The New Tone Thread

Wow, nice pics boob! Yeah that first one is pro.

Minerman, how does the LP react with the Tweaker? Is it crazy bright through that amp too?
Bob: Cool pics man, very nice!!!!! On the orange drop thing, that actually surprised me since my LP is a lower-end/priced guitar from Gibson....

Greg: Only with the Marshall dude, if I have time today, I'm gonna do some digging, but don't know if I'll get around to it or not....
Sorta Greg, but not as extreme as with the LP.....

I'm outta time guys, big day for me, out the door in just a few minutes....I'll check back in sometime this evening.....
I meant to show yall this but forgot....

One of the bands I play with has a practice space they share with a few other bands. There's shit all over the place. None of it good. This is one of the items I saw laying around.....

I'm not sure what it is, but I've been told it's a Big Muff. In a fucking bread pan. With a scrap carboard bottom. Held together with masking tape. I guess it's a Big MUFFIN now? Haha. No.
Wow Greg, that looks like something I'd try to slap together to save a few bucks...:laughings:

The overly-bright thing has been on my mind since yesterday, so I decided to slap some new strings on the LP, & start taking things out of the chain to see if I've got a bad cable, pedal or whatever....guess what, the LP straight into the Marshall, it's about normal now, I think I'm gonna have to un-mod my SD-1, without the pedal, it's not overly bright like it was last night...I really don't think a new set of strings would make that much of a difference myself, but, they might've played a part in it too (I don't know what kind of strings were on it from the factory, but I put a set of Elixr 9's on it....they last a lot longer for me, & have a pretty decent tone with my other guitars, so....)

LP > DSL-1 > V30 > C1

1w mode
Tone Shift:Off
Red channel: Vol: 7, Gain: 3
Green channel: Vol: 7, Gain: 10

Another thing I'm loving about the new LP is changing the strings only took a few minutes, where the Ibanez with the locking trem would take a lot longer....Simple, the way it should be, while I'm not gonna get rid of the Ibanez or Strat, the Les Paul is slowly becoming "the" guitar for me....

Here's a clip with the exact same settings on the amp, but with the SD-1...

Drive: 1-2

I'm kinda stumped honestly, I did the sweep on the knob thing again today, & while it definitely makes a difference, it doesn't make it harsh/overly bright like last night....Dunno....Later tonight, I'm gonna do some more experimenting, with the tubes in the DSL-1....I know these clips are pretty bright, but, again, it's not like it was yesterday...Lemme know what you guys think....

And, while it was a really hard day for all of us, we made it through, & we're all gonna be ok....
Yes, that straight in track is what I expect it to sound like and frankly sounds way better to me. I think it sounds natural and organic. It breathes and has depth. The SD-1 track has a lot of added brightness in it. Are you using a battery in the pedal? If so, is it fresh? A string change should brighten things up more, but your all-natural clip doesn't sound too bright to me. It sounds good. Your crazy brightness must be coming from the signal chain somewhere before it gets to the amp.
I meant to show yall this but forgot....

One of the bands I play with has a practice space they share with a few other bands. There's shit all over the place. None of it good. This is one of the items I saw laying around.....

I'm not sure what it is, but I've been told it's a Big Muff. In a fucking bread pan. With a scrap carboard bottom. Held together with masking tape. I guess it's a Big MUFFIN now? Haha. No.
doesn't look like one to me .... early E.H. stuff was always in a case with sharp corners ..... not rounded like that .............. at least until the last few years when you started seeing them in the same type enclosures as everyone else.
Knobs aren't right either.

I dunno what that is ..... a Dallas Arbiter thingie maybe?
doesn't look like one to me .... early E.H. stuff was always in a case with sharp corners ..... not rounded like that .............. at least until the last few years when you started seeing them in the same type enclosures as everyone else.
Knobs aren't right either.

I dunno what that is ..... a Dallas Arbiter thingie maybe?

No, it's supposed to be a homemade Big Muff, or maybe Big Muff a bread pan, held together with tape. :laughings:

That really is a small baking pan. Like for banana bread or something :laughings:
Yes, that straight in track is what I expect it to sound like and frankly sounds way better to me. I think it sounds natural and organic. It breathes and has depth. The SD-1 track has a lot of added brightness in it. Are you using a battery in the pedal? If so, is it fresh? A string change should brighten things up more, but your all-natural clip doesn't sound too bright to me. It sounds good. Your crazy brightness must be coming from the signal chain somewhere before it gets to the amp.
Thanks dude, I can always count on the Gerg to tell me the truth, no matter what (even if my tones suck schwetty balls like they used to, before these guys took me under their wings & set me on the straight path to the tones I'd been after forever....:D)...Yep, I'm using a good/hot/fresh battery in the SD-1, but again, I modded it awhile back (clipped the C6 cap....basically a high pass filter), but guess I'm gonna have to heat up the soldering iron & put it back to stock....I like using it for a boost, but, damn that harshness...

I've got to head out the door for a while again,but I'll be back later tonight, not working tomorrow either, so I'll be around until Tuesday....
:D That's exactly what I mean dude, you'll tell me what you think, reguardless....That's why IMO, my guitar tones have improved over the last few months, you've pushed me to improve, & that's exactly what I needed...

I've got a friend/buddy over at the Marshall forum, who's about to jump into recording....I've already mentioned & linked this thread to him, I hope he joins over here & starts posting stuff...He's got a hand-wired, 18w hot-rodded head (that he had built by another guy, then it turned out it was a complete trainwreck, so he re-built the whole thing himself), 1x12 cab & LP right now...He's looking at interfaces & a mic or two, so if he comes over here, he'll be a complete newbie, but I told him this thread would help him along on his quest....We'll see if he comes this way or not, but I do know the recording bug has bitten him....
:D That's exactly what I mean dude, you'll tell me what you think, reguardless....That's why IMO, my guitar tones have improved over the last few months, you've pushed me to improve, & that's exactly what I needed...

I've got a friend/buddy over at the Marshall forum, who's about to jump into recording....I've already mentioned & linked this thread to him, I hope he joins over here & starts posting stuff...He's got a hand-wired, 18w hot-rodded head (that he had built by another guy, then it turned out it was a complete trainwreck, so he re-built the whole thing himself), 1x12 cab & LP right now...He's looking at interfaces & a mic or two, so if he comes over here, he'll be a complete newbie, but I told him this thread would help him along on his quest....We'll see if he comes this way or not, but I do know the recording bug has bitten him....

Yes, get him over here.
This is a little "mixed" for The New Tone Thread--but I'm checking out three new tones. Picked up a couple small Carvin amps on sale late last year, and one of those Pico 2/5 watt heads. I've been so swamped I haven't even checked 'em out--until tonight. The rhythms are a Strat through a Carvin Vintage 16 (same settings on L & R, just different pickups), the lead is the same Strat through the Pico into a Valve Jr. cab, and the bass is through the new Carvin BX Micro Bass. No pedals or fx added in the DAW, just a bunch of lo-fi 70's sounding guitars through a '57.

My initial impressions: too much "soak" on the Vintage 16; it would be better cleaner (I had the "soak" fairly cranked). The Pico sounds too small. Gotta play with the controls and mic placement. The winner of the bunch is the Micro Bass--sounds great in the room and was real easy to record (again, with just a 57).

Your thoughts?
This is a little "mixed" for The New Tone Thread-
Not at all dude, to me anyway, I love hearing the tones here in a mix know, getting "that" tone is one thing, but hearing it where it really counts (in a mix) is another....Dunno 'bout the rest of the bunch here, but again, a mix is fine with me, & is actually a nice change of pace...

The rhythms are a Strat through a Carvin Vintage 16 (same settings on L & R, just different pickups), the lead is the same Strat through the Pico into a Valve Jr. cab, and the bass is through the new Carvin BX Micro Bass. No pedals or fx added in the DAW, just a bunch of lo-fi 70's sounding guitars through a '57.

My initial impressions: too much "soak" on the Vintage 16; it would be better cleaner (I had the "soak" fairly cranked). The Pico sounds too small. Gotta play with the controls and mic placement. The winner of the bunch is the Micro Bass--sounds great in the room and was real easy to record (again, with just a 57).

Your thoughts?

Well, if you're going for a vintage sound, I think you're off to a very good start WS, the lead could be a little fatter/thicker, mic placement & dialing the amp in a little more could help, but overall, this is pretty nice IMO...

Real drums???

Again, pretty nice tones here, a little more laid-back style-wise than what I'd go for, but really nice....I'm gonna have to google that Carvin amp you used....I almost bought a PicoValve a year or so ago, but backed out & got a Blackstar HT-5 (which is long gone now)...Cool stuff WS...
OK guys, things are settling down for me a little, so I finally got around to mounting the other mic boom/stand in my ISO cab....(I've also got your 8ohm V30 packed & ready to ship Greg, check you pm's....)....

Here's 3 clips of the same performance/playing, recorded both mics at the same time....I don't hear any phase issues myself, but, could me missing 'em...As usual, there's a little room 'verb on these tracks, I'd been putting the reverb on the individual tracks, but this time, I'm trying 'em as a send, so it'll save CPU if I ever get around to finishing a song.....

LP > DSL-1 > Greenback >'57 & C1

1w mode
Treble: 5
Deep: On
Tone Shift: Off
Red channel
Gain: 2
Volume: 9

I've noticed already the Greenback's mids are way more prominent than the V30 overall, & it doesn't have as much high-end either....I'd gotten used to the V30 with the LP & DSL-1, so it's gonna take some time to dial things in...I've got the '57 on the usual cap meets the cone thing, but the C1 is way more toward the edge of the speaker, & I think I need to move it even further/turn the mic more toward the edge for some more bottom/low end....And, I need to play around with the levels of the individual tracks too....

I don't like the GB any better or less than the V30, they're just very different speakers....Lemme know what you guys think....



'57 & C1 blended:
Here's another couple of clips with the 2-mic thing...yep, today, I'm a toan posting fool......:D

LP > SD-1 > DSL-1 >GB > '57 & C1

Level: 10
Tone: 3-4
Drive: 3-4

1w mode
Green channel
Gain: 10
Vol: 8
Bass: 10
Mid: 4
Treble: 6-7
Deep: On
Tone Shift: Off

This one's a little too bright/scratchy sounding, probably the SD-1, but, it'd probably be passable in a mix with some high end rolled off with an eq...

This one's a little different, I used the 2-mic thing, but with 2 seperate performances....The left side is the green channel, with the same settings as above...The right side is the red channel, without the boost.....

Red channel:
Gain: 4
Volume: 8-9
1w mode
Bass: 10
Mid: 3
Treble: 5
Deep: On
Tone shift: Off

There's quite a bit of 'verb added in the daw, trying to re-create the sound of the guitars from the album (only from memory though, I didn't listen to the song, & I'm probably way off, but still, I think it sounds pretty good...)...Neal Schon is a great player IMHO, & this is one of my favorite songs from years ago....I really didn't spend much time on this one to be honest, just plug-n-play, probably took longer messing with the panning & reverb than it did dialing the tone in...:D

This is a little "mixed" for The New Tone Thread--but I'm checking out three new tones. Picked up a couple small Carvin amps on sale late last year, and one of those Pico 2/5 watt heads. I've been so swamped I haven't even checked 'em out--until tonight. The rhythms are a Strat through a Carvin Vintage 16 (same settings on L & R, just different pickups), the lead is the same Strat through the Pico into a Valve Jr. cab, and the bass is through the new Carvin BX Micro Bass. No pedals or fx added in the DAW, just a bunch of lo-fi 70's sounding guitars through a '57.

My initial impressions: too much "soak" on the Vintage 16; it would be better cleaner (I had the "soak" fairly cranked). The Pico sounds too small. Gotta play with the controls and mic placement. The winner of the bunch is the Micro Bass--sounds great in the room and was real easy to record (again, with just a 57).

Your thoughts?

I like the rhythm sounds, but not really for that song. They're pretty crunchy, which I think would be great in a more rockin song, but i agree a little cleaner would be better for this. The lead is a little boxy, but I really like it. I think it sounds cool. Lt Bob has a Pico as well and I liked his clips with it.
OK guys, things are settling down for me a little, so I finally got around to mounting the other mic boom/stand in my ISO cab....(I've also got your 8ohm V30 packed & ready to ship Greg, check you pm's....)....

Here's 3 clips of the same performance/playing, recorded both mics at the same time....I don't hear any phase issues myself, but, could me missing 'em...As usual, there's a little room 'verb on these tracks, I'd been putting the reverb on the individual tracks, but this time, I'm trying 'em as a send, so it'll save CPU if I ever get around to finishing a song.....

LP > DSL-1 > Greenback >'57 & C1

1w mode
Treble: 5
Deep: On
Tone Shift: Off
Red channel
Gain: 2
Volume: 9

I've noticed already the Greenback's mids are way more prominent than the V30 overall, & it doesn't have as much high-end either....I'd gotten used to the V30 with the LP & DSL-1, so it's gonna take some time to dial things in...I've got the '57 on the usual cap meets the cone thing, but the C1 is way more toward the edge of the speaker, & I think I need to move it even further/turn the mic more toward the edge for some more bottom/low end....And, I need to play around with the levels of the individual tracks too....

I don't like the GB any better or less than the V30, they're just very different speakers....Lemme know what you guys think....



'57 & C1 blended:

They all sound good to me, and I think you've done a really nice job with the blend. I'm not hearing any phase problems. The question to me is, is it worth it? I think for these clips, the answer is no. The 57 sounded great by itself. So did the C1. I think you could get the same result by just moving the 57 a little further off center or moving the C1 in some. The middle of the speaker will give you some bite and some bigness without having to worry about phase problems. I think, just my opinion, you should try using the 57 like normal and the condenser farther away and blending it in very gently. Or use the condenser on the back of the speaker, flipping the phase, and blending that in very gently.