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I don't find this stuff in the least bit offensive . . . to me, personally. Hell, if it were up to me, we'd have naked people running around everywhere.

But I understand and respect that there are others who don't wish to be subject to this stuff.

To those people, I think an apology would be in order.
DJL said:
I sure hope this thread doesn't get shut down becasue some child's parent gets mad about it.
I'm sure they will be burning computers outside churches in protest. :rolleyes:
chessrock said:
I don't find this stuff in the least bit offensive . . . to me, personally. Hell, if it were up to me, we'd have naked people running around everywhere.

But I understand and respect that there are others who don't wish to be subject to this stuff.

To those people, I think an apology would be in order.
They were warned in advance it might be offensive, but went there anyway (human nature) - no apology is needed.
protein said:
I'm sure they will be burning computers outside churches in protest. :rolleyes:
Even an atheist parent may get upset. Also... Note: There is no 18 yrs or older disclaimer... this could be real trouble for
DJL said:
Even an atheist parent may get upset. Also... Note: There is no 18 yrs or older disclaimer... this could be real trouble for
Oh, I didn't know you had to be 18 to go to the Cave. Or maybe there's a way parents can lock their kids out of there, but still read the other fora?
chessrock said:
I don't find this stuff in the least bit offensive . . . to me, personally. Hell, if it were up to me, we'd have naked people running around everywhere.

But I understand and respect that there are others who don't wish to be subject to this stuff.

To those people, I think an apology would be in order.

Actually, if you read my post on the first page, I did apologize to anyone who might be offended by it, but also stated I did not post it, or even know of its existance until it was posted, so hopefully, those who were offended got my apology.
Crazydoc - believe me, I am thankful to my ancestors for many things! Britain is really 'alternative' on the world stage by comparison to 'mainstream' America!!

This debate is so over. Kenny - love to you, brother, and I hope you don't decide to leave. I went away from here for ages but I haven't scouted out anywhere you can get help so quickly as here. Chill out, and take the apologies offered. It's really no biggy, your momentary click on that page did not increase the exploitation arguably taking place there - as long as you clicked no banner ads or whip your credit card out then your conscience is clear. And if it ain't, then you guys are reading different Bibles to us over here ...
Okay, Okay I'm off the ledge, let's move on. I'm not that obtuse or blind. I said I was disgusted... I am.. I went there by mistake...Won't happen again.... My thoughts and beliefs don't belong here...neither does porn.... Sorry for wasting everyones time
Kenny, I'm glad you've decided to stay. :) Hopefully this forum can get back on track. The place sort of reminds me of Lord of the Flies.
crazydoc said:
Kenny, I'm glad you've decided to stay. :) Hopefully this forum can get back on track. The place sort of reminds me of Lord of the Flies.

Don't I know it....I am surrounded by shit!!!!!!
I can not, for the life of me, understand why those of you that were warned of the content, go there anyway, then come back here and bitch up one side and down the other. :confused: :mad:

Did you not see the warning?
Yet you chose to go there anyway?
You've no one but yourself to blame.

Nice post NP.
I liked it!
Where cen we get the audio? :p
thats actually the picture that finally made me give into buying the C1. I was skeptical until i saw that...

Kenny - you're then man. It's not that your full personality, beliefs and all, aren't welcome ... it's just that everyone else's is welcome too! My neighbours have cannabis plants in their windows, I don't feel good about that but I can't stop it either.

Wasn't there an old saying (Frances of Assisi?) about having the strength to change what you can and the wisdom to know the difference? Well done for standing up for your convictions either way.
Great pics. :)

People that get bent out of shape over porn amuse me. I always wonder what they wank to... Victoria's Secret ads or something? Now that is lame.
I sincerely apolgize that these pictures got out and offended someone. I dont know how they got out, but I bet my buddy did it. I regularly partake of such activitied at the studio and at home, and I, for one, happen to LOVE watching two chicks go at it immediatly followed by going at it myself with the two chicks. I am quite thankful that my naked ass is not also included in those pictures, I would be quite embarrassed.

And to those of you that dont like seeing two chicks make out... whats wrong with ya?
Just joking brothers, if you dont like, then you;re weird, but thats ok... LOL
I guess nudity is a terrible, guilt-ridden, shameful affair for some people. I'm glad I don't have to avert my eyes and say a little prayer when I see my partner naked.