New Members: Introduce Yourself Here!

Hello from Houston Texas... I am Thomas Beard and I edit a ton of video but am new to audio recording... If anyone ever has a video related question ask away!
Hi Guys, My names Jay and I'm from Manchester Uk, been into music for years since the first star wars movie, I used to Dj years ago and studied sound engineering at The School Of Sound Recording when it was in Tarif St Manchester, 25 years or so ago... I've bought various bits of kit that's sat un-used for years along with my vinyl :confused:

I thought it was time to unpack and set everything up and have some fun with my son and do something I loved and had forgotten how much joy was just sat gathering dust.

I'm just building my studio now as a project with my son, not looking forward to the patch bay :cursing:

see you around :)
Hello Everyone. My name is Ivens, I'm from Brazil and I'm looking for some sharing of thoughts on electronic experimental music. I'm planning to dabble in some open-source software music making like LMMS, Ardour et al. and eventually acquire some external hardware (synthesizer keyboard, lauchpad etc). My main sources of inspiration are artists like Coil, Nurse with Wound, Cyclobe, Einstürzende Neubauten and creatures of the like.

As I am starting from scratch (I'm have no musicianship beyond playing some kinds of folkloric drums), tips and advices are hugely welcome.

Thank you.
Welcome, man.

Greetings to all;

I dig the scene here - looks like a great group of people!
Hoping to contribute in some small way and hopefully gain some wisdom from your collectively over-sized brains :thumbs up::thumbs up:
Hello, Ron here. Musician and Recording Engineer. Cut my teeth on the original Teac 144, through the hoops til opening Silver City Studios [1990's]. Based on Otari MX80 2" 24 trk, D&R 59 Frame Studio Console, in-Line, automation, Fostex G24S, Lexicons, etc, etc.... Illness and divorce took me out for a long while. More recently, retired, active on Korg D3200, Fantom X6, Yamaha AW1600, and many misc tools as a Solo Artist [ RONZO EFFECT on Facebook recording videos Live to mono ], songwriting, recording, mixing, production, and future album project as the future goal. Doing my part to share music, knowledge, and voice …….. hoping to gain knowledge on various technical aspects in the digital world.
Hello, Homerecording.

I am another songwriter from the Tascam porta times, and who switched to DAW around '99.

Like many have experienced, my creative output took a nosedive when I switched to DAW.

I have become familiar with all that is available currently (for the most part), and am about ready to get myself a standalone unit again.

Hi Bearfoot........and welcome. I’m sure you’ll find this forum to be addicting. As for going to a DAW from a experience is the opposite of yours. A DAW allowed me far more freedom to create and produce than the Tascam DP-24 I still own. I had come from a long history of multi-track cassette recorders when I found the DP-24 and is freedom. But a DAW changed all of that for me.

I wonder if those who dislike a DAW also disliked or were unfamiliar with computing in various forms and thus felt that the (sometimes constant) learning curve took away from their fun. In my case.......I had worked a technical job for 37 years with most of them on a pc.

What factors of using a DAW do you think cut back on your creativity? Just curious and once again.......welcome!
Hello everyone,

I'm Jef (26) and i come from Belgium. I got in to producing when i was 18. Mainly using FL studio to make music. Guitars are another thing i love to play around with :) And now i'm trying to learn keyboard/piano as well.

I hope to learn something about mixing and mastering on this forum, as those are 2 important things i'm lacking experience in.

Have a good day !
Hi Bearfoot........and welcome. I’m sure you’ll find this forum to be addicting. As for going to a DAW from a experience is the opposite of yours. A DAW allowed me far more freedom to create and produce than the Tascam DP-24 I still own. I had come from a long history of multi-track cassette recorders when I found the DP-24 and is freedom. But a DAW changed all of that for me.

I wonder if those who dislike a DAW also disliked or were unfamiliar with computing in various forms and thus felt that the (sometimes constant) learning curve took away from their fun. In my case.......I had worked a technical job for 37 years with most of them on a pc.

What factors of using a DAW do you think cut back on your creativity? Just curious and once again.......welcome!
Thanks for the welcome. I do not think our experiences are "opposite", however. You have mistakenly assumed I don't like DAWs. I have used them exclusively for 20 years. They're great , they are freeing. I love technology, and was programming as far back as the early 80's. My first "pro" soundcard was a Gadgetlabs 424, which I still have. Great sounding card. 24-bit before it was cool :)

While a DAW is indeed freeing in all those wonderful DAW ways, so too is a multitrack recorder, in its ways.

Some people say necessity is the mother of invention, others say convenience. I find the latter is often true. I am a prolific songwriter with a lot of unrecorded material wasting away, and it bothers me.

When I read about people who went back to MTRs, most of the testimonials state that they output a lot of work, and when they switched to DAW, their output reduced bigly. This is true for me also.

I don't know if getting an MTR will increase my output, but to me it's worth a try. I have not used one since the Tascam porta 03.

I would not say a DAW limits my creativity, nor do most people in my position say that either. The problem is the lack of limit, the lack of focus. The lack of getting it done. Visual artists do this also. A large palette of colors is not necessarily a good thing. It does not necessarily mean an increase in quality, either, as quality is a very multi-dimensional equation rife with subjectivity.

So, I am interested in the intentional constraints of a MTR for the purpose of increasing output.
Hi my name corina a new member. May be you can answer. My question. Ok to know if boyce avenue have there own recording studio. Recording. In FL there own music them do you know them how do they keep tracl of all there fan posts. Can you tell me
I live in Ca all my live nice state im 52 year old im in school college work at homedepot store. Im a big fan of boyce avenue. Band corina