Reaper....all other multi-track software is a rip!

Another reaper quesrion here.....

Say I split an item at a couple of points, copy the clip and paste it into some empty space in a track.

Now I want to loop the clip a couple of times, so I drag the edge of the clip to the right. However instead of repeating the clip, it exposes what was originally to the right of the clip before I split and copied it. Make any sense?

How do I just create a loop of a section of audio?
right click drag across the separate items, then when theyre all selected, right click and choose "glue selected items". Or hit the hotkey you have assigned that too

Your separate items are now one item
Thanks for the reply pipleline. I guess I didn't explain myself very well.

All I want to do is create some audio loops. The help file says to just position the mouse pointer at the end of an item, it will turn into a double headed arrow, and drag it to the right. The further you drag, the more times the item is repeated. Each repeated section is seperated by little triangles cut into the top and bottom of the track.

Whenever I try this, the item doesn't repeat. I just get the original audio from where I cut the clip out of
When you create the clip, use "copy loop of selected area of items" (ctrl-alt-L).

Paste it where you want.

That will create clip you can loop.
pipelineaudio said:
Reilley, these concerns get brought up from time to time. Im kinda glad you didn see his Jesusonic CrusFX pedalboard :)

If the developer changes the name, I dont think anyone will scream too bad.

The trouble is, Political Correct is truly the stupidest of all possible religions. No mater what the name gets changed to it would offend SOMEONE

Perhaps it would offend someone dumb enough to judge a book by its cover

Perhaps it could offend on religious grounds

Perhaps its the name of an old girlfriend who gave you crabs

People get offended for all sorts of reasons. Imagine, there is an app out there that offends many because its very name implies that by using it you become a Pro and without it you cant be a Pro

You just cant win against the Church of PC
Im offended by Windows. Microsoft hasn't been very considerate towards us Windowphobes
For a free (and if you choose to purchase it, very cheap) DAW software that's still in development... this is just killer. I'm really stoked about this program.

Makes me feel crappy that I paid so much for Sonar, and knowing that Justin Frankel will probably add so many features into this program that it becomes even more powerful than Sonar. :/

One can only hope he will maintain this whole "program will still work after 30 days" attitude for as long a time as possible. I mean, look what happened to Nullsoft...
I still can't believe one guy made this himself.

I did a little programming for fun along time ago, but enough to know how hard it would be to make a functional DAW, let alone, one with all these features.

The only feature I really want added is its own internal editor. Then I wouldn't have to use Audition, or another editor, I could do everything within the same program.

Hopefully that will come soon, but if not, doesn't really matter that much.
Freddy said:
When you create the clip, use "copy loop of selected area of items" (ctrl-alt-L).

Paste it where you want.

That will create clip you can loop.

Thanks for this.

OK, so I can't just 'split at cursosr' a couple of times to create the clip if I want to loop it - I have to select the area first to enable that "copy loop of selected area of items". This is a bit clunky, there must be an easier way
Reaper is freaking amazing. i love it. i've been playing around with it since i downloaded it a few days ago, and it's taking up what little free time i have. and it's already been updated twice since i got it! i had to mess around with it for a while to get DFHS to work properly, but once running, it seems to work more smoothly than Samplitude.

the program is awesome, and i like the folder tracks. to me it seems easier to just add a new track and configure it to be whatever you want than to have to go to a drop menu and select what type of track or bus you want. i'm dumb at mixing, and Reaper makes me look smarter. i'm gonna buy the license once i get paid.

oh and the Jesusonic amp model and effects thing is not half bad either! neat stuff.
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Fuck me. I downloaded it and couldn't even figure out how to get it to recognize my soundcard(RME HDSP 9862), arm 7 tracks, then record them.

Given, I have the attention span of a 6 year old, and even less patience.

Logic may be more than I need, but I know how to use it.
ez_willis said:
Fuck me. I downloaded it and couldn't even figure out how to get it to recognize my soundcard(RME HDSP 9862), arm 7 tracks, then record them.

Given, I have the attention span of a 6 year old, and even less patience.

Logic may be more than I need, but I know how to use it.

you should be able to go to Preferences menu, then click on Device. make sure you have the proper Audio System and driver selected, which is ASIO in my case (not sure about your card). if it's ASIO, you should be able to click where it says Enable Input Range, then select the first and last inputs on your device. then back in track view, you can assign the inputs to tracks and arm them for recording. hope this helps...
zed32 said:
you should be able to go to Preferences menu, then click on Device. make sure you have the proper Audio System and driver selected, which is ASIO in my case (not sure about your card). if it's ASIO, you should be able to click where it says Enable Input Range, then select the first and last inputs on your device. then back in track view, you can assign the inputs to tracks and arm them for recording. hope this helps...

It probably would, if I hadn't removed the program already. :o
doh!! well seeing that you already have a good program you probably don't need Reaper anyway. but for someone like me who has been trying out a bunch of 'lite' versions to see where i want to dump my money, Reaper provides a perfect alternative. i'll do what i can to make this thing work, hahaha.

I've found a small problem with MIDI in REAPER.

MIDI notes that are placed at the very beginning of the project will not be played. I have to zoom in really close into the note and shift the start position of the note a little bit so that it will play.

Anyone experience this as well?
ez_willis said:
Fuck me. I downloaded it and couldn't even figure out how to get it to recognize my soundcard(RME HDSP 9862), arm 7 tracks, then record them.

Given, I have the attention span of a 6 year old, and even less patience.

Logic may be more than I need, but I know how to use it.

I sent Justin one of my RME HDSP9652 cards to develop reaper with, so rest assured they work well together.

As in pretty much any other audio app the trick is this: Go to the audio options, pick ASIO, pick the RME ASIO driver for the audio driver, then pick RME from the hardware.

After that, its can be a little weird. From the drop down menus below the device choser, enable the input and output range you want the app to see

If you are still stuck, I think this is the video you want 3mb.wmv
pipelineaudio said:
I sent Justin one of my RME HDSP9652 cards to develop reaper with, so rest assured they work well together.

As in pretty much any other audio app the trick is this: Go to the audio options, pick ASIO, pick the RME ASIO driver for the audio driver, then pick RME from the hardware.

After that, its can be a little weird. From the drop down menus below the device choser, enable the input and output range you want the app to see

If you are still stuck, I think this is the video you want 3mb.wmv

Thanks, dude.

Since I already uninstalled it, I should ask: In your opinion, how would I benefit by switching, and how long would the learning curve be for a semi-intelligent human with novice skills in Logic that were learned without instruction?

This isn't a trick question, nor am I trying to get you to convince me to switch programs, I'm totally open for a change, but I don't really have any issues with my current setup. I'm just curious.
if you don't have any issues with your current setup and are able to work efficiently with it, then i'd say theres really no point in changing. for me, the benefits of Reaper were mainly due to my previous programs not beign capable of all that i wanted.

having worked with Acid Pro, Cubase LE, and Samplitude V8 SE (all without instruction), the learning curve for Reaper for me was about 10 minutes. i found it super easy to use, and efficient too. it starts up quick, and seems to be easier on the CPU as well. tracks were easy to set up, arrange and label. inserting existing media files into a project was way easier than Samp or Cubase. just press CTRL-T to add a new track, one click and drag will arrange the track in the project, and the 'insert' key on the keyboard allows you to import your media file easily. The color schemes are customizeable which is a neat plus. you can as many submixes as you want and as many VST's. basically it has the features of the $500+ programs for a fraction of the cost. plus there's more customizeable setup options which allow you to mold the interface to your liking.

plus the support seems to be great, and bugs/issues seem to be resolved rather quickly with new updates coming in all the time. i'd say to just try out the trial version, which is fully functional by the way unlike other trial versions, and see if maybe there's something you might like better that Reaper does. if not, then just keep Logic. but even then, for 40 bucks you might even want to just keep both?

the only thing i'm missing is being able to have VST's arranged into folders by category. it seems that Reaper just piles all the plugins into a single location, sorted by DX, DXi, VST, VSTi and Jesusonic (as opposed to having VST effects sorted by function for example). this makes it take a little longer to find the certain plugin you are looking for since you have to dig thru dynamics, EQ's, 'verbs, modulation, etc which all appear in the same area. unless there is a way to sort them that i'm not seeing.

routing the effects is a breeze though, once they are inserted. it's just a click and drag type deal to move one effect ahead of another in the chain. there's other cool stuff about the program that i liked right off the bat as well, but i'm at work and cant think of them all right now.
ez_willis said:
Thanks, dude.

Since I already uninstalled it, I should ask: In your opinion, how would I benefit by switching, and how long would the learning curve be for a semi-intelligent human with novice skills in Logic that were learned without instruction?

This isn't a trick question, nor am I trying to get you to convince me to switch programs, I'm totally open for a change, but I don't really have any issues with my current setup. I'm just curious.

If you could learn logic without a manual reaper would take you maybe 45 seconds to reach all its features

Mostly reapers skills for me, are all in the multitrack editing, things it takes a Logic Ninja a lot longer to do than a decent reaper or vegas guy

HOWEVER, it will not do all the ass kicking instrument organization and scoring tricks logic does. Logic is quite uber in that area

However again, as in ALL things reaper, if it is important to you, and you can present a good case, it will likely show up
pipelineaudio said:
If you could learn logic without a manual reaper would take you maybe 45 seconds to reach all its features

Mostly reapers skills for me, are all in the multitrack editing, things it takes a Logic Ninja a lot longer to do than a decent reaper or vegas guy

HOWEVER, it will not do all the ass kicking instrument organization and scoring tricks logic does. Logic is quite uber in that area

However again, as in ALL things reaper, if it is important to you, and you can present a good case, it will likely show up

I use zero MIDI capabilities and can't read or write music, so the scoring thing isn't really an issue.

What can I expect in terms of plug-ins? Is it using vst's or another established format or does it have its own?