Post your drumming videos and mp3s here!

Haha. yeah I don't mind brain, and i liked the stuff for what it was, but it was tim that really made primus shine for me.

you and me both man. the saving grace of "tales from the punchbowl" was his riffage. he really upped the ante on that record--zachary barocas from jawbox was another one who played in a similar style. good stuff.
aaaaaaahh tales from the punchbowl. had to go dig that one out upon reading that. haven't listened to it in a looooong while. i've always been stuck on pork soda, frizzle fry, and sailing the seas of cheese. should be a good change of soundtrack. it seems all i listen to anymore is primus and reel big fish, with the odd death metal/black metal/grindcore band and some hardcore punk here and there.... odd combination, but an interesting one.
aaaaaaahh tales from the punchbowl. had to go dig that one out upon reading that. haven't listened to it in a looooong while. i've always been stuck on pork soda, frizzle fry, and sailing the seas of cheese. should be a good change of soundtrack. it seems all i listen to anymore is primus and reel big fish, with the odd death metal/black metal/grindcore band and some hardcore punk here and there.... odd combination, but an interesting one.

i never cared for pork soda. frizzle fry was the album that got me into them, and seas of cheese is, i think, their defining record. generally i don't really listen to them anymore--i've been deeply entrenched in prog metal and jazz fusion for the past 10 years.
haha. i don't have the thought process for most of that stuff as far as my playing is concerned. it's only been about 2 years since i started, and when i started i didn't have a kit. i've only had my own for about a year maybe.
haha. i don't have the thought process for most of that stuff as far as my playing is concerned. it's only been about 2 years since i started, and when i started i didn't have a kit. i've only had my own for about a year maybe.

i'm starting a new thread in honor of this response. :D
i think we were both too drunk. :D

but surely i taught you a thing or two about love and sexual confusion, no?
I'm never too drunk to be confused....:D

Heres another video of my playing a while ago...pretty sloppy and bad quality, but hey, what can ya do?:)

Ill hopefully be making some new videos of me covering songs and what not in January if anyone still comes to this thread haha.

Pretty cool man....I got tired just watching. If I tried to play anything that fast, I'd fall over....:D
maaaaaan everybody, what are you on? that's some quick stuff man, big ups. I'd love to be able to play all that stuff, if it weren't for my left side being retarded....... you have any tips for gettin the left hand/foot goin a little stronger?
Pretty cool man....I got tired just watching. If I tried to play anything that fast, I'd fall over....:D

Haha I hear ya...yea its just a lot of the same stuff over and over:o
thank you for the compliment!:)

BlackHawk2029, thanks man!
dude I completely feel you, my left side is soo weak.
when I practice for that type of stuff (speed, indurance) I usually set up a metrenome and single out each hand and foot, and do 8th notes for about a minute each limb.
cool cool. thanks man. i grew up on a lot of metal, but have just never had the left side speed to play it. my right side's pretty quick though lol.
I got tired just watching.

Haha I hear ya...yea its just a lot of the same stuff over and over:o

Not to speak for Dogman, but in case he doesn't come back into this thread...He wasn't saying he "just got tired of watching it". He was saying he "got tired just watching it", as in he got tired FROM watching it. It was a major compliment. It all depends on where you put the word "just".:)
Not to speak for Dogman, but in case he doesn't come back into this thread...He wasn't saying he "just got tired of watching it". He was saying he "got tired just watching it", as in he got tired FROM watching it. It was a major compliment. It all depends on where you put the word "just".:)

Yeah...that looked like a workout...I actually watched all the way through...but I would poop out in 5 seconds...that fast shit would kill me....:D
just another question everybody, i just watched your video, and how high is your throne!? your legs seem to be at a MAJOR downward angle.
Ohhhhh haha thanks for clearin that up for me rami :p

You guys dont even not a metal drummer, I just wanted to be in a band with my friends and thats what they played....I am sooooo exhausted after shows and during (you can see me struggling all throughout the vid haha)

Yea man my right side is kinda quick too, but I always find my left side lagging behind hahaha

ummm im really not sure how high my throne is, I dont pay attention to it...I guess id say just high/low enough so that I can still play heel down.

WOW...I know that its just over the height of my throne, but for someone to say Mike Portnoy and my name in the same thread.....I just came.:D

Greg whyyyyyy