My Corona

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Nicer than that

Its all I want!


to date post, roits and protests happening. Song is about getting justice, and takin it to the streets.
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Cross the blood line. I dare you!

Annotation 2020-06-08 184036.jpg

Annotation 2020-06-08 184329.jpg

Blue bloods is refering to the police lines in the street. trying to stand for something.
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I think you’ve ruined a perfectly good thread (of a serious topic) with your insane ramblings.
Shows a lot about you.
Those songs had profound lyrics, pertaining to situations presently occurring.

Take it easy.

My 'posts' are awesome. A little bit nice. A little bit mean. Tons of pictures and links.
My cousin is schizophrenic. My aunt says he often does not take his meds. He posts bizarre and disconnected things on facebook. I love him, worry about him, give him a break because I understand the problem, and would hate to see him abused because someone did not understand the situation. It's not his fault. Once upon a time he was a handsome young man who held such promise. It's a very sad thing. Just saying. Anyway...

Is the AG of Minnesota biased? Damn right Keith Ellison is biased. IMO he is over charging the police officers at the scene on purpose. Even if the main guy is convicted of 2nd degree murder, even if, the other officers are charged with aiding and abetting. I'm not a lawyer, but i'm pretty sure that means it would require that the jury is convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that they had knowledge that the intent of the primary defendant was to kill Floyd. Couple that, what good lawyer is not going to bring up the fact that Floyd tested positive for Covid, especially given various CDC guidelines. Perhaps Covid as a contributory factor, thus something other than 2nd degree murder? It's going to be a shit show, and shit is going to know, whenever it is they get around to the trial.

Interesting and perhaps relevant....

CDC-19 Alert No. 2
March 24, 2020

Should “COVID-19” be reported on the death certificate only with a confirmed test?

COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is
assumed to have caused or contributed to death
. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based
on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc. If the decedent had other chronic
conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part
II. (See attached Guidance for Certifying COVID-19 Deaths)

"assumed" section bolding not my own, but directly from the CDC
My post were not schizo. They were properly segued in conversational flow. In a rage against the machine.

So did COVID contribute? Did the police officer have enough pressure on his neck to kill a healthy man? Did he know he was killing him?

Where is any video showing Floyd resisting? You get a clip of him against a wall, and 8 minutes behind a car obstructed view.

Why did the crowds start before knowing anything was confirmed? Cause they ARE murderers at this point. Thieves and dregs.
Where I am from it is illegal to video tape someone without their permission. Then said use of video is also criminal.

In one of my wrongful arrest trials. At one point I had recorded the death threats of an angry neighbor, and they would not listen to it in court because I didnt have his premission to record him.

Did they have the right to video the police ? Did they have permission to video floyd's death? or permission from Floyds family to release it public? Tell me you asked the family..Did they want him remembered like that?

The news media is deadly game. You cannot go showing people everything.

My thread is mine. The things that are mine are mine. I have assigned them value based on suffrage.

If you dont pay, you dont get it. Otherwise...THIEF!
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Today Medgar Evers was buried from the bullet he caught

They lowered him down as a king

But when the shadowy sun sets on the one

That fired the gun

He’ll see by his grave

On the stone that remains

Carved next to his name

His epitaph plain:

Only a pawn in their game
In one of my wrongful arrest trials. At one point I had recorded the death threats of an angry neighbor...

Was he also upset about your disconnected, random thought posting style...? :D

So you've had multiple "wrongful arrests"...? Don't you hate it when they keep doing that to you.
So you've had multiple "wrongful arrests"...? Don't you hate it when they keep doing that to you.

The neighbors all started ganging up on me. Reporting ordinance violations. Like driving to fast around corner, or no garbage can lid for garbage can. Once there was a banging noise complaint at about 6, AM. They raided my house without warrant.

I had to break the ice off the hood of my car with a hammer. In order to pop the hood to charge the battery that had died.

Where was the warrant? If the police knock , I will NOT open the front door. I cannot afford it.
No the neighbor reported gun shots! It was a fabrication. So I had to 'lawyer up' to prove innocence and get out of jail.

What did their lies cost them!

All my neighbors could not keep their stories straight. Now because of the way it escalated, I would kill every one of them. ( at least cut out there organs and sell them on the black market, but leaving them alive) need to recover losses. I could do it with proceeds from the sale of their organs.
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In 2019 I was arrested and pulled out of my vehicle by force. Beat up in the street. Still pretty fresh.

I told the police officer I was going to walgreens to pickup a prescription. I hadnt broken any laws on the way there.

8 months prior a neighbor said I was driving too fast. reported about 10 mph around a stop signed corner, but I came to a complete stop.

I could not quickly get up fro my seat. I had cancer cysts removed from my scrotum 2 weeks prior. he took that as resisting, and pulled me from the vehicle. It fucking hurt like you cannot believe.

It was like my 4 th arrest, from these neighbors complaints. Facing down. I was arching by midsection , but the cop kept stomping with his boot pushing on my back. I could feel my stitches burst. I kept screaming Fuck you , Fuck You, Fuck you, Fuck you!

Oh yeah Im a real big criminal.
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it should have been a ticketed offense, at worst.

There was never anyone to show up in court to prove anything. .....BUT WAIT!

The fucking schools again with the big fail. A prosecutor stepped in with the superintendent for the school, who was subpoenaed to provide video for the date /time. There video showed no infarction of the Law in September 8 months prior..

Annotation 2020-06-09 204332.jpg
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