Siren Song Remix-2009

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The guitar on this song is really cool sounding. The playing is great. Only thing that I kind of noticed is the drum track kind of seemed a bit loose at some points. Quantizing could help, but when you are dealing with live drums, that can be a pain. The vocals are nice, but the doubled effect doesn't really set well with me. I listened to all of the mixes, and I think I like two the best. The drums sound super clear in that version, But the vocals you be brightened up a bit. Also, if you notice, about 1 second in there is a split second of static. Look through the tracks and see which one that comes from, and if it can be taken out. Also, do you have the vocal track running all the way through the song, or do you have it cut into segments? Maybe on the vocals you could try some stereo delay. Just a thought. I really like the song. Great job.
I thought the mix sounded much more "together" right after the first few bars. Lead vocals/Snare/Lead Guitar are pretty much dominant like (I think) they should be. The background vocals are good but I would add a bit more volume to them just define them a little more. Sounds really good ! :D:D:D:D
The only nit i have and its a small one....the drums seem a bit wide in the mix, almost like they were recorded somewhere else....other than that, cool tune man! Congrats on some really good work!:D
The addition of the new backing vocals really adds a nice quality to the whole thing...kinda rounds it out a bit. That part of the song has really progressed nicely from the first mix to this point. Persistence :).

Thanks a lot for checking back and listening to the new mixes heatmiser, I'm glad I'm making progress too!
The guitar on this song is really cool sounding. The playing is great. Only thing that I kind of noticed is the drum track kind of seemed a bit loose at some points. Quantizing could help, but when you are dealing with live drums, that can be a pain. The vocals are nice, but the doubled effect doesn't really set well with me. I listened to all of the mixes, and I think I like two the best. The drums sound super clear in that version, But the vocals you be brightened up a bit. Also, if you notice, about 1 second in there is a split second of static. Look through the tracks and see which one that comes from, and if it can be taken out. Also, do you have the vocal track running all the way through the song, or do you have it cut into segments? Maybe on the vocals you could try some stereo delay. Just a thought. I really like the song. Great job.

Thanks for all the great info and tips. I have quite a few different guitars in the song, panned towards the middle are a Fender Strat and a Tele copy, and there is an Epi Firebird and a Gibson Les Paul panned wider. Both leads are Epi Les Paul Standard thru a Blues Driver Pedal into a small tube amp-I think it gives a nice classic Les Paul sound for the leads. Oh yeah, there is a Tele copy on the slide part coming out of the solo too.

The drum track is EZDrummer, I am not sure how much editing I can do with it though. I'll look into the tracks and find the source of the static. The vocal is one continuous track-I like to avoid punching in to keep the tones & volumes constant.
I thought the mix sounded much more "together" right after the first few bars. Lead vocals/Snare/Lead Guitar are pretty much dominant like (I think) they should be. The background vocals are good but I would add a bit more volume to them just define them a little more. Sounds really good ! :D:D:D:D

Thanks for a great review Gerry, I kind of mixed the background vocals low because I had a cold that was messing with my range. Some of those notes were barely there-I will try a better take when I'm in better voice.
The only nit i have and its a small one....the drums seem a bit wide in the mix, almost like they were recorded somewhere else....other than that, cool tune man! Congrats on some really good work!:D

Thank you Jay, I'm still getting used to the EZDrummer program. I really need to take the time to read the damned manual one of these days!!!:o
I know there is a mixer that allows the drums levels to be adjusted-I will check for the panning function too.
It was fun layering all the guitars in there-and there are a couple of keyboard bits from my Roland XP-60-thats another manual I need to study as well!:D
Listened to the last mix Tony. Sounds pretty balanced to me. Drums are nice and audible, maybe the snare could be a little more defined, but the levels are good IMO. And the vocal harmonies sound pretty good ;) They give a nice color. Really nice song, kinda reminds me of vintage Van Morrisson. Nice!

Joe :):):):)
Listened to the last mix Tony. Sounds pretty balanced to me. Drums are nice and audible, maybe the snare could be a little more defined, but the levels are good IMO. And the vocal harmonies sound pretty good ;) They give a nice color. Really nice song, kinda reminds me of vintage Van Morrisson. Nice!

Joe :):):):)

Thanks for checking it out and commenting again, especially when I'm getting the mix better by small steps.
Nasty weather here in the mid-West-we've been iced in all day, and the icy rain is still coming down!!!:eek:
Thanks for checking it out and commenting again, especially when I'm getting the mix better by small steps.
Nasty weather here in the mid-West-we've been iced in all day, and the icy rain is still coming down!!!:eek:

Nasty weather here indeed--but that means snow day for the big kids! And this tune is a nice break from a nasty day. I really like this mix. This is a weird compliment (I've tried to use it a time or two before) but everything sounds deliberate. In other words, it sounds like you meant it.

So many times home recorded tracks sound like compromises where we've done the best we can with what we have. And while that's okay (and simple reality for most of us) in this case it sounds like everything has a reason to be there--and it all adds to the whole. So when I hear something that I wouldn't have done, it doesn't matter--it works!

I really like this mix. I'm gonna listen a couple more times and see if I come up with anything more specific, but in the meantime: great work!
Nasty weather here indeed--but that means snow day for the big kids! And this tune is a nice break from a nasty day. I really like this mix. This is a weird compliment (I've tried to use it a time or two before) but everything sounds deliberate. In other words, it sounds like you meant it.

So many times home recorded tracks sound like compromises where we've done the best we can with what we have. And while that's okay (and simple reality for most of us) in this case it sounds like everything has a reason to be there--and it all adds to the whole. So when I hear something that I wouldn't have done, it doesn't matter--it works!

I really like this mix. I'm gonna listen a couple more times and see if I come up with anything more specific, but in the meantime: great work!

Hey Bob, thanks for stopping in to check it out. I suppose with all the years in bands, I was exposed to many different styles of music and was often put on the spot when singers would often start off a song out of the blue, that I learned to follow the singers melody line to figure out the song structure.
That really taught me a lot about improvising and I still use it to this day.

So I might not be doing it deliberately-it might be instinct...;)

Latest Mix--Siren Song Remix-2009#6
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