
That was uber cool....
I liked it a lot man....My only nit would be to raise the level of the lead at the end...give it the right of way over the rest....

your vox harmonies are awesome dude....very cool.
That was uber cool....
I liked it a lot man....My only nit would be to raise the level of the lead at the end...give it the right of way over the rest....

your vox harmonies are awesome dude....very cool.

Thanx for the nice comments, Joro!
I'll see what I can do with the lead at the end.
I've just done a tune with a 45-second guitar intro, and I think it works. I didn't notice the intro on your tune as being too long either, I just noticed the good sound and musical interest, so I think it works.
I've just done a tune with a 45-second guitar intro, and I think it works. I didn't notice the intro on your tune as being too long either, I just noticed the good sound and musical interest, so I think it works.

Yeah, I guess it all depends on individual taste. I guess each one of us has his own idea of things but it's quite normal that people percieve things differently. Guess that's the beauty of art and music is an art form.;)
I like the intro - it is very space rock which I love.
Vocals are spot on - you've certainly cpvered new ground again - and done it extremely well.
Great variation verse to chorus & it flows well between.
Drums are particularly good.
I quite like the bass but it does lack your usual growl - I guess for a more modern sounding track the round wound, plectrum weilding, 3khz tweak sound is almost obligatory.
GREAT work.
Whoa...the guitars on this one sound fantastic. Vocals are performed and captured well and the drums are more focused sounding to me than some past offerings. Very tight and creative piece. It sounds to me like the acoustics and cymbals might be a little overly sibilant though...which is odd to use that term for anything other vocals, but that's how it sounds to me. Really well done though and if this is in fact your first mix, you pretty much nailed it man.
Superb work, I think its great, cant say I can find anything to suggest. Sounds like a major label product to me.

What special effects are you using? I'm currently demo-ing Izotope Stutter edit, pretty wild out-a the universe type sounds.

Great work, cool song and lyrics Joey.
Sounds great. I love the changes, especially from the intro to the verse. The only thing I hear wrong is the drums sitting a little too far back in the mix. Very solid.
I like the intro - it is very space rock which I love.
Vocals are spot on - you've certainly cpvered new ground again - and done it extremely well.
Great variation verse to chorus & it flows well between.
Drums are particularly good.
I quite like the bass but it does lack your usual growl - I guess for a more modern sounding track the round wound, plectrum weilding, 3khz tweak sound is almost obligatory.
GREAT work.

Thanx Ray!
Wish I knew how to tweak the bass like you do....I've added some distortion and compression on the new mix I'm doing, so we'll see if that makes a difference.
Whoa...the guitars on this one sound fantastic. Vocals are performed and captured well and the drums are more focused sounding to me than some past offerings. Very tight and creative piece. It sounds to me like the acoustics and cymbals might be a little overly sibilant though...which is odd to use that term for anything other vocals, but that's how it sounds to me. Really well done though and if this is in fact your first mix, you pretty much nailed it man.

Hey Pete!
Yeah, it is the very first mix, I should have a new one soon. I'll check the EQ on the cymbals and the acoustics again. Thanx to Greg and Jason, I'm paying a lot more attention to how I programme the drums. Thanx for the comments!
Superb work, I think its great, cant say I can find anything to suggest. Sounds like a major label product to me.

What special effects are you using? I'm currently demo-ing Izotope Stutter edit, pretty wild out-a the universe type sounds.

Great work, cool song and lyrics Joey.

Thanx Pete!
I'm not using any special effects, just some ambient synths in the intro, some reversed samples and a flanger on the electric clean guitar in the verse. Everything else is same as ever.
Sounds great. I love the changes, especially from the intro to the verse. The only thing I hear wrong is the drums sitting a little too far back in the mix. Very solid.

Thanx Jim!
I'm trying to bring the drums closer in the new mix.
i like the song & the voice even more. mix sounds good to me. some comments (i've listened to the updated mix):
- the intro is cool
- e-guitar sound is nice & direct in my face
- i would mix the a-guitar part a bit softer, now its roughly same level as the "hard part", but i think it would be cooler for the long-term dynamics to have a contrast here.
- vocals could be a bit more present, esp. since your voice is that good. maybe during the heavy e-guitar parts, the guitar has also a bit too much mids compared to your voice. try to spend some very highs with the EQ. if they get silibant, try a multiband compressor with short attack & compress 6khz and up in advance.
- the a-guitar catches some of my focous, maybe they have too much highs. try to highcut @ ~16-17khz & find a sweet EQ-spot somewhere else and give it 2-3dB
- the solo guitar is nice.

all in all this is a good mix, great musical performance & a wonderful song. my mixing-comments are on a high level.