Pmc #13

mshilarious said:
NL5: kind bright the high mids on the guitars, harsh. The vocals sound good but they need a little more room carved out for them. Good classic sound on the middle section.

Is it just me, or does this track need a wailing guitar solo :confused:

Thanks for the review. I got a bit carried away with the guitars I think. I have the mix I did originally, and when I listen back to back, I am really not happy with the version I posted. I'll clean it up a bit, and re-post.

There is a guitar solo in the song, but Perdicament never got it to me. Maybe he'll pop in here and add it in????
mshilarious said:
DonF: I think I hear where you are going with this, but you're still a ways away. Go back to the drum submix and get the snare and overheads to sound like they are in the same space as the hats and kick. The vocal verbs are to the point of distraction.
Since you were kind enough to give me a critique, I figured I'd give it another shot:

Not sure which vocal verbs were driving you to distraction, but I thought they were pretty subtle. Sometimes I wonder whether I'm stuck in the 80's. I pulled the reverbs back a bit.


Don, seems to me that your mix is too mono. Not spread enough. The bass is AWESOME though dude. That's fat as hell. The guitars sound good too, but...Just not far enough out. Try panning a bit harder and see what happens.
Hmmm. I thought it was too wide before, so I brought some stuff in. If there is a version 3, I'll consider widening it.

Glad you liked the bass. I was going for "fat".

Thanks for the listen,
OK; here's my second shot:

I found the harshness you were speaking of, mshil; it was in the overheads, which I'd forgotten about, and left them dry and without any mid cut. I went for a sparser, wider soundfield this time, I yanked two of the guitar parts and got much better crackle out of the snare drum, and better pulse from the kick. Vox are a bit more present too.

I also went in an aligned all the time mishaps, combined take artifacts, blown entrances and the like; so she's nice and tight now.
DonF said:
Since you were kind enough to give me a critique, I figured I'd give it another shot:

Not sure which vocal verbs were driving you to distraction, but I thought they were pretty subtle. Sometimes I wonder whether I'm stuck in the 80's. I pulled the reverbs back a bit.



You got some good deep stomp out of the bass; and a cool "small room" kind of sound. It seems a little overdriven at the master level...

Are you stuck in the 80s? Yeah, we need the next mix to be Bananarama or sumthin'. :) :)
jerberson12 said:
Ooops forget about telling you that my mix will be available in few days...but instead, here it is, just 4 hours after I download this kick ass song....

Here's my mix and probably the First and Final Mix...

Oops ooops just probably...... :D
Thnx for the PMC13, I was craving for this event ......

Mix Mix Mix

Jerberson Rulz
Guitar Eats Potato

Sounds like you made a lot of the same choices I made in terms of general mix and EQ patina. I hear that you left all the tom overring in, given the size of your soundstage, it works. Might be a tad verb-heavy. Nice work on the vocal tracks... especially the echoed ending...
Good sound on the snare! Overall, it seems perhaps a little mid-heavy, and some clipping in general... Headphone mixes sometimes cause you to undershoot on the sound field choices, you may want to listen to this in some other sources to see if you might weant to shuffle some things for a broader field...
I was thinking of making some adjustments to mine, BUT... I was waiting for some feedback first. (hint ;) )

elementary, Great mix, but is seems like you compressed a lot of the life out of the song.
Nice mix mark, I think the bottom snare mic is a little loud and you could maybe lower it and raise the Overheads a touch to get a little of the sizzle back that might be lost by lowering the bottom snare mic.

Dkerwood I liked when you took the guitar out, nice idea, I think it would benefit from being panned a bit wider when you bring it back in to give a bit more contrast:) I'm afraid my snare is 50% sample, cheated a bit:p