Music I like, what do you like??

I heard this one on an oldies station I listen to when running errands. First time hearing it in ages and it’s been stuck in my head for 3 days.

Elton John backing vocals, pretty cool. I reckon Michael McDonald had a prior engagement. Actually that might have been when Mike was still doing the lounge circuit thing, before he hit it big and became everyone's favorite.
That is a damn good idea and yes it would. With a good enough bass player to slap the funky keyboard bass line and some heavy (but not over saturated metal OD) guitar. That is a great idea 🤟
I heard this one on an oldies station I listen to when running errands. First time hearing it in ages and it’s been stuck in my head for 3 days.

Now I know why thought it was Neil trying to make a comeback the first time I heard "You can go Your Own Way" I forgot all about this tune.
I've always loved their music, seen them several times... and then they also seem like good dudes, good people. There's an intellectual vibe there that I dig - obviously reflected in their music. They're just really great. RIP Neil Peart.
Amen ^

I was debating on what music to play right now so think I’ll spin some RUSH. 2112 never disappoints.
Voted one of the worst songs of the eighties but I like the tune and the video. This is the first time I have seen the video.