My Revenge on Jamal

Kramer said:
I just listened to this tune 6 more times back to back Chris
You deserve a freaking a purple heart, lol. I re-eq'd it when I toned down the autotune, so you're not's a little thinner.

Thanks for the time man...really. I appreciate it.
chrisharris said:
Kramer - You're right about the EQ I think...It's a constant battle for me between avoiding mud and having a "harsh" mix. Honestly, I'll take harsh over muddy, so that's how I usually EQ. For this one, b/c I had a lot of stuff that aren't usually in my mixes, I decided to just cut the frequent offenders very slightly and see how it hit some ears. What you're saying is exactly what I was afraid Low mid mud. But the way you responded is telling me that it didn't just totally wash out, so I'm gonna' do some more surgical stuff, maybe just not as drastic as I usually do. On the vocal, I don't know...I used some more doubling than usual, but not a lot. Honestly, I think it might just be a volume thing...I set it WAY on top for this one...I liked the words. . The effect on the intro...I'm actually glad you asked, lol. I took the first part of that guitar track (two measures) and made a copy of it...I took the copy, and EQ'd it like a telephone, lows or highs...I mean NONE, hehehe...then I looped that telephone track once (so it's 4 measures now) and faded in the un-Eq'd track while I faded out the telephone track. I was trying to go for a lofi intro in honor of Jamal (and that guy who only listens on lofi ,), but without that HUGE drastic change that I usually do.

Okay, I'm typing too much...nobody reads this...I think I've just always looked forward to the day when somebody WOULD, lol...
Thanks for the reply!I always read the replies man.LOL.I copy and paste stuff like this into a notepad and file it away in case I wanna try and attain the same results with my own recordings in the future.;)
erichenryus said:
oddly enough, i'm sure a lot of the same people who become indignant when a fellow musician stoops so low as to correct their pitch inaccuracies with a plugin will have no problem tapping out a drum track on a keyboard with sloppy rythm and then hitting the 'quantize' and 'groove' button so that everything is real tidy with the fake rythm section.

man, i'm in a sour mood today.

I disagree with this statement.. It is not the same thing at all imhop..

auto tune is different from any other effect mankind has ever known...
chrisharris said:
You deserve a freaking a purple heart, lol. I re-eq'd it when I toned down the autotune, so you're not's a little thinner.

Thanks for the time man...really. I appreciate it.

Im listening to the first version that I downloaded last night so I guess I am crazy.LOL.I havent heard the new mix.I always download your tunes right out of the gate.

I honestly like the autotune in the first version.Im listening again right now and the over accentuated autotune on certain words sounds cool.

I've also listened enough times now that I can hear what a real set of drums ,with a killer drummer wailing on them could do for this tune.....especially during the as hell bass lick coming out of that vocal breakdown at 2:45.
Kramer said:
I've also listened enough times now that I can hear what a real set of drums ,with a killer drummer wailing on them could do for this tune.....especially during the choruses........
I know man... As much as I joke about drums, the truth is that totally appreciate what a tastey, yet inventive drummer can do for a track. I'll admit that one of my favorite drummers is the guy in Billy Joel's band. (I think his name is America or "Freedom" or something, lol). Drums are one of many areas that are keeping me from doing some more inventive shit. Jamal's cool about helping out when he can, but that V-Kit...*ugh* Now that I can't play guitar anymore, I think I'll take up the drums. I could always buy them for my 5 year old as an excuse, lol.

And yeah, those swells are of the guitar variety... two finger chords for the most part...distortion is cool, b/c it makes for some kick ass harmonics that make 2 strings sound
very nice blended some very different guitar sounds very well..........good song jamal.................the auto tune added a kinda cool feel.....i did prefer it on the lead vox over the backing ones........this one has a lot of production value to it which is nice...........what are those synth sounds you're using?
powderfinger said:
what are those synth sounds you're using?
I used an organ patch, and a moog patch at the end. The rest of the "synthlike" sounds are my vocals, lol.

Actually, there's a distorted guitar kinda' on the right that starts getting pretty "synthlike" about 2/3rds of the way's a DI'd Gibson SG through a funky Lexicon patch that I made up for a kind of breathing flange that sounds pretty damned unnatural, lol.

thanks for checking it out man.
Cool tune! i really like both versions! (how PC) but its true. they often sound like 2 totaly different songs. and i dig both styles.
Chris' version seems to be more glossed but the raw style (intended or not :)) of jamal's recording fits the genre. oh yah i thought that chris got a sweet bass tone but it could have come down a pube in the mix. anyhoo, me likey both very much.
i love this whole coverfest trend.
im out like standard tuning....garrett
thanks for getting rid of the gargle :).

man, i really like that break at 2:20. i know i said that before, but damn that is cool.

and jamal, great songwriting!

nothing is jumping out at me except there is a bit heavy guitar panned in the left ear. maybe just panned to hard but it sounds unbalanced in my headphones. sorry, can't listen on speakers.

this song is really growing on me.

only complaint about the drums is the snare. you've used that snare before and it just sounds a tad too metallic for me. not sure how to describe that but that's very much a personal preference so please ignore......
Just caught the re-mix.The bass sounds excellent now IMHO.It seems to be filling the perfect hole now.The vocals sound maybe too low.LMAO!Ive been listening to the first mix so much that I expect the lead vocal to be bigger,louder and thicker.LOL....I'll get used to this version.LOL.
erichenryus & Kramer - Hey guys...thanks for listening to the remixes...that's the most valuable part about this place to me, when people take the time to do that.

Kramer...on the vocal, I didn't pull the level down any, but after I did that mud cut, I had to do a corresponding mid in essence, I guess all I did was boost the highs, lol. Anyway, the vocal's too loud according to my wife...hehehee...this is what she says on EVERY mix.

Erichenryus - Props on recognizing "Rock Kit #3," LOL. That's the problem with loops; once I find a rhythm pattern that fits the song okay, I'm stuck with whatever sound is there, lol. Whenever I try to change out snares or kicks, it just kills it for some reason...almost like the kit that was recorded was meant to go with the sounds that it Imagine that. I'm working on blending tracks, maybe the next one will be better...or maybe the only rhythm that will fit will have a paper sack just never know.

Seriously, thanks for the 2nd listens...those are the important ones.

I can't get into NWR :(. I have to go to bed as soon as my vocal tracks are uploaded for a cover collab with someone who is not from here...a little different style for me this one is ;) :D. I'm wiped. I stayed up too late last night. I can't keep these Chris Harris hours ;). I'll have to give a listen tomorrow night.

Night all
i hear you on the loop thing. i'm giving this discrete drums loop library a shot. they give you separate tracks for all the mics so at least i can eq and autotune the snare separate from the rest of the kit....that is until i convert my garage into a drum century.
It's a little different from the original. Anyone else notice that?

Pretty cool transition of the AM radio effect.

You have excellent vocal pitch. :)

Good dynamics.

I gotta be honest that auto tune sound is killing me.

Good cover and recording anyway!
F*ck that auto tune bullsh*t!The rest is great but...


It just ruins the natural sublties and nuances of your voice.Argh!I can barely listen...this song is ruined dude.Great tune Jamal!!!Nice try Harris....ditch that POS.

The rest of the music is excellent,the mix is great(Vox a little loud in spots)and the song is,...well...someone elses.

I see Sluice & W.I.S.C. are coming around. That's good to hear. Bashing Autotune is so "last month."

seriously, thanks for putting up with as much as you could, lol.
Damn--I'm pissed-Chris, I spent a good hour listening first to Jamals version then yours-5-6 times, typed out how much I liked it-(takes me forever to type one of these replies)-hit reply, only to get the board is too busy blah blah -message lost....anyway I liked this alot!!!-I owe too many people a listen to get into detail again so my apologies, but this is great-nice swirly psychedelic (to me) atmosphere--very nice rendition. :(
Second version definitely sounds better. Less "interesting" stuff going on in there. :D

Oh and I finally got to listen to the "December w/ cowbells". That was choice. Don't know why anyone didn't attempt a cover of that one :D:D.
Stratomaster said:
Damn--I'm pissed-Chris, I spent a good hour listening first to Jamals version then yours-5-6 times, typed out how much I liked it-(takes me forever to type one of these replies)-hit reply, only to get the board is too busy blah blah -message lost....anyway I liked this alot!!!-I owe too many people a listen to get into detail again so my apologies, but this is great-nice swirly psychedelic (to me) atmosphere--very nice rendition. :(

Here's a trick to save you from the agony of ever losing another post strat.Just highlight your whole post(right click/select all or just do a left click and manually highlight all) before you hit the submit button then right click and choose "copy".It'll be saved to your clipboard ready to be pasted back into the reply box(when you get back in) if that too many users shit happens.

If the site goes down for awhile just paste the reply into Notepad and use it later.