This is who they are. This is who we are.

I do believe in MTG’s accusation of weaponizing the judicial system at State levels but Federal DOJ is a stretch probably for most people. She’s a loose cannon for sure and the one that started the shit in House judiciary committee with Plaskett last week. I’m an independent/non-party affiliated who leans heavy toward Libertarian values I would never burn a flag or fly one upside down. Nor do I own or support flying Confederate flags. I do wear my MAGA hat with pride because I believe in the goal of making America great again. If I believed Biden Harris could do it in an other 4 years damn straight they’d have my vote and I’d wear their campaign shirt with my hat. I have a hard opinion that they cannot but let’s see after the debates are over. This is why I refuse to register with a particular party…freedom to decide as I see fit on a case by case basis.
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His point was valid just like any politician trying to relate to the youth..LLC Cool J, Britney…wherever she is (spears) by Biden. Both are trying to convince urban voters that THEY are the ones go can relate to them and/or the youth. Neither can through BS like that.!in fairness Donald was born and raised in the Bronx so he has some cred in rallying there. Bringing up to stage two rappers that none of us know on here and (myabe few in the rap crowd) and then apparently one flashing a grill that kind of froze him (that was hilariously obvious)…bad move. To both candidates and their PR teams I would say just let them be themselves. Neither can relate with an oppressed urban crowd personally so stop fronting. Reminds me of the genius satire movie Bulworth.
Trump is no saint. Watching that biography last night he did some racist things in housing when he was young and aspiring. Doesn’t mean he’s that way now, but yeah there is some racial hair in his background, undisputed.
If Elon Musk wasn’t busy owning innovations in science and was born in the U.S., I’d MUCh rather have someone like him running as an option. Political experience and seasoned politician? No, so good. Military experience? No, not absolutely necessary. Good financial leader/CEO of multiple major branches of a brand? Check. Forward thinker and innovator? Check. Why can’t we have a choice like that?
I am supporting strongly the best (IMO) most qualified candidate for the immediate task at hand. If he wins and all he’ll breaks loose, I’ll eat my words and say I was wrong. But stakes are high and the last four years (even coming off of COVID) should have been handled more effectively so I cant support more of the same.