My Studio Construction Thread

First layer of drywall went up yesterday

I'm hoping they get the second layer up today - I don't think next week is going to see a lot of activity.;)
This tracking thread is great but there is one serious omission:
Are you still writing songs?
a question if I may! The diagram suggests either an 18" margin of error or that the operator ought to move back through distance from hands on to find the optimum listening position (sweet spot). What's you take?
a question if I may! The diagram suggests either an 18" margin of error or that the operator ought to move back through distance from hands on to find the optimum listening position (sweet spot). What's you take?
My take?Ask any any engineer in the world. What I show is based on a common studio design, although not law . Sit at any console in any cognitive studio in the world and move your ears from side to side, and up and down. THAT my friend is what tells you your monitors AND treatment of the room are truthfull in the axis of x and y and z. If you have a translation room comparitive, or such as a car, then try to put your head in the same x,y,z coordinates and prove to your ear that the recording translates accordingly. Thats all you have, .other than sales of a finished product, which in reality, doesn't mean shit when it comes to subjective listening by the engineer, producer, or artist. You asked my opinion, there it is.:D
This tracking thread is great but there is one serious omission:
Are you still writing songs?
Tracking thread?:confused: Maybe I missed something. If i did, I missed it 5 years ago. I was under the impression this was a STUDIO DESIGN forum, not a song writing, or tracking forum. Hmmmm, maybe I should check out the threads from 5 years ago and act accordingly.:confused::eek::rolleyes::o:o:(;)
Sorry Rick,
English is my only language & I tend to get into short tongue on occasion, (in this instance short type perhaps?). Then again the sequence may be the issue - the 1st Q was for the thread author not by name but by virtue of his being the previous post; I subsequently addressed a Q directly to you, Rick.
Tracking as in tracking the progress of the studio being built.
Are you still writing songs is a Q for Supercreep & Incanus.
I know about the =Triangle & sweet spot stuff & have used it since setting up my 1st stereo (ah my old Silver from 1979 bought in my 1st year of work) let alone home studio. I was asking for elaboration on the 18" range at the apex. I asked for "your take" as I didn't want to be presumptuous & say/type anything that implied error or omission on your part.
Sorry Rick,
English is my only language & I tend to get into short tongue on occasion, (in this instance short type perhaps?). Then again the sequence may be the issue - the 1st Q was for the thread author not by name but by virtue of his being the previous post; I subsequently addressed a Q directly to you, Rick.
Tracking as in tracking the progress of the studio being built.
Are you still writing songs is a Q for Supercreep & Incanus.
I know about the =Triangle & sweet spot stuff & have used it since setting up my 1st stereo (ah my old Silver from 1979 bought in my 1st year of work) let alone home studio. I was asking for elaboration on the 18" range at the apex. I asked for "your take" as I didn't want to be presumptuous & say/type anything that implied error or omission on your part.

Thanks for checking in, Ray!!

We are still writing songs, and have a couple you haven't yet heard.

Right now, my studio is a big pile in the garage. The moment I have the stuff up and running I'll be back on track. We hope to release a full-length CD in mid 2008, God willing.
To RayC....:o

Sorry Casey. BTW, thanks for the birthday wish in the Cave. I very rarely visit there these days, and NEVER post anything. I was just slumming, after having a few birthday beers:D

Drywalled, mudded, taped and textured

2 layers of 5/8" drywall and about 20 tubes of acoustic sealant later, the tape, mud and texture is up:
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All is looking good, but were is the beer tap:mad::D

It's gotta be behind the camera. There's no way he could have overlooked such an important feature. :D

This is looking wicked awesome. Any chance you could PM me an approximate cost for it (minus gear, of course)?