So apparently - folks at Fox News were not being honest with their viewers

The Ukraine are our friends in this world. We have to stand up for our friends and allies against the tyranny of Putin. We need to stand firm and give the country everything they need to defeat this bastard. The Russian people are good people, that have been ruled by rich oligarchs and Putins crooks and cronies for over 20 years now. We have to also help the Russian people to reclaim their country and restore democracy and prosperity to these good oppressed people.
The Russian people are good people, they are not our enemy. Putin and his crooked cohorts are our enemy

This is what FREEDOM looks like. An amazing day in Russia. The people felt liberated. Even the security guard soldiers were getting pissed and sharing the love as you can see. A special gig..

I believe we must help the good people of Russia to overthrow this evil bastard and his rich crooked cronies. Give them back their freedom and prosperity, xxxx
I honestly wasn't looking for dirt, or what have you, on Reuters. Something that would place Reuters in the "suspect" catagory of news sources. And that's the truth. As happens I crossed an article that referenced an article, and rather than rely on a interpretation of the article I followed the link to the original article, as I often try to do. The original article was written by a guy who worked for years at Reuters, Science and Technology Correspondent. Neal Winton. The article is at a site I have never visited, or knew existed. The Daily Sceptic. It looks like an interesting website, I'm sort of naturally a sceptic, so I might check it out more often in the future, number of interesting looking articles there I have yet to read. I'm too dumb to know how to open 2 windows on my phone, so I'll attempt to go back and forth to copy and paste a bit, and also provide a link. A pain in the ass, but here we go...

The article is titled,

When I Covered Climate Change for Reuters I Thought CO2 Was Certainly to Blame for Rising Temperatures. I Was Wrong​

In the article he writes, "I have a particular interest in Reuters’ attitude because I spent 32 years there as a reporter and editor. The global news agency’s traditional insistence on high standards in reporting makes this liaison with CCN seem questionable."

"Questionable", "suspect"? Same thing if not close cousins? Anyway, take a look, if you wish. I think a healthy amount of scepticism is often a very good thing.

So what's the takeaway for you? Regarding Reuters? Anything beyond "skepticism is often a good thing"?
So what's the takeaway for you? Regarding Reuters? Anything beyond "skepticism is often a good thing"?
My simple take is sort out poverty first. Bring every child born into the world in Africa and Asia to have clean water, food, shelter and a basic education and a chance in life.
If the poor nations in our world have to go through the industrial revolution to help their people to progress and have health and prosperity that the we in the Western world had two centuries ago then so fucking be it. Then we will sort climate change out.
The fucking trendy rich eco hippies will just have to wait another century. We need to sort out poverty first.
IMHO, the people who hate America, your freedom, and your precious democracy were the ones on a "police allowed tour" on Jan 6th. :-)
You are from Canada yeh? My mums best friend emigrated to Vancouver in the 70's from UK with her husband from Newcastle, England. My favourite ever rock band is Rush and I have all their albums. Alex was my hero growing up in the 70s and learning guitar xxx
You are from Canada yeh? My mums best friend emigrated to Vancouver in the 70's from UK with her husband from Newcastle, England. My favourite ever rock band is Rush and I have all their albums. Alex was my hero growing up in the 70s and learning guitar xxx

My favourite..

I saved all of my money up to buy a chorus pedal xxx

My favourite..

I saved all of my money up to buy a chorus pedal xxx

You see I am old now but some years ago I bought a Red Jaguar XKR, a lovely recreaction of the E Type. It is not a sports car, more of a GT but it is fuckingly awesomely quick and brutal acceleration. 370 BHP, V8 Supercharged. 0-60 in 5 seconds and tops out at 170.
The acceleration through 40 to 100 with that Supercharger is just brutal.
Its my Red Barchetta xxx
So what's the takeaway for you? Regarding Reuters? Anything beyond "skepticism is often a good thing"?

My take? I just woke from a nap, so there's that...

I think the guy who worked many years for Reuters is disappointed. I thinks he feels (or knows through his own experience) that Reuters held itself to a high standard in reporting news accurately, but that is less the case now? Reuters has aligned itself with those who place/push a particular agenda or viewpoint, even if questionable, to a higher level of importance than presenting all angles or sides of a story. In fact as the guy alluded to in the article, questioning is not allowed, forbidden. If he is disappointed and thinks Reuters reporting is questionable, or as I said with my little brain "suspect",....?

Pretty cool website did you check out any other articles. I browsed a couple, just browsed. The stories appear to be well sourced, from what little I did browse. I haven't opinion if the site or articles are suspect yet. Jury's out until I determine whether they agree with my already settled opinion. Heh, joking, of course.
My take? I just woke from a nap, so there's that...

I think the guy who worked many years for Reuters is disappointed. I thinks he feels (or knows through his own experience) that Reuters held itself to a high standard in reporting news accurately, but that is less the case now? Reuters has aligned itself with those who place/push a particular agenda or viewpoint, even if questionable, to a higher level of importance than presenting all angles or sides of a story. In fact as the guy alluded to in the article, questioning is not allowed, forbidden. If he is disappointed and thinks Reuters reporting is questionable, or as I said with my little brain "suspect",....?

Pretty cool website did you check out any other articles. I browsed a couple, just browsed. The stories appear to be well sourced, from what little I did browse. I haven't opinion if the site or articles are suspect yet. Jury's out until I determine whether they agree with my already settled opinion. Heh, joking, of course.
Mick I really dont know what the fuck you are on about!!! Are you in favour of Trump or not?
You got it, you got the joke! Good for you. :thumbs up:

Speaking of....

I could have probably chosen my words better. What I was trying to say, a lot or some of those folks may have never been to DC, our nation's capitol. Pretty cool place, you ever been there? A lot or some of those folks had never stood on the lawn at the Capitol Building. Pretty awe inspiring. Washington DC, our nation's capitol, and the Capitol building, wow. There was a lot of shit going on there that day, Jan 6. Not all of it was the complete chaos some of us have only seen. In some cases law enforcement removed barriers quite casually, and stepped aside. Now for some, that might seem to be an invitation, or at least a permission to proceed forward. So they do, and stand peacefully within velveted rope areas gazing in awe of the building, the history. Standing in the nation's capitol, in the capitol building itself, wow. Some of those people were later vilified as insurrectionists, some brought up on charges, some losing their jobs and their livelihoods. Personally, I think it is important to separate those who were there to protest peacefully, and possibly do a bit of sight seeing, from those who were out to knowingly breach the law and trash the joint. But that's just me, ymmv.

As more video is made public, we'll have an opportunity to see for ourselves.
More video from Tucker Carlson the proven liar... MMmmm kaaaay then...
I don't think there's much more than "opinion" on offer here.