Studio Projects And Its Entry To 8 Channels

If those really were comparable...well that'd just be scary to think that someone could think he could get away with something like that.

I still have issue with the comparison DJL made and the way he said it, in any case, but ah well...I'm not going to contribute anymore since I've got nothing left to contribute (besides assurances that the PRA-8 is a piece of shit...)
There's not that many of them, DJL. I think there's only two companies making these kinds of instrument amps, and there are about 3 different models that you can build a mic pre around.

Lets' see . . there's the Texas Instruments INA217 and INA163, the latter of which has the better reputation of the two. Then there's the Analog Devices SSM-2019 (which is ineterchangeable with the INA217, I believe). I think that's about it. 3 total.
Has anyone seen any reviews of the Nady unit.......preferably "real world" user reviews rather than something from a magazine.

chessrock said:
There's not that many of them, DJL. I think there's only two companies making these kinds of instrument amps, and there are about 3 different models that you can build a mic pre around.

Lets' see . . there's the Texas Instruments INA217 and INA163, the latter of which has the better reputation of the two. Then there's the Analog Devices SSM-2019 (which is ineterchangeable with the INA217, I believe). I think that's about it. 3 total.
Hey thanks chessrock, that's good info to know... thanks. :)
I don't suppose anyone has any "actual" information about this unit other than innuendo or speculation?

I would have liked to have ADAT lightpipe on this unit but Allan didn't ask me.
Perhaps I should have clarified. When you make statements regarding what is in the signal path, chips etc. does anyone have anything other than speculation?
From the link I just gave you: The new Studio Projects 828 is an 8 Channel mic preamp incorporating the latest rev of Burr Brown IC's.
Hey freshmattyp, if there's more to know, I want to know about it... what do you have?
DJL said:
Hey freshmattyp, if there's more to know, I want to know about it... what do you have?

I have about as much as you; that is to say nothing. I'll be looking at this unit pretty seriously when it hits the street.
Poni said:

Are you tring to be an idoit or are you just naturally stupid.

A little of both, according to my wife. :D

If you're going to try to insult me, please at least spell idiot correctly and use the proper punctuation. The devil is in the details.
chessrock said:
I think I like this Poni guy. He's getting on my good side already.

He's off to a fine start. I expect we'll be seeing his brilliant commentary in the mic forum soon.