Tomorrow - a more mainstream me

i think the second mix nails it for me.....much better balance with the vocals and between the two guitars at the beginning

I know folks love your maiden style stuff but in truth I never listened to them (or poison for that matter)...I like this, the wife just walked by and asked who was that? she impressed

I cant see why you would leave this off anything you release, this is very close to being the best you've finished here, commercial or not

like someone said earlier..its the kinda track the guy skips forward, but its his chicks fact its the only one she really likes at the gig...the rest rock too much for her

sounds all too familiar :laughings:

Ha, ha,! Yeah I know that feeling.....OK you've convinced me. But it won't be on the coming CD, 'cos that's being mastered already and I did this too late. I quite like this second mix too, although I still feel like I didn't do my new sweetheart justice. But I think that's more due to my room. Anyway, like most of us here, I don't think in terms of commercial or not, I just do what I like. Say thanx to wifey for liking it!:D
....See! I told you about the wifey-wow-factor....very important hit barometer! :D

Random question: Since we all do love our Joey more Maiden than Poison, is there a better mix of that "Holy Diver" cover you did? Do we have to wait and buy the record? I want to show some of my students a Dio cover that's better than 'Killswitch' !

I'll have to ask the guy who's mixing it to mix me a good version, Brad, 'cos it looks like they'll be choosing the 3 singer version for the official tribute. It sounds really good too.
3 singer version!!!! WT? :eek: In that case, please get me (and the clinic) the Joe only mix! :D (hopefully w/o the gtrs drowning ur vox)
Plzzzzzz :)
2nd sounds better. I think the acoustics are a bit loud in the beginning. They still sound a little uneven, but not as bad as the first one. Once the electric guitar comes in it sounds fine.
2nd sounds better. I think the acoustics are a bit loud in the beginning. They still sound a little uneven, but not as bad as the first one. Once the electric guitar comes in it sounds fine.

Thanx Squibble!
I'll let it rest for a coupla weeks now and hit it again with a fresh mind.
Great stuff Joey, it's amazing how you can slide into so many musical styles and still sound new and fresh with them.
I rigged up an old Telecaster pickup in my 12 string and it does double duty as and acoustic/electric or as an electric. The pickup is temporarily mounted into the soundhole and the crunchy overdriven rhythms of the 12 string add a cool different flavor to a track.
Well the 80's ballad stuff has already been said so I'll leave that alone.

I listened to the Sep 27th mix and all I can say is F*ck Me, tracking, performaces and the mix are all rock solid.
Very well done
This is a bad ass song dude. I love the sound of the acoustics, especially the 12 string. But man the whole song is just so well played and produced that I can't even find words for it but, WOW!

You are one hell of a singer too and that adds to all the great things that this song has to offer. Other than that I'll have to say that I'm just glad I got to hear it. You rock.

Great stuff Joey, it's amazing how you can slide into so many musical styles and still sound new and fresh with them.
I rigged up an old Telecaster pickup in my 12 string and it does double duty as and acoustic/electric or as an electric. The pickup is temporarily mounted into the soundhole and the crunchy overdriven rhythms of the 12 string add a cool different flavor to a track.

That looks real cool, Tony. I bet it comes in handy when you're playing live too. The thing is, I find that an acoustic records better when it's miced because the room factor is so important.
Thanx for the comments!:)
Well the 80's ballad stuff has already been said so I'll leave that alone.

I listened to the Sep 27th mix and all I can say is F*ck Me, tracking, performaces and the mix are all rock solid.
Very well done

Thanx BP, appreciate the comments!:)
This is a bad ass song dude. I love the sound of the acoustics, especially the 12 string. But man the whole song is just so well played and produced that I can't even find words for it but, WOW!

You are one hell of a singer too and that adds to all the great things that this song has to offer. Other than that I'll have to say that I'm just glad I got to hear it. You rock.


Thanx, bud!
In time i've learned that what you do at the source is the most important thing for a good mix, so I try to take my time and be very critical there. I still haven't learned to get a mix right on the first try though, like the professionals do. I guess we amateurs have to work with what we've got and most of the time it's not high-end.
Appreciate the comments!:)
The 12-string sounds pretty darned good! The rest of the song is just so-so...


Man, this is awesome, Joey. But that voice makes every one of your songs. Like a lot of people, I wish I had your range, control, timbre, etc. etc.
Finally got around to listening to this, sorry it took so long. :o

Sounds great!! I like the 12 string in there and how it changed your songwriting a little. Performance is awesome as always. Good melody line.

I only listened to the 2nd mix, maybe the vox could come up a hair more, at least in some places. There were times when there seemed to be too many things going on :eek: and some definition was lost. Mostly during the guitar solo with BGV's. I know it's supposed to be BIG and power ballads are like that, I just feel it got crowded. Hard to explain.

Cool man, always love your stuff!!!
The 12-string sounds pretty darned good! The rest of the song is just so-so...


Man, this is awesome, Joey. But that voice makes every one of your songs. Like a lot of people, I wish I had your range, control, timbre, etc. etc.

Thanx bro, always appreciate your comments.:)
Finally got around to listening to this, sorry it took so long. :o

Sounds great!! I like the 12 string in there and how it changed your songwriting a little. Performance is awesome as always. Good melody line.

I only listened to the 2nd mix, maybe the vox could come up a hair more, at least in some places. There were times when there seemed to be too many things going on :eek: and some definition was lost. Mostly during the guitar solo with BGV's. I know it's supposed to be BIG and power ballads are like that, I just feel it got crowded. Hard to explain.

Cool man, always love your stuff!!!

Thanx Dave!:)
Yeah in that part in the solo I've got the acoustics going too and it does sound crowded. I already took them off the choruses, so maybe i should pull them back there too.
Wow- this mix sound.s great joey. The vocals are surprisingly good- esp the layed chorus. I think you've done a really pro sounding mix here, esp with all the indtruments you've god going on at once. Man this sounds like something I would have heard on the FM in the late 80's. Excellent job dude!

Sounds really good, man. Although I don't necessarily have fond memories of playing this genre of music back in the day, I always enjoy listening to your work. Class-A stuff. Your vocals kick ass. Nice use of your newly acquired treasure, too.
Wow- this mix sound.s great joey. The vocals are surprisingly good- esp the layed chorus. I think you've done a really pro sounding mix here, esp with all the indtruments you've god going on at once. Man this sounds like something I would have heard on the FM in the late 80's. Excellent job dude!


Thanx Tom!
I've learned a lot here.;)
I don't think it's that pro, but I'm quite happy with it.
Sounds really good, man. Although I don't necessarily have fond memories of playing this genre of music back in the day, I always enjoy listening to your work. Class-A stuff. Your vocals kick ass. Nice use of your newly acquired treasure, too.

Thanx for the comments, Mick!:)
Yup, that baby spent 20 years in an attic and all it needed was some oil on the neck, new strings, a polish and a hug and it plays like a dream.;)