Now, My Daughter Wants a Shot!

yeah man..... I got the ostrich skin on this big time!! really really nice.
I was mind-hearing Bruford and Squire stuff going on while listening to this.
It sure woke me up from a long night at work.
Hey Crawdad,
...Man, I pray that my son grows up to be musical like this. ...its purely selfish, .....but I know you've gotta be smiling when you listen to this. Im proud of her, and im just an internet friend:D :)

A very talented young lady man. Great Pitch.... and there is some difficult vocals in that tune. ...she nailed em.

You guys should definitely try to organize a colab w/ these kids. ..... you could write ...."My daddy was a Homerec'er" :D, enlist anybody in here to give ya some tracks, (Ive got dibs on the bass:D :p ), ....In fact, I believe I know a six week old that would be happy to provide some impressive percussive grunts:D :D ...his meter aint too good yet, but his choice of sounds are excellent:D

GREAT stuff daughter of Dad
I swear I didn't read your post Chris. If you're crazy then so am I... Er... maybe I shouldn't go there...
Closer to fine

My sis and I have been covering that song at every party and Christmas for the last 10years.
We just did our first public live performance of "The Doctor Song" (as my mom calls it) last thursday night. It was really cool.
Hey, I haven't given her all the great reviews yet because I don;t want her head to swell up too much, ya know--but I'd like to thank everybody for all the encouragement.

jake-owa--was it my file or something with your system? Anybody else hear any distortion?

Chrisharris--maybe we can get them to do a collab one of these days. That would be cool. Joni Mitchell? Man, if I tell her that, she'll be so high that she'll refuse to talk to me unless I'm doing a Rolling Stone interview!

okobd--hey, she'll appreciate the comments. She gets way more praise and attention than me and I'm getting jealous! :D Oh--don;t look now but the Juilet mixing thread is STILL GOING!!!!

Kelly5150--When she's ready, we will dive into a bit of production. Actually, her worry is that she will not be able to recreate her songs playing solo if they are too produced. I keep promising I will be subtle!

bdbdbuck--Its weird. She's never had a singing lesson, never was in choir or anything and I don't use autotune either, by the way! She seems to not have any pitch problems. Now, my son, who is a very versatile musician, has a hard time with singing. I guess everybnody has different strengths. Its going to be fun to watch her talent develop!

Toki-987--Thanks! Hey who is--nevermind, I figured out who you mean!

Guernica--You can start the young one on rattle percussion and work in drums slowly in preparation for that father/son rhythm section from heaven! If he hangs around you, he will learn a lot!

TripleM--Another Joni Mitchell comparison. Sweet! Except pretty soon she will be critiquing my stuff. "Dad, the best way to mix this one is to tuen the faders to 0." LOL!
You guys may not get how cool it is to hear the next generation participating in this forum, and doing it so well.

That was a really sweet song.
:( :( :(

I wish

musical talent

ran In my family:D :D :D

Cool tune Al, lots of real potential there. Be proud, very proud.

I did not know you were 52, You old fart
how come Your voice sure doesnt sound wore out like mine??

Hi there.

I have listened to this few times now Crawdad. She has a great great voice, unique 60, 70s style which I like alot. I really think that by the time she is 18, she will be amazing, amazing. I wish I had encouragemnt when I was 16 or at least wasnt made to feel bad about it. I was just told to stop being stupid. Jealous now, lol. Well anyway, tell her I loved it.

crawdad said:
See what you've started Chris? Lol! Anyway, this is a song my daughter Jessica wrote and performed back in October of last year, just after she turned 15. All I did was set up a couple of mics and mix a bit. I wanted more vocal, but she sings rather softly and she bangs that guitar pretty loud so I couldn't get all I wanted. Of course, I wanted to do a full production, but, alas. She wouldn't have it. "Its more natural to just sing and play Dad". Well, I like it as is too. One of these days, though.....

Metaphoric Moon

W O W !!!!!

crawdady, please pass this on. :) True talent finding her way. This is super. Make sure she stays with it. And stays away from boys. he he he
Nice, you must be very proud

Ok, I like the song, her voice and her playing.

No one has said anything about the mix.

The guitar is a bit harsh and over the top, at times burying her vocal. I think it could be softened a bit, perhaps widened with some reverb. I would also like to hear the guitars played perhaps with open chords instead of all the bar chords. With the guitar and her beautiful voice in the same register, at times they are fighting each other. With a deeper, fatter sound on the guitar and her voice chiming in over the top--wow, what a sound that would be.

Just my $.02

Doug H---I DO think its pretty cool. There's a bunch of young people getting heard here. All of them are way beyond where I was at that age. Some are beyond what I will ever be. Musical growth happens at different rates for different people. For some reason, I don't expect anybody to really write to pro standards until they've hit 25 or 30. When I do hear it happen, I'm thrilled.

wafaroni--Yeah and I'm getting older by the minute! As for my voice--you should hear it right now. I've had to sing for two weeks over this damn sinus/bronchial virus thats making the rounds. Its pathetic! Anyway, I wil pass the comments on to Jess!

Erland--Thanks! I'll tell her! By the way, I think its real important to encourage young talent too. My folks didn't encourage me at all and it didn't exactly bolster my musical confidence. I showed them though!:D

a_super_critic--Thanks! I'll relay your message to her.

dtb--I'll make sure she stays with it, but the boys thing is getting out of my control!

sloop--I don't know if you read my description of the session, but I had a major recording problem because she sings softly and plays loud. No isolation, which really limits EQ choices. Next time around, I plan to record the guitar first and do vocals as overdubs. I actually totally agree with you. I want to hear what you want to hear. Anyway, we recorded five songs and she made about 20 copies for the high school kids. They all loved it and she gained some confidence, so it was good to do. See, this way, the second record can be a step up in quality!
Your daughter has written a very nice song and she definetely has talent. This song does beg for some major production as I feel it is very spacy and modern despite the acoustic and Joni Mitchell sounding vocals.

I would love to hear you guys redo this one full scale Crawdad style - OK maybe not exacly Crawdad style but full scale. ;) :)

Talent runs in the family. Great job!
Wow Al...I can't believe I almost missed this. Actually I can...things have been moving off the front page pretty fast and I've been pretty busy (more than normal).

This is a nice song and she delivered it quite well. She has a very nice voice for 15. She has a very beautiful, innocent quality to her voice. I can definitely hear her some great potential there. She is very good. :)

Sheesshh.. the song's under 3 minutes too :rolleyes: I quit ;) :D. She even plays better than I do :mad: :D

Very, Very nice.

See, now I just am going to have to post my daughter singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" about a year ago. I'm trying to coax her in front of the mic again, but it's not so easy :D. She's three and smarter than I am already :D

You should be very proud man. I both look forward and dread the day that my daughter will be able to do that kind of stuff.

My time is so limited on here Al, I seen this the other day and D/l it. She's got a great voice and her gtr playing is pretty awesome also. I can't get my oldest to take the time to do any recording...I feel like I failed in that department. I wished now i would have took more time with my daughter when she was that age...she's 22 now and just a very busy woman:( . I enjoyed this, and hope to hear more recordings of her in the near future.

btw; glad ya liked the shirt! I thought you would:)
First I hated only Crawdad, now I'm starting to hate his family... ;)


Nice 'production', Crawdad ;) (ouch, that's cheesy...calling a daughter a product :D )
she handles the guitar very well. at 15, my playing wasn't nearly as crisp as hers is. the chord changes are quite nice. she seemed a little timid in the vocal but she handles it nicely. as her confidence grows her voice will become very powerful. she reminds me a bit of liz phair - during the whitechocolatespaceegg album. very warm and mature.