Trump on Trial!

There is no possible good outcome of reasoning with you Dave.

You are stuck in your ways and beliefs.

I wish you the best.

By the way, it should be obvious that I recused myself as a moderator here long ago. Not even sure I should be one anymore.

I'm just an idiot...According to an idiot....
Dave is noisedude from cave days. He is a lethargic, piece of shit of a human being, and I hate to say that about ANYONE on here, but in this case it’s true. He did the same shit as ‘noisedude’ and is the same pathetic provocateur now as he was then. An online forum grunt desperate for attention and tries to stir the pot up to get it. A real pathetic loser. Believe me or not but I tell you the truth on him.
Hey dud what’s up?
See you’re up to your same pathetic online shit.
Someone said you were riding a bike recently?
If so good for you and respect for that
Dave is noisedude from cave days. He is a lethargic, piece of shit of a human being, and I hate to say that about ANYONE on here, but in this case it’s true. He did the same shit as ‘noisedude’ and is the same pathetic provocateur now as he was then. An online forum grunt desperate for attention and tries to stir the pot up to get it. A real pathetic loser. Believe me or not but I tell you the truth on him.
Sorry mate, I am me and me alone. I've never been anyone else on here, so go down another bottle of wine and wallow in your cult.
It ain't Beeze as in Beelzebubba as in Matt Lewis. He's out in Wyoming and don't hang round these parts no more. Beezie is a good shit. I had the pleasure of hanging with him in person back in '03. Solid folk.
Beeze is a good nut and so is EZ. The only two Buddhists I know from past on here withe same post style as this Budda. Did follows athenposts like the weak minded follower he is so recalls one of them. Whoever the budda stankbreath is , lol. A complete online link-posting shitstain on otherwise clean white pair of boxers
Go fuck yourself you blithering idiot. Are you calling me unintelligent? Are you? Go ahead, do it directly you judgmental scumbag! The constitution gives you the right to your opinion, but not the right to judge others. That is hate as hate is defined. You now have proven your inability to reason.

Do you not see the hate in your post? Seems you have a lot of anger. Do you not think this is a bad thing?

That proves to me that you have the utmost disrespect for this country and the rights given by the constitution because you will not listen to a different opinion. Yeah, you don't have to like it, but hate driven opinion based on your personal feelings is not what the constitution is about. Hate is something that should be reserved for actual inhumane people. Not just a political or religious belief.

Though, because of that right given to you by the constitution, you are allowed to have your opinion. As fucked up and judgmental as it is, you do have a right to feel that way. So why you gotta be so defensive and judgmental in the process? Lumping all that support Trump as idiots? Man, you topped that chart of being an idiot by that stupid statement.

But, I also have a right to call you a bigoted racist/ignorant pig as well.

But I didn't, I just proposed it. LOL

Pity this you asshole, You have now just proven what a scumbag you are yourself by placing judgment upon all that you hate. Sounds so familiar...

And also, go fuck yourself. You are a complete dick. I don't pity you, I wish you and all of your family the best. Even if you are a dick.

You have every right to be an asshole. Hell, both candidates are assholes. You should work for Trump with your opinion of him. You might fit in just fine with your arrogance and bullshit as you see it. Juxtaposed irony.

So sad...

Oh and I almost forgot. Love you brother! XXOOxxoo
Wow? Triggered much? The truth hurts buttercup. At least I can write a diatribe with a smattering of wit an erudition. I love you too. Now fuck off!
Wow? Triggered much? The truth hurts buttercup. At least I can write a diatribe with a smattering of wit an erudition. I love you too. Now fuck off!
How can you blather so much with nothing to push your jaded beliefs except for lame subjective posts that can’t even support themselves with your ‘self verification’ of their self- referencing authenticity?

Everything you have and do post is bullshit and I’m calling you out on it, trollboi.
Mark Levin said something that really got my attention...

Politically, we're already split 50/50... There's no telling how many illegals have crossed the border... We'll never know how many insurgents Biden has already flown in... And now the dems want to import Gaza to the mid-west US.

Soon, Americans won't be able to tell who the enemies are...

Except, perhaps, by their posts on social media.