Pmc #13

Is that a trick question?

Let me rephrase. How does one "pan a bit wider" when the original material is mono? Are we just talking about duplicating the track, nudging it a bit, and panning hard L and R, or am I missing something?

For the longest time, I just used recording as a musical notepad - maybe to sketch out ideas for arrangements, and occasionally to put together "productions" for my own amusement. It's only within the last few years that I've started to take it seriously, and I'm still trying to figure out how to place things in the soundscape.
I thought you might like that. :) Question: how does one "pan" a mono signal?

Use the pan knob. :D

But to get it "wider":

1) Try using some reverb which will create a stereo image to play with.


2) Copy the track and pitch shift or delay the copy, then pan hard left and right the original and copied tracks to give you a stereo image.


3) Record the instrument/vocal twice and pan each take left and right.

Basically you have to create some sort of stereo image to adjust the width.
Let me rephrase. How does one "pan a bit wider" when the original material is mono?

You are mixing to a stereo track, right? Panning places the signal within the stereo field from 100% left to 100% right, and everything in between. In the PMC, the OH's are actually a dual mono "stereo" signal. They are recorded as mono channels so you can pan them narrower than if the were just left as a "stereo" track. I almost never record a stereo track for that reason.
By way of friendly constructive criticism only, while the drums are mic'd to the extreme and are mostly done very very very well, the kick has absolutely no ass whatsoever. Not sure where the kick mic was located or what it was, but you might consider that in the future....OR NOT, lol.

I don't like using drumagog...I don't have anything against it from a technical standpoint, but I usually assume that the drummer got the sound he wanted from his kit, so I don't like to fuck it up. My question on this one is, does the drummer just want an extremely "clicky" kick drum? That would fit with the genre. I liked what xfin did with the kick.
By way of friendly constructive criticism only, while the drums are mic'd to the extreme and are mostly done very very very well, the kick has absolutely no ass whatsoever. Not sure where the kick mic was located or what it was, but you might consider that in the future....OR NOT, lol.

I don't like using drumagog...I don't have anything against it from a technical standpoint, but I usually assume that the drummer got the sound he wanted from his kit, so I don't like to fuck it up. My question on this one is, does the drummer just want an extremely "clicky" kick drum? That would fit with the genre. I liked what xfin did with the kick.

+1... I am glad I am not the only one who felt this way.
By way of friendly constructive criticism only, while the drums are mic'd to the extreme and are mostly done very very very well, the kick has absolutely no ass whatsoever. Not sure where the kick mic was located or what it was, but you might consider that in the future....OR NOT, lol.

I don't like using drumagog...I don't have anything against it from a technical standpoint, but I usually assume that the drummer got the sound he wanted from his kit, so I don't like to fuck it up. My question on this one is, does the drummer just want an extremely "clicky" kick drum? That would fit with the genre. I liked what xfin did with the kick.

As much as I enjoy a good ass chewin', if you read the first post, I stated that the drums were done "in a rush". They were originally done to show what the drummer could do, and I didn't worry about the kick or snare AT ALL, as they are easy enough to drumagog. This was a backup PMC that I had already had all the files ready to go, as I sent them to Perdicamnet.

So, quit your sniveling, and suck it up and mix this damn thing! :D :D :D :D :D

ps - and yes, the drummer can't get enough click in his kick. So there!

edit - also, if people that don't have access to drumagog, and just can't get a decent snare or kick sound I can upload the PMC#13 "expansion pack" with the gogged tracks used here -
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As much as I enjoy a good ass chewin', if you read the first post, I stated that the drums were done "in a rush". They were originally done to show what the drummer could do, and I didn't worry about the kick or snare AT ALL, as they are easy enough to drumagog. This was a backup PMC that I had already had all the files ready to go, as I sent them to Perdicamnet.

So, quit your sniveling, and suck it up and mix this damn thing! :D :D :D :D :D

ps - and yes, the drummer can't get enough click in his kick. So there!

edit - also, if people that don't have access to drumagog, and just can't get a decent snare or kick sound I can upload the PMC#13 "expansion pack" with the gogged tracks used here -

I am not complaining; I think fixing things is all part of the fun in these "contests". I need to go back and do a little more work on the kick for my mix.
So, quit your sniveling, and suck it up and mix this damn thing! :D :D :D :D :D


Of course, I'm kidding.

Ok, I'm out of my element, but since nobody will ask for their money back, I'm posting it.

SO THERE!!! That's how a folk singer mixes metal, lol.

I didn't drumagog anything...probably should have, but I liked the challenge.

and you number your toms backwards, lol..that confused the fuck out of me :D
Yes, please; I'd like to hear your guitar wisdom too. I'm fairly happy with my 2nd pass, but your sounds really, well, "organic"...

There is only eq on the fiddles Llarion.

If you want i can post pics of the eq??

Also to elaborate on the kick sound I .........
Ahh thats better.....

Kick drum!
On my mix i had a gog that i mixed in with the original kick.
And then from there i printed a 52hz sine wave and triggered that with a gate to fatten stuff up. The majority of what you hear is the original kick with that sine wave. The gog was aggressively high passed and used only as a "clicky" additive.

As for guitars i can tremember what i did specificly. i chucked the session when i was done... i vaugely remember on guitar one boosting some 700 in, pulling some 3k out, and adding some 8-10k to make up for the 3k loss.

I recall gtr2 being over bright and thin so i just eq'd it to match the tone i got from gtr one.