Mondo Mando - Two Times Two

OK - I'm not trying to hog thread space but there is news on the tuneage front. I posted two new mixes of 'Two Times Two' on my "Songs From the Attic" album page. The first one is the (maybe) final mix with no effect on the right channel guitar and a newly re-tracked second mando part (cleaner performance).

The second mix is another attempt to add a Bodhran to the mix. If you care to listen, please fel free - of course, there is no obligation, your mileage may vary and objects in the mirror are a helluva lot bigger than they appear.

p.s I tried to add a photo of a Bodhran here but it won't attach. What am I doin' wrong? (Besides impersonating an Irish musician)
MC Gitarz said:

The second mix is another attempt to add a Bodhran to the mix. If you care to listen, please fel free - of course, there is no obligation, your mileage may vary and objects in the mirror are a helluva lot bigger than they appear.

holy crap. that's exactly what i was hearing in my head. nice bodhran playing. it's cool when someone actually takes your feedback and applies it!

i really like this song MC. the only other 'production' comment i have (i rarely have actual mixing comments, sorry) is that i'd like to hear more dynamic elements in the song. right now it's all coming at me full blast. i can hear some natural spots where you want the excitment of it to rise and fall. do you hear them too? the bodhran can help accent that. when you want more excitement, start whacking (let's see how many masturbation jokes we can get out of that one!). when you want less, stop or back off.

Pedullist, your dad makes bodhrans? That's interesting. How do I buy one from him?
Now what??!!

Erichenryus says:
i'd like to hear more dynamic elements in the song. right now

Sheeeesssssh! First you make me get my wrist all sore (there's the first one!) and now you want me to get dynamic about it. Actually you're quite right - I noticed that, too after the quasi-final mix. I tried to put dynamics into the performances but they were unequal between the two mandos so it got kinda like a l-o-n-g-assed fader ride. I might try mixing some dynamics in with the faders later 'cause they were there with the guitars and the first mando part.

Thanks for the listen!! Any ideas on how to get the full sonic range out of the bodhran? I can get it to 'thud' allright but the stuff in between the tipper hits and the boom is lost. I had a few really good triplet rolls but they got muddied into the low-end.
Thanks again for the ears!! I'll keep at it and send you a PM when my wrist heals up!

Ped-Thanks for posting the picture. I apparently ain't technologically advanced enough yet!!
Re: Now what??!!

MC Gitarz said:

Any ideas on how to get the full sonic range out of the bodhran? I can get it to 'thud' allright but the stuff in between the tipper hits and the boom is lost.

Just don't play it during the quieter parts. I know it sounds sarcastic but that's the best dynamic technique there is. There's a real big difference between nothing and something. :)

If you have a condenser mic that might do you better with the bodhran? You'll get more character from it. It'll pick up more of the slap of the skin. Although it does often sound coolest when you just kind of feel that drum. I'd probably try combining a condensor and a dynamic. But I've only recorded real drums once, and I'm still trying to understand all the elements to recording drums. It ain't easy.

Also, how much compression are you using on all the tracks? Easier to use dynamics when you back off the compressor a little. Just use it to stop the clipping rather than push everything forward. Especially with something like a mando where the dynamics are so essential to the character of the instrument and the instrumentalist. Anyway, something to think about.
Hello my one man orchestral friend:

Very nice piece. That sounds trite, but I mean it sincerely. I don't generally listen to on the first nickel creek CD...that one track, you know the one...I'm sure it's great, but I hit "SKIP", lol. I looped this while playing online Texas Hold 'Em, and through about an hour's worth of pretty crappy cards, I never turned it off, so that means it is not annoying on any front, lol.

I haven't read the thread (yet), so fogive me. I listened to this first on monitors, then on headphones, and I'd really have to get picky to point out anything wrong with it. There are a couple of spots where the bass kinda' fitz's/rumbles on about one note, twice in the song. So there, there's your big glaring error, lol.

really nice, man.
Pedullist said:
-- My father likes guinness........a lot! (me too)
- My father makes better cisters than he makes bodhrans (also an Irish instrument, see pic). If you ever need a cister, I'm your man.

Hmm... the more i think about it the less having you or your guiness drinking kin making people new cisters sounds like a good offer!!!
:eek: :(

Man oh man oh man does this sound good. No complaints on this end with the phones on at work. This hits my keepers folder.

I’ll take a PM or email when you get the album done too. I’d love to get one.

Nice work!!
Thank you!!

I appreciate the kind words! Makes the effort worthwhile for sure. I've made note of your remark - I'll keep you posted.

I've been cataloguing all the tunes I've downloaded from all the folks out here - I play the CDs in my office and get a ton of amazed looks when I tell people we all do this stuff in a little corner of our houses! Lots of talent out here - much more than on the radio!!

Thanks again!
I did not realize you have been so busy on this tune. Love the new version. You have made great even better!

I was excited glancing through the posts to see you used my suggestion :D OK, you used Erics's suggestion on the bodhran. ;) Then I did not see the file. :mad: :p I would love to hear that version.

I plan to attempt to play a djembe on our next tune. Should be interesting. I am sure anyone who actuually plays a djembe will be like, "what are you doing to that thing?" lol. Oh well, we'll see how it comes out. We are going for a more organic sound so it seems like the right choice. I am also going to have to figure out the best way to mic it. I have done some research on this site for some answers. Hopefully that works!

Great job MC, now where is my bodhran version?! :D

Since I was late to this party, I didn't get a chance to hear the evolution, having just listened to "re-mix no.4". It's unusual to wish that a pop instrumental piece lasted longer! I would call this David Grisman meets Bela Fleck and gets into crystals:D Great synthesis of guitar and mandolin, nice playing, clean recording, well-mixed, and an emotionally uplifting composition.
This one needs help? Aw, c'mon, it's great. Or have I come in after you re-mixed it? I like where the mandolins are in relation to the guitars. Clean playing, clean sound. That chord change at 2.25 is magic. Simplifying the guitar parts for the outro is really, really effective.

Bluegrass guys would enjoy playing this, even faster and with more notes. Seals and Crofts would wish they'd written and done this one. You have a winner here, sir. What a nice piece of music. Dancy, elegant and evocative all in one.
Hey man,
How goes it?
I listened to the working mix first...then to Mix #4.......

nothing really to say here except.....awesome! :D

You could easily put a lyric to this man...
the structure is there for sure...
I like it just the way it is though man....
you are indeed a talented fellow......Kudos.

Thanks again, folks!!

Skids - Thanks for the reply - I re-posted the version with the bodhran - I removed it for no real reason. I'm also anxious to hear what you do with the dejmbe. I know what they look like but I don't ever recall seeing someone play one. Thanks again for the compliments - let me know if you have any ideas on mic'ing the bodhran. I think I'm going to try two mics next time - one for ambient sound and one for the attack.

WTG- cool analogy to Fleck, Grisman and crystals!! Having one of my tunes in any way associated with Bela and the Dawg is a real thrill! I also appreciate you emotional reaction since I try to schieve that in almost all of my tunes. Thanks a million!!

Dobro - Thank you for the praise!! Man, I've never had such an overwhelmingly positive response to anything I've written yet - guess that mean I'm moving forward. You're right about the bluegrass guys, they can usually play a mando like a machine gun (Monroe, Skaggs). I might get there but I just picked the thing up a couple months ago. I started by playing scales ever so slowly every day. There's lots more work needed, of course, but the learning approach seems to have been bang on. If you only heard the latest mix you heard the results of applying some good advice given to me by the folks out here in the clinic. Thanks again for listening and responding!!

Joro- Thanks again for the kind words!! This tune started with a lyric but then I got carried away with the mandolin. I'm starting to re-mix all of my stuff in preparation for the CD so I'll be out of the writing biz for a little while, but you can count on some more lyric-based work in the future. After all - everyone here has really boosted my confidence level!! I thank you and everyone else here for that!!

Gotta run - I'm using the boss man's computer - they're not as enthused about the music I create!!
I listened to your bodhran version and yeah I would say it needs a better micing job. The nuances were lost. I thought it could have been louder too, but I know it's not the focus and it shouldn't be. I would agree that two mics would probably work best. Maybe go for a large condensor (or possibly small for ambience, maybe 2 - 3 ft. from the source) Then maybe a 57, if you have it, close miced. I don't know. Actually the more I think about it, a small condensor close miced might be better as I don't think the bodhran is going to be belting out sound like a snare for example. You may need the condensor to pick up the nuances.

From what I read on the djembe, the best approach is to close mic it on top with a small condensor, then put a dynamic inside the drum as it gets pretty loud there. This is my plan for the djembe. I will let you know when it's done. Of course there is no inside on the bodhran, so in conclusion :D I would go for a large condensor and small condensor combination if you have it.

Good luck! By the way the tune is awesome without the percussion so.... :)
Listening to the remix now

Wow, this is terrific. Great mandolin Jazz!!!!! It's up, airy and tight! The skin drum is wonderful.
A thousand thanks!!

Skids- I sent you a PM about the micing issue - thanks a lot for the advice!!

Sloop - thank you for the complimets!! I'm not sure whether the bodhran will stay or not - I have some mic issues to work out first - not to mention I need to practice the damned thing!! I appreciate the time you took to listen and feed back! Thanks!!