibly 11 million 'illegal' immigrants, has made it a bidding war with people that should not be allowed in this country 'without proper means'... Not racist. Just truth.

Fortunately with my 37 years of experience and ability to do what I do well, I still compete in a separate realm, but I see others that have no rights to be here making the value of trade workers less by undercutting what it takes tax paying citizens to survive.

Your facts? My facts? You have no fucking clue what my facts are because you don't live here. That is what makes you a troll to me. Your advice would mean something to me if you actually listened to those of us that grew up in, and live here in the US. As much as I respect someone with an outside view looking in, I see your posts as more of a disrespect for a country than actual thoughtful and meaningful advice or suggestion. Back to the hating...

Monday quarterback on the couch watching the wrong version of 'football'. Sorry man, but your political advice does not have much merit to me because one - you don't get it- and two, your ....I'm not even going to go there with your guy Justin... it would just be my opinion... But oh my, how about taking power over the people. And you think Trump is a dictator.

Possible Racist Rant: LOL

You people are lost in hate of something you are feeling guilty of being yourselves. A scapegoat for your own descriptions. A cheater always blames their mate of cheating to cover for themselves. Hillary denied the election results. So did....

Not worth going on because none of those I wish to hear will listen. It's a never ending ass wipe of shit with sandpaper.

Best to you all. May your ignorance be the blessing that makes my daughter the next president. LOL!
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Like you - I was there. In my own world. And getting my information from the same sources I always have. I know a lot of progressives and democrats. My busy job and social life keep me engaged with my community. I remember my experience of that period clearly as it was not that long ago. I don't know one single person who had an opinion about that vaccines as you described. I 100% disagree with you and think your dead wrong about that. Based on my experience.

It was in the final weeks of the Trump administration that vaccines even became available.
I disagree with you. So we’re even :D

Yes the shot came out in the last weeks of Trumps presidency. He wanted the credit for the miracle jab.

But it is true that the Dems were initially against the Trump shot. It was all over mainstream media .