Trump on Trial!

Pawns? I don't get it.
Do you think Sicknick would have died the following day had the insurrection not occurred? Babbitt?
Jan 6 was a fuck ton more than a shit show.
Why did Trump (hand on the lever) not stop it?

I think what you're not getting is no law enforcement died Jan 6. But that has not stopped Democrats from promulgating the lie that, what was it, 3 died? 4? Once called out and unable to hold to 3 died they just left it at some died as a result of the "insurrection"? It. is. a. lie. Why would they tell that lie, and if it is a lie, which it is, it's not a great leap to suspect it would better serve Democrats argument/case if it were not a lie...if you catch my drift. Pawns. Using the subsequent deaths as cannon fodder. Despicable, dishonesty.
I think what you're not getting is no law enforcement died Jan 6. But that has not stopped Democrats from promulgating the lie that, what was it, 3 died? 4? Once called out and unable to hold to 3 died they just left it at some died as a result of the "insurrection"? It. is. a. lie. Why would they tell that lie, and if it is a lie, which it is, it's not a great leap to suspect it would better serve Democrats argument/case if it were not a lie...if you catch my drift. Pawns. Using the subsequent deaths as cannon fodder. Despicable, dishonesty.
Rejected. I never said a law enforcement officer died "on that day".
But who gives a fuck about the timing? He died.
Fuck everyone that doesn't get it!

See, why you gotta talk that way, throwing out some fuck yous. You asked a question, I tried to illustrate a point to in part answer that question, a point you can take or leave....or do some research so you won't be a fool repeating shit that supports a dishonest narrative. Buddha banana would be very disappoint at your smug comfort in ignorance.

The fact is, you don't fucking get it. I don't want to use that guy's death as the Democrats have done in some political game, as a pawn, as you yourself are doing. I suspect possibly you don't know the truth, you don't want to know the truth, you just repeat the lie you have been told. In that, you are a pawn. You've been lied to, man. A lie in spite of all evidence to the contrary you still believe, and repeat so that others will believe....a lie. Why in the world would Democrats do that to you. Surely they wouldn't? Yeah, they did.

The timing means a lot.The cause of death means a lot. The truth means a lot. The truth proves the Democrats to be liars, and you in turn to be the same.
See, why you gotta talk that way, throwing out some fuck yous. You asked a question, I tried to illustrate a point to in part answer that question, a point you can take or leave....or do some research so you won't be a fool repeating shit that supports a dishonest narrative. Buddha banana would be very disappoint at your smug comfort in ignorance.

The fact is, you don't fucking get it. I don't want to use that guy's death as the Democrats have done in some political game, as a pawn, as you yourself are doing. I suspect possibly you don't know the truth, you don't want to know the truth, you just repeat the lie you have been told. In that, you are a pawn. You've been lied to, man. A lie in spite of all evidence to the contrary you still believe, and repeat so that others will believe....a lie. Why in the world would Democrats do that to you. Surely they wouldn't? Yeah, they did.

The timing means a lot.The cause of death means a lot. The truth means a lot. The truth proves the Democrats to be liars, and you in turn to be the same.
Sicknick died and you don't care.
Excuses noted.
Lack of caring noted.
Don't care.