Mondo Mando - Two Times Two

Hey Mc,
..niiiiiice man! This really sounds warm on my office computer here. I agree w/ the masses re: bringing up the mandos just a touch. You would be robbing yourself if you didnt put this on your cd. ....beautiful
As for mandolins, do your homework and play a bunch before you buy. Some of those Gibsons sound a lot better than others and since you will be spending a tidy sum, get a great one!

I really dig acoustic music and have been planning to do a bunch myself, since I just purchased a new mandolin (cheap Washburn--but its OK to build my chops on) banjo and a dobro.

One of these days I hope to find a big standup bass for a great deal! Then, I'll really be in learning hell!
Can't find much to complain about here MC. Very nice tune. And nice clean recording. The only thing I'd change is the doubled guitar with the detuning in one channel. I know that's all the rage in acoustic pop/rock tunes, but for this kind of thing I'd like a more natural sound - I'm just not crazy about the sound of doubled guitars on rootsier tunes.

But that's just a personal nitpick. This sounds great. What's the mic?:D

very nice feel.. good sound.. I'll skip the mix comments and just say I listened and liked.. nothing bothered me..
Guernica - Thanks for the listen! I brought the mandos up in the second cut. This weekend I'm going to re-track the second mando part 'cause I'm just not satisfied with the sound or the performance. And as always - thank you for the compliments!!

DTB - I checked it out and I like it!! I'll post the comments over there - great songwriting! Glad to see the fellow mando players out here!!

Crawdad - Thanks for the advice. I'm very, very new to the whole mandolin scene so I'll be taking my time and lying in wait for the right hatchet!! I also have a banjo on my list but I think I might hold off and invest in another mic. I'm convinced now that the sound starts right there. And a stand-up bass - AWESOME - no sound like it as far as I'm concerned.

Groucho - Thanks for the listen and the recommendation. This weekend I'll be cutting the effect 'cause I tend to agree with all those that said it's not needed. It was an experiment and it was worth the lesson - but not on this tune. But that's why I choose to hang out here - lots of trained and experienced ears with honest opinions - it don't get much better than that!! So I'll reveal my mic brand if you promise not to tell anyone - it's a Behringer B2 - works fine for my voice. But I really had to work with it to get the mando to sound full. Now don't tell anyone 'cause I can't handle all the flames!! (kidding, of course)

MAC2 - Thanks for the listen and the comments!! All of these nice comments are quite encouraging!!

B.Sabbath - Thanks for listening!! Hoipe you didn't skip the comments 'cause you were worried about saying something - I listen to and appreciate any and every opinion.Thanks again!!

I guess I need to stop bumping my own thread here - but I wanted to at least say 'Thanks' to everyone who was kind enough to listen and comment. There's no more valuable asset than time - and giving me some of your time is a favor I respect and truly appreciate!!
I got something that looks like this, so I'll try back in a bit...

(PHP 3, PHP 4 )
mysql_connect_--_Open a connection to a MySQL Server
resource mysql_connect ( [string server [, string username [, string password [, bool new_link [, int client_flags]]]]])
Returns a MySQL link identifier on success, or FALSE on failure.
mysql_connect() establishes a connection to a MySQL server. The following defaults are assumed for missing optional parameters: server = 'localhost:3306', username = name of the user that owns the server process and password = empty password.
The server parameter can also include a port number. eg. "hostname:port" or a path to a local socket eg. ":/path/to/socket" for the localhost.
Note: Whenever you specify "localhost" ...blah, blah, blah
Hey ! how am I supposed to finish my work on 'To A Friend' when you distract me with excellent stuff like this !!!


I jammed 10 times with this already, I love it and your playing is well paced, confident and tasteful.

This is great and maybe I can step back and do an analysis of it when it gets real low on the list again ;)
Very nice, Milan! Great sound and performances. That was just complaints. Sweet stuff.
I don't have anything to add, mixwise, but love this piece of music. The interplay between the mando's is excellent.

Very nice writing and playing!

very intertaining, smooth and relaxing, and highly educational. I love the twists and turns you made along the way to come back for the resolve on this. Tones were sweet. The separation was transparent between the instruments voices, no hard overlaps at all.
Very nice tune MC. I raised a family they grew up, i smiled and then grew old, died, was reincarnated, hugged my reincarnated family and then propagated again all within the space of this song. It really had some nice life affirming melodies in there. Keep us posted how it turns out. :)
Khompy - Dude - I am truly humbled and touched by your remarks and I thank you. I'v been answering some of these comments through PMs for the sake of thread space but since you went so deep I feel the need to share a little. Nobody has to read this - it's just alittle catharsis happening here. About 35 years ago - in my "hooked-on-Baroque" days - I was a huge fan of Vivaldi. He was an excellent writer and musician and he was the musical instructor and orchestra conductor at a school for girls. Since the girls were young and would come and go every couple years, Vivaldi was faced with composing music for orchestras containing typical as well as a-typical instruments. He once wrote a concerto for mandolin - which is stunning. But his 'Concerto in C for Diverse Instruments' was a piece I couldn't stop playing. (I once had the opportunity to hear the Phliadelphia Orchestra perform it live - wow.) The relevant thread to this story and your comment is the fact that I was struck the same way as you - the entire human life cyclce is played out musically. Upon my first hearing of the piece, I took the album home to play for my uncle who was my best friend, and musical mentor - it turned out to be the last piece of music he ever heard. For you to hear that same kind of life affirming feeling in something I created is incredibly humbling. Thanks again, kind sir!!

I re-tracked the second mando today and cut out the effect on the right-channeled guitar - advice garnered in these threads - I'll post the new one later today. And once again - my sincere thanks to all of you for the advice and encouragement. ~ Milan
haven't read any comments.

my first impression is "very nice". i love that instrument. listening on computer speakers and it sounds pretty good right here. which is cool cause this setup can make anything sound like ass.

i like the stereo spread on the guitars. sounds like you did that twice and panned?

just cause i'm sort of a drummer, i'll leave a rythm comment. if you have access to a bodhran, that might sound very cool with this song.

Thanks Eric!
Actually I have a bodhran - and I can sorta, kinda play it OK, but I haven't been too successful at mic'ing it - can't get the 'whomp' out of it like the Irish folk. But I'll give it a whack and see what happens. The guitars were indeed played twice - the right channel is detuned 2 cents and delayed a bit. I'm not too fond of it. I'm re-mixing as we speak - I re-tracked the second mando for a better performance, too and now I can't get the balance where I want it. But it's getting closer. I'll keep you posted on the bodhran. Thanks for the ears!!
erichenryus said:
if you have access to a bodhran, that might sound very cool with this song.

Hey, that's a very good suggestion! (I'm not kiddin', my father actually MADE some bodhrans!) :)

I just spent 2-and-a-half hours trying to get the Bodhran to fit in and just couldn't cut it. I'm not a very skilled player but even when I got the rhythm grooving I didn't like the sound. I mic'ed it from front and behind with an SM-57 and an SM-58. All I could get was the deep low-end and some rhythmic high-mids. When I touched the EQ it got worse. (The rhythm did add a bit of color and exceitment to the tune but I didn't miss it that much when I erased the 16 or so tracks!!) I need another trip to Dublin to see how they mic 'em up OR you could bring your dad down here and I could record his playing!! OR the three of us could go to Ireland and get whacked on Guinness and Jameson. Does your dad make tunable Bodhrans? Does he like Guinness?
Sorry guys, any Bodhran players out there?
- My father doesn't know shit about recording
- My father builds bodhrans, but usually doesn't play them
- My father doesn't make tunable bodhrans, he makes them the old fashioned way (going to the butcher for a part of skin, sticking a few feet of wood into a large PVC tube of water to make it soft and flexable...stuff like that)
- My father likes guinness........a lot! (me too)
- My father makes better cisters than he makes bodhrans (also an Irish instrument, see pic). If you ever need a cister, I'm your man.

I can imagine recording a bodhran is hard to do. :)


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Well, I must say, this has become one of the richest threads ... there are two threads on the board now where the poster has posted, taken feedback, and then re-mixed before the post has left the first page.

A very good weekend for the 'CLINIC'

yes, MC Gitarz has reposted the mix, simply excellent stuff.

An I got to see a picture of a bodhran, and wow, Pedullists father like makes these things ... and like ... cool ...