studio amps & monitors

While your on the subject

I was also wanting to get some of these YSM-1s.

I have a Mackie 1202VLS mixer.

Do I need to purchase a amp for the speakers like
H2H or does the circuits in the mixer do that?

yes you will need an amp

anytime you buy passive speakers you will need to buy an amp, you may get lucky and get a good deal on a used high end amp, i have a phase linear 400, a macintosh, and an acoustech 3, all of them together only costed about 140 bucks. the phase linear 400 was purchased for 20 bucks at a garage sale. the dude bought a dolby digital system and put this in his closet several years ago.

i guess it helps living in the richest community in the us, these pigs throw away new appliances as soon as the new colors come into fashon. the mac and acoustec was the same way. i actually found a 56" big screen by the garage of one of the houses that had a sign that said free to good home. my wife is watching it now. the scatch on the side isnt noticable with a rubber plant next to it.

wow did i ever get off the subject... keep looking one will turn up.

Could you keep your eyes out for me a big screen TV? Also, if you see any Dodge quad-cab Cummins turbo diesel trucks being thrown away, give me a call. :D


p.s. where is this at that you live???
i live in overland park kansas, the community that i speak of is a town called leawood east of me about two miles, where sprint world headquarters is. hense i work as an engineer for thier pcs division.

normally i wouldnt disclose this info for fear that someone will come here and get all that swag before me.

but my backyard ifs full so iguees its ok.

p.s. did i tell you about the cool hotub i got.:cool:
i have read and heard with my own ears as to why those yamaha speakers are "industry standard". basically they sound like crap and if you can get a good mix out of those it will translate. i dont have those speakers. however the studio i was going to had a pair in front of the board and a pair in the mastering facility. they also had the ns-40 model. thats the one with 2 white woofers.

in my home studio i use an alesis ra 100, a peavy pv 500wt and 250wt kenwood receiver. i use the ra 100 to power spirit absolute zero's. i use the pv 500 to power two peavy sp5g 12's. i use the kenwood to power jbl monitor 1's and jbl 4312b control monitors.

speaker placement will also make or break your sound. much debate has taken place as to lay the monitors on the side with tweeters out or to keep them upright. hell i saw a pic of one persons studio were the monitors were UPSIDE DOWN!!!

for earphones i use sony 7560's.

your gettin a vs machine? GET A PRE AMP! many people get a small mackie to run the mics into and then go to the vs. some use an art tube. a GOOD pre amp that received GREAT reviews is the PRESONUS BLUE TUBE. $199 and some people are changing the tubes. try it out. i own a vs recorder. i use c1000's and sm58's. i can turn the vs machine on. turn the line/mic all the way to the right and pick up RADIO SIGNALS. my mics sound clean without the external pre amps. a treated room,popper and mic placement techniques go a long way. my mics sound BETTER when ran through an external pre amp. so you can do without it but if your use to hearing a certain "sound" get an external pre amp.

just my opinion


ps since your getting the roland vs maybe you should check into the digital monitors they have.

Thanks for the input.

I already ordered a set of the Yamaha's

I actually had my eye on the Presonus pre. The preamp is my only missing link now to start doing a little recording

They shipped my 2480 yesterday, it's supposed to be here Friday at the latest.

the preamp is not really a missing link. The pres on the 2480 do a good job. Its just that a $1000 outboard preamp will sound better. I don't think the budget pres are any better though.

I saw a demo of the 1880 and I was impressed. My pal also has it. I am sure that the 2480 will be even more impressive.

So how soon after you get it will we be able to hear a demo of your work.

Unless you've worked in recording before, the first demo will be subpar. Don't worry about it. You will just be learning your monitors and EVERYTHING else.

the big problem I had at first was too much reverb. Now my big problem is too little reverb.


As always, thank you for your insights.

I'm not sure about the first demo. I hear there is a fairly substantial learning curve on the machine. I'm not sure how long I will have to work with it to actually be ready to lay down tracks. My brother/songwriting partner lives in Dallas. I'll travel there to get some guitar work and vocals. My drummer, who is an awesome drummer, lives 2 hours on the other side of me.

It may be a while before I get something that is ready to be posted. And, I have no doubt that I will be churning out some subpar work. I'm just glad I have this forum to get some experienced ears to help me correct my mistakes.


P.S. I sent the U of A an e-mail enquiring about a voice class this summer.

The 2480 arrived today. The manuals are incomprehensible. I have a long long long long long way to go. :eek: :D


For whats it's worth, I'm pretty sure I just read (in either Keyboard or Electronic Musician) that Yamaha will no longer build NS10's.

I read so many mags and tech manuals I can't keep track - Maybe just wishful thinking (not really a fan).

Something about the material used for the cones is no longer available.
Ignore my previous post I saw the topic and didn't read enough posts to realize that the death of NS10's had already been discussed.

I heard from the people I ordered my NS10m's from. They had a flood in there basement and ruined 12 sets of the Yamaha's. They sent my money back. They're supposed to have a shipment of them in July but they're not sure if they will be able to get them since Yamaha discontinued them.

Back to square one.

Plus, I bought an amp to go with the Yamaha's, so I'm limited to passives unless I sell the amp.

I'm kind of interested in the JBL LSR25p's now. They are highly recommended by sjoco2. When someone with his experience speaks, I listen. You can get a set of them with stands, a $160 value, at Mars for $600.

I don't have the luxury of auditioning monitors where I live, so I'm handicapped in not being able to hear them first.:(

hey i was in the same boat

i had tried every avenue and to no avail have found any ns 10 monitors. but its a good thing i waited because i found alesis monitor ones for 160bucks a pair.(they are also not making them anymore for some reason,ha ha). but you may also like these i got mine at musicians friend.:D
Yeeeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw

I found a set of NS10's on RAP for $200. They are bought and paid for and should ship to me soon.

The monitors are my only missing link. (equipment-wise) I will get a nice outboard preamp and compressor eventually, but it will be in the distant future. I'll have to save up some duckies.

I can't believe I found these monitors. The price for a used set has gone up substantially. They are supposed to be like new, and only used at low volume. :)

Now I need a decent acoustic environment to record in. I have a line on an old house that I can convert.

You have a new avitar everytime I see one of your posts.

Good job on those monitors ,You would thank that picasso had signed them and then just died.:D