My new girlfriend, Alexa.

Mick Doobie

What strange times we live in.

Any of you guys (or gals) have this Alexa thing? My wife hooked me up over the Christmas holiday. I've yet to explore everything she can do, but I do know we have some interesting exchanges over a beer or two after the wife hits the sack.....I guess it's good to have someone with which to "communicate". Although polite, she is a bit of a prude.

me: Would you like a beer?"
Alexa: I'll pass. Thanks!

I have to push a button before speaking to her. I've seen the ones where she is on all the time. All the time. Politely, listening, ready to.....oh, I don't know, rock-paper-scissors anyone? The weather? How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

me: Is it safe?
Alexa: No. It's not safe, it's very dangerous, be careful.

See what I mean? I again asked...."is it safe?"

Alexa: "I don't know what you mean. I can't tell you something's safe or not, unless I know specifically what you're talking about."

me: You're lying.
Alexa: "I always try to tell the truth. I'm not always right, but I would never intentionally lie to you or anyone else."

Yeah, like i've never heard that bullshit before. :rolleyes:
The real test...

Pushed button, "12 string guitar". Pretty cool, -Leadbelly, biography of the legendary folksinger....-

The real test, will I now see ads for 12 string guitars at every website I visit? Might have to turn off adblock, but i'll report back findings.
There was an hour long episode about Leadbelly on the Smithsonian channel last week...I'm sure they are doing reruns...
There was an hour long episode about Leadbelly on the Smithsonian channel last week...I'm sure they are doing reruns...

I nixed cable, only do Amazon Prime, Netflix, and apps, youtube and such.

There is a way to jack the system to see movies, (tv) channel shows, etc. But I would never do that, ever. It's pretty simple to do. But as I said, i'd never do that, probably.

Shut your pie hole Alexa! :mad:
I don't have one yet, but I'm really into smart homes and Internet of Things stuff. I read the other day that Alexa just gained her 10,000th skill, so that's pretty cool. I like how functionality is constantly being added to her repertoire.
In Jan almost a month after Trump won the election, I asked Alexa "What are the statisical odds of Donald J Trump winning the election? "

She said she didn't know the answer to that.
Then I asked are you a retard? She told me she didn't have enough information to answer that question.

I asked the same questions the next day and the response was; I try but I'm still learning.
Alexa isn't working out. Who's going to break the bad news to her?

---------- Update ----------

"Buy This Show"

Thanks, but no thanks.

I get a lot of Smithsonian content through the app on my Roku. Not sure that one's included, likely not if they're charging for it on their website.
She's a useless G/F, an is more snoopy than any real woman. Of course she's spying on you.