Most Overrated/Overpriced Electric Guitars

Most Overrated/Overpriced Electric Guitars?

  • Gibson

    Votes: 289 51.9%
  • Fender

    Votes: 93 16.7%
  • Gretsch

    Votes: 38 6.8%
  • Parker

    Votes: 38 6.8%
  • PRS

    Votes: 160 28.7%
  • G&L

    Votes: 17 3.1%
  • Epiphone

    Votes: 32 5.7%
  • Rickenbacker

    Votes: 49 8.8%

  • Total voters
Hadn't thought of Light's point about resale values. Just emphasises the power of a brand irrespective of quality.

Our guitarist bought a new Les Paul Studio last year. Attention to detail was very poor - for example the nut had no slots in it! It had been set up badly - truss rod needed tweaking, don't know if that's down to the shop or the factory - and the tuners really need replacing with something higher quality; it's always going out of tune and one of them just broke. Don't know what you should expect for £700 ($1200) but I'd have thought a bit more than that.
ibanezrocks said:
if there was a clapping hands emoticon, this would be the time for it. too much emphasis is put on the looks of a guitar by most players.

It is not that they put too much emphasis on looks. If you spend the kind of money on a new guitar that you have to spend for one of mine, it you deserve a guitar that looks great. But it also needs to SOUND great. Many people put too little emphasis on the sound.


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi
Light said:
But you are missing one critical issue. Gibson and Fender have a resale value NO other guitar has, excpet for a Martin. You will get more money back on one of those than you will on a Schecter or an Ibanez. That is part of what you are paying for, and it is part of the reason they can charge what they do.
Waitaminute...I'm paying more because I'll have the ability to resell it? :confused: I thought I was supposed to just shut up and play the damn thing. :D

Apologies, Light...just ribbing a little. I know how to play the ever living hell out of a guitar, but what I know absolutely nothing about is what goes into building one. (case in point...I live in Colorado and don't even humidify my guitars!! :eek: I wouldn't even trust me to change your strings properly.) You OTOH, know much about both sides. But seriously, the violin comments are pretty far off. WAAAAAYYYY different than what we're talking about here.
It's all about what the market will bear. When some idiot ponies up the ridiculous amount of money these companies put out there as the suggested price then that becomes the price. It's like any other industry: sports, entertainment etc. it's all about what the market will bear. As long as someone comes along and forks over the cash or worse yet ups the ante the upward pricing trend will continue. It doesn't speak to the addage 'you get what you pay for' as much as it speaks to the issue of 'having more money than brains.' :D
I gave up on 'off-the-rack' guitars 20 years ago. I now buy from Luthiers. I don't care about resale value.. only sound and if I can play the damn thing. I've bought 2 electrics from guys (Luthiers) in Texas and I ain't looking back. I feel I'm a partner in the 'guitar' thing with the builder and not some pawn paying for unholy hype, adverti-zing, and somebodies vacation home.

I'm not even a very good player but it really make a hell of a difference playing a guitar that you are really comfortable with, fits your body, and has a neck that fits your hand... and produces the sound you can use because the electonics are primo.

There are some good/average production guitars... but sadly they are overpriced and overrated. Ha-ha.. I go into a music store and suffer sticker shock...

Purge said:
But seriously, the violin comments are pretty far off. WAAAAAYYYY different than what we're talking about here.

No, they are right on topic. I am not saying that guitars should cost what vintage violin. I am saying that when guitar players bitch about the price of guitars, they are being whine ass pussies, because whatever they have to pay it is nothing compared to what violin family instruments.


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi
over rated

I'm not sure gibson and fender are over rated as much as over priced. In 1972 I bought a new Les Paul Deluxe w/ hard case for $530.00 at a local music store. I thought that was a lot of money but 2K for an LP today is over the top. I won't buy new when I can buy used for less than half. As far as I'm concerned, they've priced American made instruments out of the reach of a lot of people, including me.

As far as being over rated, that depends on the player. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe it's just my imagination but there is something very distinct about the sound of a LP or Strat that keeps guitarists seeking them out.

I played my friends PRS and wow! It was effortless but again, almost 2K to buy it. I own a few American made guitars. (2 Gibson, 1 Martin) I bought them used.
ch2os7 said:
I'm not sure gibson and fender are over rated as much as over priced. In 1972 I bought a new Les Paul Deluxe w/ hard case for $530.00 at a local music store. I thought that was a lot of money but 2K for an LP today is over the top.

That is not even keeping up with inflation, so in real dollars, the price on a LP has come DOWN.


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi
Replace every "Gibson is too Overpriced" remark in this thread to PRS and there you have it. I've owned 3 and sold em all because I found less expensive alternatives.

The thing PRS has over Gibson is that the suckers who pay for the name are brainwashed into being message forum "marketers" who scream "PRS IS AWESOME!!11" without PRS having to pay them a dime for the free advertising. (That's some mighty fine brainwashing that can only be bested by Fox News and the government)

I've heard some of the best spin come from PRS owners. Then again.. anyone who blows thousands on a PRS isn't about to call their baby less than the best. It's kinda like someone who lost their virginity to one girl and thinks she is the be all end all of women.

I can't believe how much you all whine about the prices today. You are the ones spending the money. It's your choice what you buy and play.

Gibson, fender and prs are only overpriced because you are comparing it to a schector. Let's get real here people, the gibson is built in the US where we get $20/hr, the schector is made by people who make $20 per month.

I have an extensive gibson and fender collection. I also have a shector C1 and a shector Bass. The reason I bought them is because I liked the way they play and sound, not because they were the cheapest. I will tell you that the schectors don't even compare to gibson or fender.

Gibson and Fender are still in business because people want there product and will pay the price for them. When the public stops buying them, the prices will drop, but as long as they are the top of the heap, they will charge the prices that you Will pay, not Want to pay.

If you want a Les Paul and can't afford it, then quit frickin whining and get a job so you can afford it. If you want to whine about something, then whine about gas prices, now that is a true ripoff and greed!!

Light said:
That is not even keeping up with inflation, so in real dollars, the price on a LP has come DOWN.


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi

good point...but unfortunately my equipment budget hasn't kept up with inflation either .
This is why I buy Carvin almost exclusively. It's factory direct and of the absolute highest quality for an awesome price. Just look at the CT6. If you haven't gazed upon one of these, go to the Carvin site and have a look. Without a doubt it is the most beautiful and nicest playing guitar I have ever held in my hands. The tones are incredible. If it were a Gibson or a Fender it would be in the $3000+ range (probably more), but I can have it for only half that price. I really could give a fuck about the name. I don't buy Oakley sunglasses, 100 dollar jeans or car stereos with remote controls either. Some would call me cheap...I prefer smart. I don't need name brand things to impress people....I have a "personality" and a "brain" that I use for that.
So, from this list, I guess we'd all agree that G&L makes the most underpriced and underrated electric guitars. :)
You said it!

Thank you flat1ine

I agree totally. Gibsons are just way overpriced. There isnt even consistent quality from one to the next so you cant say your paying for quality. I have a 79 LP Custom that sounds great and a 83 LP Custom that is harsh and ear piercing. Thank God I didnt pay Gibson prices for them. I bought them used. :)

I just bought a Schecter 007 and love it! Talk about inspiring new ideas. Its not as warm as the 79 but it only costs $600 brand new.

Whoo whoo
ozraves said:
So, from this list, I guess we'd all agree that G&L makes the most underpriced and underrated electric guitars. :)
I wouldn't agree with that, they may be the least overrated or overpriced of those on the poll, but theres more underrated guitars out there. Example: Dean, Schecter, and the hollowbody Epiphones (just the hollowbodies)
Light said:
Professional violin players will pay in excess of $100,000 for their instruments. And that is just the guys in the orchestra. The soloists are spending well over $1,000,000.

When professional guitar players complain about the cost of a good guitar, they sound like whiny asses. Guitars are, with only a very few exceptions, cheap. You DO get what you pay for. Now shut up and play.

And yes, saying things like this is EXACTLY why I chose to stay anonymous on this forum.


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi

I'm searching for an emoticon that shows the proper combination of mirth and disgust.


Anybody who pays 100k for any instrument they plan to play is a mindless idiot of one stripe or another. Even as an investment, it's a terribly dicey idea.

I don't believe that soloists are playing million dollar-plus violins. Please post a link. Even if it's true, see above.

While you do get what you pay for, I think everyone can reasonably agree that there is a point of diminishing returns at play here. If you can't get a 2,000 dollar violin to sound good, you are in the wrong line of work. I'ts more likely that somebody just has an insatiable ego and will spend any amount to impress somebody else.

Remember the million-dollar bra?

BTW, I think Gibson guitars are overpriced, so there.
Supercreep - you are way out of line. The difference between a flute with a silver mouthpiece and entire headjoint is huge ... just imagine James Galway's gold flutes. They are extremely valuable but I would give a lot to play one. As it is I'm stuck with some crummy £400 thing.