Progressively Challenged...
1Acre = 4840 square yards
Total acreage of USA = 2.27 Billion
Current world population 7.8 Billion (individual men, women, children)
2.27/7.8 = 0.291 acres or 1613 sq yards (4839 sq ft)
Average area of a "*F A M I L Y*" dwelling in USA = 2000 sq ft.

1 sq mile = 640 acres
Land mass of planet Earth = 57,506,000 sq miles
Land mass of USA = 3,546,875 sq miles (6% of total land)
Planet Earth is 70% water
The total surface area of Earth is about 197 million square miles
The USA = 1.8% of the total surface area of planet Earth

The atmosphere of planet Earth is 300 miles thick

The current global debt is 307 Trillion. Most people can't wrap their heads around such a ridiculous figure...
If you could spend 1 dollar per second, that's 86,400 dollars per day, it would take you 9,734,906 years to spend 307 Trillion. It would take you 1,046,423 years to spend 33 Trillion.

If the entire population of the Earth can comfortably occupy only 1.8% of the planet... then where are all the planet's resources going? If 5% of the population owns 100% of the planet's resources... then how does "supply and demand" factor into our current debt?

Figures lie... Liars figure.

The only reason "global capitalists" want you to believe that overpopulation is wasting global resources is because... it boosts their profits, they can inflate their costs.
Meanwhile, they're the ones "trashing" the Earth and "TAXING" the population with the responsibility of cleaning it up. They set the stage for how everyone should live with multibillion dollar advertising and pretty plastic packaging, then blame the consumer for all the trash and poor air quality in our filthy cities... which they own.

As the "consumer"... you're being held responsible for living precisely the way corporate government engineered modern life to be lived. Then, you're penalized with the taxes they deem necessary to fix their profit motivated engineering. Ironically, they justify this business standard by calling it "freedom".

It occurs to me that mankind has reached a strange time in its "evolution"... when the concept of "money" has outgrown the worth of the planet we occupy.

Greed is the root of all evil.
I thought it was "money is the root of all evil". There's also that song "Money, that's what I want"

One of the news stories this morning was that there are more millionaires now than ever before. Gee! What a important observation. Of course it doesn't mean anything, it's just an arbitrary number. What is never said is that the biggest driver to this is simple inflation. Based on the inflation rates, since 2000, costs are up 79%. Income is doing the same. When I started working, I was making a whopping $1.40 per hour. Now McD's is paying over $15/hr. Of course a McD's hamburger was $0.15, now it's $1.80. Relatively speaking, things haven't improved.

In the movie Saturday Night Fever, Tony's father says "you know what three dollars buys? It won't buy two dollars!" How true!
I can't tell the difference between capitalism and profiteering anymore...
How do you govern without a set reference?
Without a standard... "Whatever the market will bear" becomes the goal.

Inflation is how the stock market makes money.
Then, there's the Global Federal Reserve...
If the entire population of the Earth can comfortably occupy only 1.8% of the planet... then where are all the planet's resources going?
About half of all habitable land is used for agriculture to feed those people. A lot of habitable land is not fit for agriculture, so we are closer than you think to the maximum population unless we figure out a different way to feed everyone.
I hate kilometers and millimeters... Makes everything seem smaller :geek:
Yea, but you get better gas mileage. All you have to do is flip the speedometer over to kph and it's a whole new ball game. Upped mine quite a bit.
Don’t start on petrol mileage. EVERY car has speedo in miles, everyone talks about miles per gallon and we buy fuel in litres!

Our fuel is current £1.52 a litre. That’s $1.92 US. That’s $7 .26 US dollars a US gallon! I’ve not googled your gas prices but what do you think of ours?
Don’t start on petrol mileage. EVERY car has speedo in miles, everyone talks about miles per gallon and we buy fuel in litres!

Our fuel is current £1.52 a litre. That’s $1.92 US. That’s $7 .26 US dollars a US gallon! I’ve not googled your gas prices but what do you think of ours?
I think Trump is right...
"Drill Drill Drill" Baby! :LOL:
The "population explosion" is largely a distraction from the real climate issues that are mainly caused by the technologically advanced nations such as ours and most of those have very low birth rates, some so low that their population is shrinking and getting steadily older. In any case there is no ethical way to control birth rate I know of?

People in desperately poor societies have no social safety net so when they get old. sick or injured they have to hope they have children to care for them. Their infant mortality rates are high so they have more kids than 'westerners".

The food issue is largely another 'non problem' The world at large produces enough food for everyone but it does not get to those that need it due to political and ideological reasons. Most of us eat more than we should. I certainly do and we waste about a third of what we every stage. Some is left on the land, much rots in storage, supermarkets bin 'out of date' but perfectly edible produce (but that is getting much better) And lastly we as consumers scrape a lot off our plates.

I saw in the news recently that a 93 yr old widow donated $1b to a medical school in the Bronx. If more billionairs did the same we could feed the world and give about a billion people clean water and decent sanitation.

There is more than enough money locked away in this world to make it a really nice place. Why they are hanging on to it and making more baffles me? What to they think they are going to do with it when the world is proper fucked?

The "population explosion" is largely a distraction from the real climate issues that are mainly caused by the technologically advanced nations such as ours and most of those have very low birth rates, some so low that their population is shrinking and getting steadily older. In any case there is no ethical way to control birth rate I know of?
If the entire population of the Earth can comfortably occupy only 1.8% of the planet... then where are all the planet's resources going? If 5% of the population owns 100% of the planet's resources... then how does "supply and demand" factor into our current debt?
???? :unsure: