Sgt pepper 4-tracks? Got em? I do...

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AH, ok I get it! Still very cool, maybe I can finally sort out that Boston solo that has so many WRONG tabs out there.....

sgt. peppers four track tapes

So I have recently been enjoying the newely released Beatles 4 track tapes. Theres...Sgt Pepper (1st one), With A Little Help, She's Leaving Home, and A Day in the Life.
They are in 4 track format. And are fricking awesome. You can seperate instruments from other ones. Vocals and stuff. A DREAM COME TRUE...

When I follow the link do disc six it says the link either isn't working or the files have been removed because of violation of the regulations of megadownload. Could you please seed them again?
When I follow the link do disc six it says the link either isn't working or the files have been removed because of violation of the regulations of megadownload. Could you please seed them again?

Come on now. Try looking. I went on Google and found them in a couple of minutes. They are still out there.
I think the problem is that alot of newbies come to the thread and they read the first couple posts and they click on links from months ago. And guess what? They're dead. Of course. People should try coming to the end of the thread.
Also everything can be found on that xerotheory site minus 2-3 songs. People just need to follow directions...
I found these pretty easily, and they are UNBELIEVABLE.

You think they were geniuses? Listen to this. They're not geniuses, they're deity.
Wow this is truly unique! Imagine if we had multi tracks of Darkside!! Sgt pepper was always my favorite beatles offering so this is a real treat...thank you!!
Anyone can help me out with the multitracks of 'Get Down Make Love'? I cannot seem to find them anywhere. All links are dead. I can 'help' with Beatles, Bob Marley, Marvin Gaye and the Doobie Brothers if you want.
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i'm having trouble downloading this. everytime i got to the link from the website it brings me to the megaupload website and says link is not available.
Just downloaded the MP3's of the four Pepper songs. The "Day In The Life" bass/drum track is insane! These are the best boots to come down the pike since the original Ultra Rare Trax CD's. Groundbreaking, and I bet my left nut these were smuggled out of the Abbey Road tape archives during the newly made remasters sessions.
Oh, those tracks. Meh... About 25 years ago my (then) roommate owned one of the actual Studer J-37 4-track tape decks that Sgt. Pepper was recorded on. Now that was some street cred.
Very surprised that George Martin & others have not gone back to the original mid period Beatles mix tapes & remxed them without using reduction techniques, they should all line up in a digital system without bouncing right?

So mix them through an old Abbey Road era desk & an old Studer tube equipped mastering machine, bet that would sound great!

Toerag Studio in London would be the perfect place for this. Old EMI desk and Studer machines in there. :)
Interesting. btw realworld re-mix . Peter Gabriel and friends stuff.
Cant download it anymore-amyone know where I can get a hold of this?