The End of Guitar Center - America and the Big Corporate Empire,.. good article......

jingoistic dumb hick here.

It was a slap at Europe. See had I said something like "Woo is us, poor dumb hick Yanks, If we only hadn't have had that little disagreement back in 1776, well we too could be shitting on a shelf and washing it off when we flush, we too could be paying 4 out of every 5 quid to the crown and loving it, we too could go all hooligan at a soccer (I mean football) match on the continent and be back to our place of unemployment on Monday, etc."

But I didn't. I said what I lived though and taken as a whole I chose to live elsewhere other than the land of enchantment. ;) Which they took that as an insult.

I see, so you did have it coming. Carry on then.
This american thinks some parts of europe would be a nice place to live. Like maybe Holland, Belgium, Switzerland. Places like that. White people, less crime, history, beautiful scenery. Seems nice.
You're right, I shouldn't be surprised. You always lose your shit when you think someone has slighted mother europe. That's what I'm most lol'ing at. I don't understand why you let your hatred of america make you so crazy! :D

I love America. Spent six months there. Parts of it were really cool. Parts of it were shite. Many of the good bits were outside the US but Texas was OK so you're good...;)
This american thinks some parts of europe would be a nice place to live. Like maybe Holland, Belgium, Switzerland. Places like that. White people, less crime, history, beautiful scenery. Seems nice.

I agree (except for the white thing). But its too expensive for my cheap ass. Its like trying to live inside Epcot center, where even the streets of Mexico are clean, safe and expensive. :D
WTF happened to Guitar Center. One minute I was bitching about Taxes and my days in Germany, the next I'm going all Dolly Madison and trying to take down General Washington's portrait and hide it before the redcoats burn us out.. :D
This american thinks some parts of europe would be a nice place to live. Like maybe Holland, Belgium, Switzerland. Places like that. White people, less crime, history, beautiful scenery. Seems nice.

Forget the white people thing... We have as varied a racial mix as pretty much anywhere in the US unless you head to the out of town but thats prolly the same where you are.. For scenery forget Holland and Belgium they are great for History and less crime. For all of them including the white thing although I don't know why thats important to you, head to Switzerland but you wouldn't like the weather in any of them...;)
WTF happened to Guitar Center. One minute I was bitching about Taxes and my days in Germany, the next I'm going all Dolly Madison and trying to take down General Washington's portrait and hide it before the redcoats burn us out.. :D

Don't worry, the worst they can do is give you a stern talking to and maybe slap you with a white glove. No big deal.
I assume you saw that Radio Shack filed Chapter 11?

They so lost there way. When I was kid, that was the place to buy real electronics, like capacitors, and kits. then they decided to make sure kids didn't burn themselves on soldering irons and the next thing you know, millions of Chinese kids are burning themselves on soldering irons and our kids are growing up like the Eloi with no clue about anything useful.
Don't worry, the worst they can do is give you a stern talking to and maybe slap you with a white glove. No big deal.

I doubt if we were face to face, I would have been called a twat, but that's ok. If I actually respected their opinion I would be mad.. :D
I assume you saw that Radio Shack filed Chapter 11?

They so lost there way. When I was kid, that was the place to buy real electronics, like capacitors, and kits. then they decided to make sure kids didn't burn themselves on soldering irons and the next thing you know, millions of Chinese kids are burning themselves on soldering irons and our kids are growing up like the Eloi with no clue about anything useful.

Yeh... That would be the reason....:facepalm:
I doubt if we were face to face, I would have been called a twat, but that's ok. If I actually respected their opinion I would be mad.. :D

You would if you said what you did in person. But little internet warriors tend not to do that do they...:laughings:

---------- Update ----------

See what I mean gerg... He's stuck in full on Dumb hick mode now.... Too easy...:thumbs up:
Oh damn, so I KNOW a few million pale pasty eurosexuals would probably look pretty good right now, huh?

I once explained to a German, that they have pick-pocket-ee type crimes there. In the US ,they just shoot you and pick though your wallet at leisure. ;)

One Habit I still have is that I still carry my wallet in my front pocket. (never had it stolen yet, but then we now have Conceal Carry in Illinois too.. ;) )
Forget the white people thing... We have as varied a racial mix as pretty much anywhere in the US unless you head to the out of town but thats prolly the same where you are.. For scenery forget Holland and Belgium they are great for History and less crime. For all of them including the white thing although I don't know why thats important to you, head to Switzerland but you wouldn't like the weather in any of them...;)

Where can I find warm weather and white people?
Where can I find warm weather and white people?

In Europe Italy or Spain. Both nice countries but not good economically right now. Greece is another good option but temporarily fucked thanks to sub prime. Croatia is hot and pretty much ethnically cleansed these days..

---------- Update ----------

Anyhoo I got to go walk the dog and it's my turn to pick up the kids. And it's snowing here...

Play nice...:)