political death metal polka ballad

Llarion said:
I thought I called bass in post 18. Was I too obscure? ;)

haha yeah i think so...i missed that one. you can still play bass actually, obi wan has like 3 other instruments he's gonna do anyway. :D
Llarion, it's all good. Bass is all you. THat was great playing over 60's guy's "Winter."

The accordion is sounding great. I'll record it tomorrow-- I have the song looped now in order to fix that odd tag at the end... zed, if you kick me down the drum track, I can sync and copy it. How many times thru altogether do we need?

Damn. All the posts just started saying "yesterday," so I'm going to bed.
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here's what i have so far on the drums...haven't finished it yet since i'm tryin to watch the Warriors finish wiping the floor with the Mavs.


i'll finish it up later. :D

i just looped the guitar, but of course Travis is free to add different parts later. i just included the guitar so you can have a feeling for how the music will follow the drums. i'll upload the plain drum track once i'm completely done.
zed32 said:
here's what i have so far on the drums...haven't finished it yet since i'm tryin to watch the Warriors finish wiping the floor with the Mavs.


i'll finish it up later. :D

i just looped the guitar, but of course Travis is free to add different parts later. i just included the guitar so you can have a feeling for how the music will follow the drums. i'll upload the plain drum track once i'm completely done.
Thats fucking cool as shit! Cooler, even
ok travis, OWz, greg, and everyone else in the Political Death Metal Polka Ballad Society...here's the drums i have so far:


like travis said, it's 200BPM 3/4 (although i think some of the faster parts are actually 4/4). it's still open for changes and stuff, but i included room for the main riff that travis made, then some more heavy metal breakdowns, then some room for some shreddage, then a return to the main riff and stuff. i might have to re-structure it once we figure out where the lyrics are gonna go, so i'd like to hear all your comments once you start jammin with the drum track. :D
man, that's some psycho wicked drumming. :p makes me almost feel like a real metal head (no pun intended metalhead28).

i guess the next riffs are on greg. :) greg, after you add some riffs maybe we could each play all the riffs and work off each other a bit - one of us on the left, the other on the right. maybe a little harmonizing?

if anyone else has any ideas to throw in i'd like to hear them.

so llarion, you got bass? rock on bro.
This is going to be sweet. Can't wait to hear it when you guy finish.

PS. I dement any connections of polka to my country. Polka music has nothing to do with Poland, despite what it's name might suggest. We are strange people but not nearly evil enough to create such a hellish genre as polka.
zed32 said:
ok travis, OWz, greg, and everyone else in the Political Death Metal Polka Ballad Society...here's the drums i have so far:


like travis said, it's 200BPM 3/4 (although i think some of the faster parts are actually 4/4). it's still open for changes and stuff, but i included room for the main riff that travis made, then some more heavy metal breakdowns, then some room for some shreddage, then a return to the main riff and stuff. i might have to re-structure it once we figure out where the lyrics are gonna go, so i'd like to hear all your comments once you start jammin with the drum track. :D
Kickass drums, Zed.... :cool:
I won't be on it until tonight... toddler & infant to take care of....

I think I screwed up my back messing with the accordion, so I might have to polka you with my 'bone tonight.
Obi-Wan zenabI said:
I won't be on it until tonight... toddler & infant to take care of....

I think I screwed up my back messing with the accordion, so I might have to polka you with my 'bone tonight.

sorry to hear about your back man but you must have known in the beginning that this would be a dangerous endeavor. :p
Da, my political polka comrade. I am willing to sacrifice for the good of the party. On, On, my political polka harriers.

uh oh, now Polska is *really* going to hate me!