The Walking Dead

I'm not too interested in the whole Andrea story myself, but it looks like that's it for this week. I think we meet the Governor and that whole scene. Plus, it looks like Merle is back!

I can't wait to see how he and his bro will get along now.

A little worried about Rick though...why did he have to chase down that one prisoner who ran? An why did he leave him out in the yard to (presumably) be eaten alive? That seemed a bit unnecessary. Shades of Shane there...? I hope not.
I'm not too interested in the whole Andrea story myself, but it looks like that's it for this week. I think we meet the Governor and that whole scene. Plus, it looks like Merle is back!

I can't wait to see how he and his bro will get along now.

A little worried about Rick though...why did he have to chase down that one prisoner who ran? An why did he leave him out in the yard to (presumably) be eaten alive? That seemed a bit unnecessary. Shades of Shane there...? I hope not.

Yep Merle is actually with the Governor in his little town he runs.

As for Rick...he turns into a total badass no-nonsense-or-I'll-kill-you type of guy eventually in the comics! I think this was just a shade of what's to come!
It looks like next week we will get back to the prison gang, and some of the Andrea story - they woudl have done better to keep it part/part like that, rather than the whole episode as they did last night.
I assume, at this point, that the governor and the town people don't know that everyone is infected already.
Merle's self-amputation - yuck! Tough bastard, but how did he get away from the walkers before bleeding out?
It looks like next week we will get back to the prison gang, and some of the Andrea story - they woudl have done better to keep it part/part like that, rather than the whole episode as they did last night.
I assume, at this point, that the governor and the town people don't know that everyone is infected already.
Merle's self-amputation - yuck! Tough bastard, but how did he get away from the walkers before bleeding out?

Well, the governor did tell Andrea that however people die, they come back. So I think he does know everyone is infected.

Also, question: was the helicopter from the beginning of the episode the same one Rick saw in Season 1?
Yeah, I hate to say it, but that was perhaps my least favorite episode so far. I get that these are all important long-term plot issues and new characters, but a whole episode of just that left me unsatisfied. Michonne is really annoying me already. Every scene she's in the background doing over-the-top squinting and almost snarling like some kind of skeptical, caged beast. I just thought that was cheesey and overdone. Ok, we get it...she's a tough loner...whatever.

Andrea sure is a sucker for vicious power-hungry lunatics, isn't she?

I suppose this is all to set us up for all of these characters colliding in the near future. You can bet it won't be pretty!
Yeah, I hate to say it, but that was perhaps my least favorite episode so far. I get that these are all important long-term plot issues and new characters, but a whole episode of just that left me unsatisfied. Michonne is really annoying me already. Every scene she's in the background doing over-the-top squinting and almost snarling like some kind of skeptical, caged beast. I just thought that was cheesey and overdone. Ok, we get it...she's a tough loner...whatever.

Andrea sure is a sucker for vicious power-hungry lunatics, isn't she?

I suppose this is all to set us up for all of these characters colliding in the near future. You can bet it won't be pretty!

Yeah for real...I'm surprised Andrea didn't grab him like Shane :laughings:
The series will never taken be seriously until the unaffected begin cross breeding with the zombies.

nah just kidding
Why hadn't those bodies laying outside the jail cells rotted yet? Those prison guys said they'd been held up in the prison for what, 10 months or something like that? Said the food had held out pretty well, so it must not have been too many mouths to feed...maybe just the four they found there, a few lost (killed) along the way.

Not to get too hung up on it, but stuff like that bugs me.
Why hadn't those bodies laying outside the jail cells rotted yet? Those prison guys said they'd been held up in the prison for what, 10 months or something like that? Said the food had held out pretty well, so it must not have been too many mouths to feed...maybe just the four they found there, a few lost (killed) along the way.

Not to get too hung up on it, but stuff like that bugs me.

Well...the 5 prisoners had been locked in the cafeteria for the whole 10 months, so they weren't feeding anyone but themselves. The ones that had been shot in the head supposedly happened when the prison guards began freaking out, so they had been dead for a long time. You're right though...they should have decayed more. Especially exposed to the elements like that!

Oh well still an awesome show :D
hmmm, an interesting episode, the woman (michonne is it?) is annoying me as well. I guess overall the episode wasn't that great, but it looks like next week's should be better :)
Good call on the rot factor doobie. They're in Georgia for Christ's sake. It must've been hotter than hell in that prison all Summer.

Perhaps thankfully, they really don't show much decay on that show when you think about it. All of the dead appear to be either dried up, almost mummy-like or very freshly deceased.

I wonder what, if anything, is going on up North while all this is happening? It must've been a rough winter for any survivors.

Yes, ollie, I agree. Next week looks like it'll be good!
I like Carl.

He's a young boy, who almost died, but he is demonstrating that he has the will to survive and that he is willing to do whatever it takes to survive. I want to see Carl kill a few walkers up close and personal. Mom and dad need to their shit together before mom delivers the baby. Who is the father? Who cares? I like the series, but the producers are turning it into one of those fucked up Jerry Springer "Who's The Daddy" shows.
I like Carl.

He's a young boy, who almost died, but he is demonstrating that he has the will to survive and that he is willing to do whatever it takes to survive. I want to see Carl kill a few walkers up close and personal. Mom and dad need to their shit together before mom delivers the baby. Who is the father? Who cares? I like the series, but the producers are turning it into one of those fucked up Jerry Springer "Who's The Daddy" shows.

Don't worry dude. It will all be over shortly :)

Also, I am once again fearing for my girl Beth's life, as the next episode is titled "Killer Inside".... :(
...the next episode is titled "Killer Inside".... :(


That could refer to Lori's baby (or "little Shane" as Darryl calls it), or some other unknown thing inside the prison, or..ugh, who knows?

Latching on to Beth is tough since (no offense) she does seem rather expendible, you know?

Carl has become a little mini-Rick badass.