The Walking Dead

I liked the idea of a Beth episode, but the hospital crap was just too weird. Next week doesn't look too much more promising either, seeming it will be focused on overly-dramatic Abraham, "lesbian girl", Maggie and Glenn, "other girl", and Eugene (literally the only one I like out of this group lol). Their bus could catch fire and explode and I'd be perfectly fine with that.
Well, at least in this week's episode, we were dealing with a few characters, and not just 1 or 2. The whole back story of Abraham (redhead) was totally unneeded - just to get to the point of him meeting Eugene as he was going to blow his own brains out.
Eugene - dumbass perv - took long enough for everyone to find that out. Sabotages the bus fuel system (badly), and his supposed reasoning to want to get to Washington made no sense anyway. Hope his skull got broken. Still can't figure out why Glen and Maggie went with those guys.
Yeah, I don't get why Glen and Maggie split off into the DC group. But I do like what this week's revelation does to the rest of the season. A little uncertainty, a change of plans...better than watching them spend all season on a farm or in a prison!

I kinda like the Eugene character, or at least the actor playing him. He does the probably-autistic-savant pretty well. And every show needs at least one mullet...just for the joke potential! I got a chuckle out of "...or is it where you get your power?"

Looking forward to the Daryl/Carol episode next week to see what led to them getting split up and Carol landing in the hospital.
I suspected that about Eugene all along. I'm about ready for the dumb ginger army guy to just off himself.

Not a great episode, but there have been much worse. I'd like to see Maggie and that Spanish girl do some lez. That'd be cool.
yeah I guessed the Genius was fake too, the redhead was pretty bizarre I thought he was going to go psycho and head into the sesspool of 10,000 zombies.... he played the bull headed obstinate very well, imo.

the story line, they go back or go forward?

hell the zombies were on a farm! get to the combine tractor and drive grinding them! you could do a few acres a day of zombies.
Finally saw the episode and yeah, it was pretty entertaining. LOL @ Eugene the perv. Plenty of funny moments, and I liked that they traveled around a bit and we saw some new scenery.

Uh, they are just determined to never leave Georgia though, huh? Odd that they would somehow assume after 2 years of shit luck that Georgia is the only/safest place to be? They could have walked to California and back by now.
tonight seemed to have 45 minutes of commercials and about 15 minutes of show and about 5 minutes of new material, the rest all flashbacks....ok maybe 10 minutes of new material..

i dont blame them the commercial time $$$$$ is probably huge. it ruins the watching experience though.
There's literally the same number of commercials as any other show lol. People just complain about it because the show seems to go by faster bc they're more into it!
probably right, I got into this series through Netflix and binge, it was intense.
now im forced to suffer commercials to watch the new ones. (another spoilt fan thanks to netflix!! without commercials).
yeah im into it, i look forward to Sunday night for the WDead.
That's what DVRs are for! I cruise through an episode in about 40 minutes or less. By this point in any series, I don't even bother with the opening credits or the "previously on...". Gimme the cold open and then I zoom to the first scene.

This week wasn't bad. I like the Daryl character so much that I'll put up with just about any storyline that involves him. And since we had a sneak peek of Carol ending up at the hospital a couple of weeks ago, I was really curious about how she got there. I like the Noah character even though he's kind of a pansy so far.
my daughter and me noticed more flashbacks, which I wondered "is this filler?"
If you think from a cost-cutting view, its already filmed, they can cut costs by filling on old reels of stuff and save $$$ shooting costs...while the Advertisment income skyrockets most likely....XBOX$$$$$$...Grand Theft Auto$$$$$$$

i need to stop complaining, and picking it apart, it is what it is and its about the only show that gets me to watch commercial/tv anymore. (the Netflix will offer a uninterrupted series= 5 Stars , and will look into DVR today.)
This week wasn't bad, but again I felt like they stretched into an hour what easily could have taken a half hour.

More like 10 minutes of decent viewing and 50 minutes of yawn. This newest episode was total filler. It was a nice change of scenery, but it kept the same snail's pace.

I don't think I'm watching the same show as everyone else. People rant and rave about this show and it's characters, and I find it to be slow and way too drawn out and the characters are laughable.

The writing is poo at this point. It's like the writers are reverse engineering this thing. Okay, we have a beginning, we have an ending, we hooked a fanbase that will eat anything we feed them, now let's fill everything in between to stretch it out and take up as much space as possible.
The Carol flashbacks did absolutely nothing for the episode. Just too much 'nothing going on' again. The guy they were following at the start notices the zombies going for their car before he drives off - he must have known there were live people there, but did nothing?
NOw we know that it's Noah that Daryl brought back to the church (hint we saw a few weeks ago). After next week only 1 more new episode until 2015 some time.... Good, get my Sunday nights back.
Good episode, could have been better. Too much character development. Enough of the flash backs already. Carol and Daryl can go to therapy after the zombie apocalypse.

And what was that song they kept playing in that Grand Theft auto commercial? Kind of catchy, Lets go all the way? who sang it?
I've still never watched an episode of this program. I've managed to keep the wife away from it as well despite Andrew Lincoln being in it and her obsession with the man. :laughings:

And what was that song they kept playing in that Grand Theft auto commercial? Kind of catchy, Lets go all the way? who sang it?

Sly Fox - Let's Go All The Way 1985
I liked the episode, but it certainly wasn't great.

Plot wise, it was basically just, carol and Darryl drive from the church to the hospital.

I know they're trying to be more like lost this season with the flashbacks and stuff, and to be fair, all of the flashbacks were new content filling in gaps we missed the first time around. But really, were we all dying to know the answers to questions like,

Did carol clean off her face following the arrack on terminus?

Where did carol spend the night after Rick sent her packing?


The difference with lost was that the flashbacks were shocking and often revealed strange, new things about the characters that raised even more questions. This didn't really reveal much of anything about carol that we didn't already know.