So apparently - folks at Fox News were not being honest with their viewers

Seriously? You seriously don't see extreme bias in that article? Contrast..

This -->In the end, if it is not about forgiveness or sympathy, this memoir may be about making a stand. Making it clear the younger son, the black sheep of the Biden clan, wants to take whatever place on that victory stage he can occupy, as a son and a brother and the father of Beau Biden II, the new generation of hope.
"Hope" they say.

To this-->Of course, Trump and his personal attorney Rudolph Giuliani spent much of 2019 and 2020 promoting the younger Biden's relationship with Burisma as a corrupt bargain that involved the elder Biden — and that needed investigating.

"Of course", they say.

You seriously don't see any bias in that love letter of sympathy and "hope" to crackhead lowlife Hunter Biden? If not, I don't know what to say to that other than you're seeing what you want to see. As far as the mea culpa aspect, where does it address were not going to "waste people's time on purely distractions", during an election? It's all bullshit, I'm tellin' ya. Research the story (as they should have done as a federally funded News org serving the interest of the people). The feds were squashing the story so as not to influence the election away from Joe Biden, and NPR was following suit. Research it, the feds knew the laptop was legit, it was Hunter Biden's. They knew. Why are some of you guys so ambivalent and complacent about being lied to by your own government? A government that lied to you purely for the purpose of preventing the electorate from making an informed decision at the polls. It's similar to Comey and Hillary, admitted it...too close to an election, would want to skew it away from the democrats. Be honest, there would be no such consideration for a republican candidate.

Bottom line, NPR refused to cover a story that could negatively effect a Democrat candidate, during an election. Some time later they issues mea culpa, but still rather than investigate the story on their own they put it off on their pals in the govt. Since when does a news story have to be vetted through the govt before it is investigated? Be honest, that is not how it is supposed to work. The truth is, much of "the news" is a mere propaganda arm of the democrat party. Take Les(ter) Holt's little speech on the nightly news that they're not going to cover both sides of a story when one side is false. Clearly biased, we know which side is going to be newsworthy and which side is going to be false.

Apologies for the long post. Thanks for the reply Famous Beagle. I'll possibly try to address your reply at another time. Right nowI got wangs to throw on the grill, and, ahem, my mouth is a little dry...if you know what I mean.

You guys have a good evening.
Seriously? You seriously don't see extreme bias in that article? Contrast..

This -->In the end, if it is not about forgiveness or sympathy, this memoir may be about making a stand. Making it clear the younger son, the black sheep of the Biden clan, wants to take whatever place on that victory stage he can occupy, as a son and a brother and the father of Beau Biden II, the new generation of hope.
"Hope" they say.

To this-->Of course, Trump and his personal attorney Rudolph Giuliani spent much of 2019 and 2020 promoting the younger Biden's relationship with Burisma as a corrupt bargain that involved the elder Biden — and that needed investigating.

"Of course", they say.

You seriously don't see any bias in that love letter of sympathy and "hope" to crackhead lowlife Hunter Biden? If not, I don't know what to say to that other than you're seeing what you want to see. As far as the mea culpa aspect, where does it address were not going to "waste people's time on purely distractions", during an election? It's all bullshit, I'm tellin' ya. Research the story (as they should have done as a federally funded News org serving the interest of the people). The feds were squashing the story so as not to influence the election away from Joe Biden, and NPR was following suit. Research it, the feds knew the laptop was legit, it was Hunter Biden's. They knew. Why are some of you guys so ambivalent and complacent about being lied to by your own government? A government that lied to you purely for the purpose of preventing the electorate from making an informed decision at the polls. It's similar to Comey and Hillary, admitted it...too close to an election, would want to skew it away from the democrats. Be honest, there would be no such consideration for a republican candidate.

Bottom line, NPR refused to cover a story that could negatively effect a Democrat candidate, during an election. Some time later they issues mea culpa, but still rather than investigate the story on their own they put it off on their pals in the govt. Since when does a news story have to be vetted through the govt before it is investigated? Be honest, that is not how it is supposed to work. The truth is, much of "the news" is a mere propaganda arm of the democrat party. Take Les(ter) Holt's little speech on the nightly news that they're not going to cover both sides of a story when one side is false. Clearly biased, we know which side is going to be newsworthy and which side is going to be false.

Apologies for the long post. Thanks for the reply Famous Beagle. I'll possibly try to address your reply at another time. Right nowI got wangs to throw on the grill, and, ahem, my mouth is a little dry...if you know what I mean.

You guys have a good evening.
I didn't read that. The dude asked for a link so I found it, copied it here.
Huge irony: The people who told you not to trust the media are the biggest suckers out there.

Anyone who bought into the Dominion scandal should be embarrassed and should never comment on politics again, it was the dumbest conspiracy theory ever concocted and Trumpers bought into it in droves.
Fox is paying out 787 million and people are defending it, that is comical!

Almost three years and still no evidence of massive voter fraud, only internet rumors and memes. I've never seen a sadder bunch of snowflakes than the Big Lie crowd.
Other media outlets have also been sued

One example

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Others have also been sued

One example

Hardly the same thing methinks.
You are absolutely correct though, and I'm sure every major media outlet has been sued for some reason or another.
The scale and national importance of the Dominion/Fox suit pretty much overshadows examples such as this IMHO.
Hardly the same thing methinks.
You are absolutely correct though, and I'm sure every major media outlet has been sued for some reason or another.
The scale and national importance of the Dominion/Fox suit pretty much overshadows examples such as this IMHO.

Point is that the picture was being painted as fox being the only one to get sued.

I think Mick Doobie was just trying to point out that media getting sued was common.

I simply gave two recent examples.

Nothing more nothing less.
The cowardly king of fake news hard-spin full blown propaganda wing of the republican party not only didn't cover this Dominion story as it progressed - they haven't - and I suspect won't ever - say or write one fuckin word about it, ever.

It is essentially ANOTHER case of blatantly and openly lying (by ommision) to their viewers.
The cowardly king of fake news hard-spin full blown propaganda wing of the republican party not only didn't cover this Dominion story as it progressed - they haven't - and I suspect won't ever - say or write one fuckin word about it, ever.
I think they did a report after the settlement, but wouldn't even admit to knowing the amount. :sneaky:
My best guess is that CNN, and other extremist left leaning, deep state controlled media are breathing a sigh of relief. Had it gone to trial and Fox was judged guilty it would have opened the door for every (supposed) trustworthy news network to be sued for spreading lies and distorting truth.

Politicians are becoming less and less relevant.

The media organizations are the driving force of division among American citizens.
My best guess is that CNN, and other extremist left leaning, deep state controlled media are breathing a sigh of relief. Had it gone to trial and Fox was judged guilty it would have opened the door for every (supposed) trustworthy news network to be sued for spreading lies and distorting truth.

Politicians are becoming less and less relevant.

The media organizations are the driving force of division among American citizens.
What do you suppose CNN (or another) should be sued for exactly? Using the Fox/Dominion suit as an example, what is worthy of that level of court action?
What do you suppose CNN (or another) should be sued for exactly? Using the Fox/Dominion suit as an example, what is worthy of that level of court action?
Good grief, Dave. You know as well as I know that CNN and other networks will never be sued for distorting the truth. That's just the way it is.
Do you ever come here to create a fun thread?
Good grief, Dave. You know as well as I know that CNN and other networks will never be sued for distorting the truth. That's just the way it is.
Do you ever come here to create a fun thread?
No, I don't know that. "Deep State" in and of itself is a conspiracy theory, and I don't subscribe to it.
Yes, there are nefarious things that happen in all governments everywhere. I believe that.
So... again... what is it exactly that certain networks should be sued for?

Oh... and I did not create this thread.