Musician's Advocate: What a joke!

Daniel Reichman said:
Wow, what a word to screw up???? Educational perhaps???

I'd love to see some of your copy...

Really a case of semantics but he's probably more correct than you were.

Roughly speaking "educative" is is the adjective derivative of "educate", while "educational" is the adjective derivative of "education".

Anyways, at 2.00am who gives a rats arse ;) .

Oh, well I'm not a native English speaker, so there - I do mistakes at times, if I don't pay enough attention. Regardless, I thank you for pointing this outrageous grammatical error out, so I won't do it in near future :eek:

By the way, I probably should have written something along the lines
"this is an educative thread" or
"this thread is fairly educational"

Those are correct, right?
Don't sweat it, some people like to be dicks for little apparent reason.

It's all good.

Markus V said:
Oh, well I'm not a native English speaker, so there - I do mistakes at times, if I don't pay enough attention. Regardless, I thank you for pointing this outrageous grammatical error out, so I won't do it in near future :eek:

By the way, I probably should have written something along the lines
"this is an educative thread" or
"this thread is fairly educational"

Those are correct, right?
Markus V said:
Hey chessrock,

thanks for this thread... as a marketer, I found it both entertaining and educative :D

I think I meant to be a smartass.

But I can't remember. It was so long ago, and I was so young back then. :D

You can't just do that

That is an excellent proposition as a consumer, but in Audio retail it doesn't work like that. The manufacturer sets what is called MAP (minimum advertised price); this is done to allow for fair competition of their products in the given market. Some stores can buy lower than other stores, for instance we get a cheaper price on Shure products than most anyone in the surrounding area. If we were allowed to advertise the price we CAN sell at, we could go in and wipe out competitors. Then once they are eliminated, and we could have a monopoly or oligopy, and thus set the price at whatever margin we wanted.
That is why most manufacturers have MAP pricing and why retail stores have call for pricing. As an end-user who is always buying gear, I understand how ideal that would be. However as a retailer I know how the game works.

Krystof01 said:
I live in the UK so all of this doesn't concern me but I must say that I hate it when your looking for a product and you have to call or e-mail for a quote.

It's simple, you advertise the product at the lowest price that you will let it go, say you will try your best to beat any other written quote and state clearly that if you are buying multiple items to contact to arange and negotiate a discount; it's that simple (and then you can devote your time to dealing with customers instead of answering the phone all day).
ausrock said:
Roughly speaking "educative" is is the adjective derivative of "educate", while "educational" is the adjective derivative of "education".
Huh? Why wouldn't both derive from the same root? Education is the verb form of educate, from the latin educare meaning to bring up or bring out, suggesting it is quite different from simply teaching (since we are being pedantic, I should have referred to 'educate' in its active present participle form 'educating' when comparing it to the word 'teaching').
Daniel Reichman said:
Huh? Why wouldn't both derive from the same root? Education is the verb form of educate, from the latin educare meaning to bring up or bring out, suggesting it is quite different from simply teaching (since we are being pedantic, I should have referred to 'educate' in its active present participle form 'educating' when comparing it to the word 'teaching').

Sorry, it was remiss of me not to have included a "smiley" face in my post, however, for the record, since I ceased having to study English long before you were born, I relied upon a quick look at Collin's Australian Dictionary for a refresher. ;)

I have made several purchases for Musicians Advocate and found their level of service to be great. My orders have consistantly reached me here in Australia faster than any other US seller that I have dealt with.

Keep up the good work Brad.
i got some great buys at musicians advocate.i dont know how they can sell for so low and i like being able to throw a best offer. the only thing is they never answered my emails when checking on the items shipping. one mic showed up over a week later when i paid for the 3 to 5 day service but the price in the end was killer.
noisedude said:
What a strange thread. And weird for it to be up again four years on!

Well it is still an ongoing issue. I tried to get a mackie firewire card for my onyx mixer from musicians advocate a couple weeks ago. I made a best offer on the product; they accepted and sent me an invoice. I Paypalled them Immediatley. A couple days later I got a message saying the card would be shipped within 72 hours. 3 days later they opened an unpaid item dispute :eek: on the grounds that we had "mutually agreed to withdraw from the transaction". He (Brad) wanted his ebay fees back for the item, but that required my consent. Of course I denied his claim.

Keep in mind we never made any sort of "mutual agreement".

At first I kept in good faith. I sent emails asking what had happened and if they needed me to send the paypal fees again. (before they could open a dispute, the paypal funds had to be sent back to me first).

No answer to the emails.

So I called...

I called repeatedly...

I left messages with my phone number in them...

Never got a call back, and always got the machine or a busy signal.

So then I denied the claim for his ebay fees to be returned, and of course left negative feedback on the grounds of shit for communication and backing out of a transaction. Funny thing is, it took less than an hour for Musicians Advocate to neg me right back. They said that there was a "mistake" and since they gave me my money back, I had no reason to complain. What bullshit! I never even recieved a single email from them telling of any sort of "mistake." To tell the truth, I never once recieved an email from musicians advocate untill I sent them negative rep. The mail I recieved then wasn't exactly proactive in finding a solution to the problem.

Ah then they request a mutual withdrawl of feedback. I am not a high-feedback user, and this transaction hurt my score alot. None the less, i felt that the negative feedback left on their account was worth it.

Now the emails don't stop. I recieved four seperate messages from Musicians Advocate telling me to withdraw my feedback. Literally telling. The general direction of the emails seemed to be that I had no right to negative feedback them if they refunded me, and that since I wasn't a "powerseller" This feedback hurt me alot more than it hurt them.

I ended up withdrawing the feedback because I a) didn't want to be bothered by their damn emails anymore and b) didn't want a 74% feedback rating.

I have had a slew of problems on ebay, mostly from powersellers. Musicians Advocate definitely gets my worst ebay experience ever award. Don't buy from them.
LP, it sounds like you had almost exactly the same experience as me trying to buy a Presonus Firebox. I just couldn't believe that they are so incredibly lazy as to not bother replying to genuine emails trying to sort out an ebay transaction, then when it goes pear shaped, they give negative feedback to the innocent buyer! Bastards. I regret withdrawing my feedback now, they deserve far more neg feedback than is apparent by their score.

In fact, I think they never respond to new enquiries because they are too busy sending demands to withdraw negative feedback!

If you're reading this Brad, it's only about 3 weeks to go until Google caches my website and it's metadata relating to your halfarsed operation.