Stephen Paul's tunes

It's been fun. Starting to get boring now. I'm sure whoever wanted to, fully understands both the intent and content of my posts (despite the revisionist distortions), and those who don't probably won't ever.

Hope my attempt at temporarily imitiating Chessrock didn't offend anyone. Despite my best intentions, I just couldn't keep it going very long - just not in my nature.

But hey, at least I got to read some really cool and classy stuff from Zeke. Hell, he can ghost write my bio anyday.

On to the next thread. Whoever wants to have the last word on this one is welcome to it. (Gee, anyone want to guess who that might be?) Unless this thread suddenly mutates into something useful, that's it for me...


(cue: merry melodies music....)
Well, I'm coming out for a reprise... As My point STILL has yet to be understood... And THAT is all I ask!

Rossi said:
RE, I still don't see how Stephen Paul has "revolutionized" the industry. Revolutionize, in the literal sense, means to turn a thing on its head. Metaphorically speakting it means a *huge* change, something that alters the very premises upon which everyone else operated up to that point. In how far is that true for Stephen Paul?

"Metaphorically speakting it means a *huge* change, something that alters the very premises upon which everyone else operated up to that point."


I swear I MUST be speaking in tongues or something!

Is anyone else NOT realizing that Neumann and AKG were the ONLY "real" large diaphragm condenser microphones up until VERY recent... When looking at the entire picture?

Stephen Paul laid the ground-work (which really is VERY specific detailed work) in damn-near every which way for these new microphone companies coming out of the wood-work today; regardless if a company produces expensive or "cost effective" mics! However the "cost effective" played a MAJOR hand in KILLING the Neumann and AKG rein, FORCING them to compete!!!

Also, I don't think there are "countless" microphones all over the globe to back up your assessment. The number of SPA modded mics is probably *very* countable. If you asked him, he might be able to give you an exact number.

Do you see... The point is NOT, I repeat, NOT the microphone Stephen Paul HAS modded, it's all the STOCK microphones he hasn't modded!!! It's the countless microphones with 20 year-old Stephen Paul technology in them!!!

The point being: if there had never been a Stephen Paul (which would be sad) people wouldn't have stopped recording. In fact, today's recordings would pretty much sound the same as they do now. Lots of excellent recordings were made without a Stephen Paul mic.

On the contrary!

The point is had there never been a Stephen Paul, Neumann and AKG would STILL be reining, NO other microphone companies would be producing "real" large diaphragm condenser mics as of yet (or at least not any cheaper than Neumann or AKG), Neumann and AKG would STILL be producing mics as high-quality as the REAL "Neumann" and "AKG " did, and people would STILL be high quality recordings, just not at the budget we do now!

Now if THAT doesn't call for anyone being known as a revolutionary, then I don't know what does!

The point is had there never been a Stephen Paul, Neumann and AKG would STILL be reining, NO other microphone companies would be producing "real" large diaphragm condenser mics as of yet (or at least not any cheaper than Neumann or AKG), Neumann and AKG would STILL be producing mics as high-quality as the REAL "Neumann" and "AKG " did, and people would STILL be high quality recordings, just not at the budget we do now!

Now if THAT doesn't call for anyone being known as a revolutionary, then I don't know what does! [/B]

Sorry Littledog, this thread should have ended but the statement by Recording Engineer just BEGS a reply (and I am sure you agree)

Recording Engineer, I dont know how to say this without looking condescending or without it seeming like I am resorting to name calling. My aim is not to name-call because I am sure that you are a beautiful soul like every other person on earth , but

WOW! do you really believe that statement you made? That if Stephen Paul was not in the picture only Neumann and AKG would be making mics today?

With all due respect and restraint, can I guess and say that you have not taken any economics classes? In a market with no barriers to entry, if the participants are making economic (above average) profits, then there will be new entrants until profit is returned to average.

In other words, Stephen Paul or not, we would have every single microphone manufacturer that we have today.

It would not take a good engineering team (think japanese) long to figure out how to duplicate and improve upon every single piece of technology in any fifty year old german mic german mic. Technology is improving rapidly so dont think that fifty year old technology is anything to write home about. I would even go as far as to say that college students in MIT can duplicate everything that SP has ever done in a short period of time, given the right amount of resources

All I know about the guy is that he mods mics. OK, big deal. I am happy he mods mics but he is not the only one out there that does it. Ok, so his name has been on records. Again, big deal. THousands and thousands of Nobodies have their names on records. TO call his work revolutionary is a bit much.
Recording Engineer said:
The point is had there never been a Stephen Paul, Neumann and AKG would STILL be reining, NO other microphone companies would be producing "real" large diaphragm condenser mics as of yet (or at least not any cheaper than Neumann or AKG), Neumann and AKG would STILL be producing mics as high-quality as the REAL "Neumann" and "AKG " did, and people would STILL be high quality recordings, just not at the budget we do now!

Now if THAT doesn't call for anyone being known as a revolutionary, then I don't know what does!

Shit, I really don't want to stand in front of a train. And I don't have any opinion whatsoever about Stephen Paul or his accomplishment because frankly I don't know enough about him (this may very well tell more of me than him). But I have to ask, not because I want to question your statement or Stephen Paul but because I don't understand (I might have missed something in the thread, much to read here).

My impression was that most of the cheap microphones came out of Chinese factories, either as a whole or by parts? My other impression was that these factories where set up by german manufacturers (according to rumours AKG and Neumann) and their technology? Where does Stephen Paul come into this?
CyanJaguar said:
Recording Engineer, I dont know how to say this without looking condescending or without it seeming like I am resorting to name calling. My aim is not to name-call because I am sure that you are a beautiful soul like every other person on earth , but

Actually CyanJaguar, I thought your reply was rather respectable! And I openly Thank You for that! Honestly!

WOW! do you really believe that statement you made?

Of course NOT word for word, but as a general, very broad statement, yeah!

That if Stephen Paul was not in the picture only Neumann and AKG would be making mics today?

Why is THAT so difficult to swallow? Of course they would NOT be the ONLY microphone companies, but being the only "real" players in the large diaphragm condenser industry? You bet cha! Pretty darn much; a couple exceptions... OK. Maybe!

Can we at least agree that Neumann and AKG were the ONLY "real" microphone companies until VERY recent, when looking at the entire timeline?

With all due respect and restraint, can I guess and say that you have not taken any economics classes? In a market with no barriers to entry, if the participants are making economic (above average) profits, then there will be new entrants until profit is returned to average.

Hey, I openingly admit to only taking my required ecominics classes. Although, my girlfriend is a marketing major, and I've had my share of sleepless nights, doing homework with her!

In other words, Stephen Paul or not, we would have every single microphone manufacturer that we have today.

I find THAT statement more bold than mine! :eek: Even as a broad statement! Talk about the other end of the spectrum...

It would not take a good engineering team (think japanese) long to figure out how to duplicate and improve upon every single piece of technology in any fifty year old german mic german mic. Technology is improving rapidly so dont think that fifty year old technology is anything to write home about. I would even go as far as to say that college students in MIT can duplicate everything that SP has ever done in a short period of time, given the right amount of resources

Know THAT is outright ignorant!

No further comments there at this time Your Honor.

All I know about the guy is that he mods mics. OK, big deal. I am happy he mods mics but he is not the only one out there that does it. Ok, so his name has been on records. Again, big deal. THousands and thousands of Nobodies have their names on records. TO call his work revolutionary is a bit much.

The "big deal" comment is outright ignorant as well.

As to the "revolutionary" comment, the answer is in most of your current large diaphragm condenser mics!
Beltrom said:
Shit, I really don't want to stand in front of a train. And I don't have any opinion whatsoever about Stephen Paul or his accomplishment because frankly I don't know enough about him (this may very well tell more of me than him). But I have to ask, not because I want to question your statement or Stephen Paul but because I don't understand (I might have missed something in the thread, much to read here).

I can certainly respect ALL that!!!

My impression was that most of the cheap microphones came out of Chinese factories, either as a whole or by parts? My other impression was that these factories where set up by german manufacturers (according to rumours AKG and Neumann) and their technology? Where does Stephen Paul come into this?

Your impressions are right... And it was Germany (At the time, the company was known as Georg Neumann & Co./ Gefell while the German Democratic Republic took all control of both the Berlin factory where Georg Neumann was and the Gefell factory where Joachim Keuhnast was.) who helped China start 797 Audio.

Now how does Stephen Paul fit into the cheap microphones coming out of the Chinese factories? Well THAT is EXACTLY what I've been TRYING to point-out, though I know unsuccessfully, this ENTIRE thread!

Ok, I'll try it again:

Stephen Paul started opening up the "sacred" Neumann and AKG in the 70's and the entire industry was all over him for "destroying" such the preciously-coveted jewels!

Over 20 years ago, Stephen Paul developed the 3 micron thick Mylar large diaphragm technology which is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH, (did I mention MUCH?) MORE involved than it sounds and how a couple people here make it out to be! Even Neumann could not and STILL cannot do it wth durability! To this day, they'll openly tell you that a 6 micron thick Mylar large diaphragm is the thinnest possible to have any type of durability and is as thin as you should ever want! THIS debate between Neumann and Stephen Paul goes-on to date!!!

In the early to mid 90's, Groove Tubes released the MD-3... Their first large diaphragm condenser. If I remember correctly, it was made by Stephen Paul Audio, but don't quote me on that because I don't remember "for sure". It was one of the FIRST "real" large diaphragm condenser microphones NOT by Neumann or AKG.

Around the same time, the result of companies trying but failing of Stephen Paul's 3 micron technology was indeed the BPM microphones. They were also apart of the FIRST "real" large diaphragm condenser microphones NOT by Neumann or AKG, supposedly hand-made in Germany. In 2000, we FINALLY found-out it has really been 797 Audio in China all along!!!

It in fact, literally almost took nearly 20 years before ANYONE ELSE could get the technology to be as durable as Stephen Paul (we're talking this happened in the past 2-3, maybe 4 years?)! Who was it exactly? I don't truly know! But with the above paragraph in mind, I'd bet on 797 Audio!

797 Audio and now a few other factories in China have been producing parts (usually at least finished capsules and diaphragms) and fully-finished microphones for damn near ALL the new companies coming-out of the woodwork for several year now!

A few people here criticize Stephen Paul for his claims in connection with China (and Neumann by the way). They insist they are fabricated, for reasoning that has STILL yet to be reveled. I STILL hold MY ground that they are NOT and the "proof" is sitting in the microphones themselves! Hell, my 797 Audio CR998 alone says enough!!! On the outside, most probably think it's an old AKG C12 ripoff... Little do they know, on the inside, 797 Audio was VERY, VERY, VERY, (did I mention VERY?) meticulously TRYING to recreate (by reverse engineering) a VERY modern and pretty damn rare microphone by you know who... I'll just say it relates to Harvey's idea of the "best" microphone in the world... And leave it at that... ;)

And THAT'S how Stephen Paul relates to the Chinese factories!!!
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Why talk behind his back, ask him.

Has anyone told Stephen Paul about this thread about him yet?
I haven't to date, but I've thought about it MANY, MANY a times! Didn't know if it was the right thing to do or not... Internal struggle, really... Thinking strictly as a friend of Stephen's.
Thanks RE, I guess that info was in the thread, but to scattered for me to sample. At least now I understand what the discussion is about.
Dear folks,

I talked to Alan at the Frankfurt music fair and asked him about Stephen Paul, knowing that he's had serious health problems. Stephen is still in a very bad condition, merely a shadow of himself, and he won't recover from that either. He is able to work on his Microphone, but it looks like his first Stephen Paul Mic design will also be his last, his legacy. So there's no question he's *very* serious about it. Also it doesn't look like Stephen Paul will ever be able to make music again. His medication is of a kind that makes him hard to handle at times, so we (including myself) shouldn't worry about his lack of tact at times. I feel pretty bad for having said what I've said, not for my statements as such, but for what in retrospect I discovered to be my own lack of tact.

I suggest we end this thread here. I'm sure those of you who are religious will include Stephen in their prayers.