Sgt pepper 4-tracks? Got em? I do...

  • Thread starter Thread starter poopchute
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now that megaupload is down, the links don't work...
anyone have a new location of these files?
So, at long last, actually his was posted years ago. An idiot from this site decided to remix the beatles, YES, THE SHITTY ONES. "IF ONLY"His name was Sire Martin...
the urban legend is that Sgt Peppers was recorded on a four track Studer - Cant say for sure but it makes sense, mid-60's was before big multitrack machines and Studer was prob best machine in Europe at the time.
(late I know)

That's not an urban legend, that's a well documented fact
Do these still exist anywhere? I'd love a copy of them if they do...
Google will be your friend, unless someone sends you a PM.

I'm pretty sure any direct links would be removed from this forum as it's technically a form of piracy to share this kind of thing.
Oh wow, boy would I luv to get a copy of this. Did the Google search but only comes up with Spammy sites :(
Beatles multi tracks

A bit late i know but if anyone has the Beatles and/or Marvin Gaye multis, I would love them. Thanks
Same here. Can someone PM me with the Pepper links. Scrolled through the whole thread hoping at the end there would be updates...but given the thread is 10 years old :)
Same here. Can someone PM me with the Pepper links. Scrolled through the whole thread hoping at the end there would be updates...but given the thread is 10 years old :)

Me too! Was excited about this until I realised the thread began more than a decade ago :rolleyes:
They're still out there.
Can't remember where but I had a google not long back and found them.
So I have recently been enjoying the newely released Beatles 4 track tapes. Theres...Sgt Pepper (1st one), With A Little Help, She's Leaving Home, and A Day in the Life.
They are in 4 track format. And are fricking awesome. You can seperate instruments from other ones. Vocals and stuff. A DREAM COME TRUE...
I’ve had these for at least a decade. I think they might have originated from Guitar Hero tracks.
I’ve had these for at least a decade. I think they might have originated from Guitar Hero tracks.
.... so you were a "Johnny come lately"? (The OP was in 2007 :giggle: )

I remember when they first showed up. It was pretty much fun playing around with mixing the tracks. That was long before you could just throw tracks into an AI site and get separate tracks.

On a related Beatles note, I've was listening to Rubber Soul and noticed that while most all Beatles tracks are excellent mixes, the song What Goes On (Ringo's token vocal) is really unbalanced. Ringo's voice seems to be very low, especially to compared to the George's rockabilly guitar. I don't have my original album anymore, so it might just be the remaster that's kind of screwy.

Does anybody have an original version? Is the mix on that also "guitarcentric"?