Now that's what a rock band's supposed to look like

Ah, the venerable Sears Silvertone Twin Twelve. I remember seeing quite a few of those when I first started seeing bands. If you couldn't afford to buy a Fender amp in the 60s, these were about the next best thing. Like Valco, Dano used a lot of point to point wiring with a few eyelets. They could look like spaghetti inside! Rarely do you see a nice circuit board like Leo used. I have often wondered how the people making these things got them wired up without making any mistakes!
Probably like I wired my first 8-Track and speakers into my '65 Barracuda - I cut a bunch of wires and touched them together until I got it right :drunk: All while laying upside down under the dash :p
How many times did the deck change tracks before you got the wires right? lol I hated those things. 8 tracks. I was a cassette guy. 45 minutes per side to figure out the wiring.
I can't remember if that even happened. Mostly I was just trying to get a power lead that wouldn't fry something when I powered it on :p
This was my guitar , voice, keyboard..teacher in the 80's. Lead singer from Babylon..A commercial Touring B rock group.
Middle guy..Hair ratted and frosted. Dude was seriously awesome..Some place in Italy still sells their CD .
Don't know what to say..not many definitive pictures were taken, at the time nobody carried cameras. Most couldn't drive yet.

I went on that ride for a while, when it ends it was over. All that practice in garages and basements. to be left at the station kinda hurt. So I worked for 30+ years..and here i am. Waking from a long sleep...and too much time has already been wasted.

The end of HS we won a radio contest and got to record a single. Our two songs were played on local radio stations all over. Although nobody seems to have a copy..Cindy has a recording from an alarm clock radio..that is all that remains of it. Nobody will speak to each other. It exploded big time. We all betrayed each other. With drugs, not egos necessarily. ADAT masters and a VCR type copy were destroyed from extreme attic heat.

Turns out we only had separate ways.
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And I paid a bunch of money for this pressing with the solid blue circle and verifiable plant/production when I got back into vinyl collecting 10 years ago. It’s in climate controlled storage and the etched numbers on vinyl tell you sooo much. Not as much as things go for now but it was an investment at the time. Pet Sounds, Dark Side IMG_0864.jpegLed Zep IV with the plum color Atlantic circle and desirable pressing plant and template plate #…forget the details but bought and collected some good shit before vinyl took off again.
This isn’t an actual pic of mine but 3 prime factory pressings. Forget the details but there were reputable pressing factories for different labels, similar to valves back in the day. RCA or Zenith labeled valve? Doesn’t mean shitbunless you see the acid etched B86 acid etched despite the silkscreen label indicates it is a Mullard Blackburn factory (kind of the holy grail for guitar amps). Warranted or not, that’s how you verify and buy. Same with record pressingsIMG_0869.jpeg from the glory days of vinyl and those tiny etched numbers and codes on the outer rim or inner circle.