Making a combo cab for my fender.

Yes. It was a real bitch getting all the cuts straightened out afterward. I got rid of my table saw when I moved. It was an old piece of crap that I got cheap at a yard sale. Man I could have used it!!!!
I sanded till my fingers were about to fall off. The radiused corners and sides helped to hide most of the imperfections. Used a "longblock"(basically a long -12" block of wood with sandpaper on it) to straighten up the uneven cuts. A 1/4 sheet palm sander with 80 grit paper did most of the work radiusing the edges.

Basic tools though. Circular saw, hand drill, 1/4 sheet palm sander, rubber sanding block, #80, #220, #400 sandpaper. 3/8 dowels in the corners ( wasn't ready to try the dovetail joint thing.)
Cabinet finally done

Finished with the cab.....Alas, I won't know how it sounds till I get a few replacement parts for the chassis. Got my fingers crossed.
Wowwww I realy love that, the folding chair this is excelend, looks much better that thoes flimfel matal fold back legs you get on the Fender Cabs, Nice work, Let us no how it sounds after you get the parts sorted. ;)
JEZUS H CHRIST ON A CRUTCH that's cool lookin'... Really folky lookin'...

Makes me wanna go by Home Depot and get a table saw and some wood on the way home...

Really nice glossy finish on it too! Is it a polyurethane or a sprayed on laquer finish? It'll be interesting to see how the pine holds up, it will be a lot lighter to carry around , thats for sure.
It's Minwax gloss urethane, comes in a spray can. About $7.00. Yeah, I'm gonna have to be careful with it, that's for sure. But it was a lot cheaper, and a little lighter too. It was about $25.00 for the pine..vs. about $80.00 for oak.
The stain/rubbing oil, I used was supposed to "harden" in the wood. Maybe it'll help with dents and such.
Congratulations on a great looking job, I love the folding chair, but you mentioned the circular saw, what you need is a guide bar. I use them for all the time as a guide when gas cutting steel but you can use the same principal with a circ. saw. For wood clamp a straight bit of wood or angle iron to the piece you are cutting and use that as a straight edge, work out how far from the edge of the blade to the side of the saw. Put the straight edge at that distance from where you are going to cut, Keep the saw firmly pressed up against the guide and you will cut as straight as a machine.
Thanks for the tip about the saw guide. I'll try it sometime.

I haven't really built much of anything before. I made a birdhouse in high school woodshop. It turned out crooked and I got bitched at by the old crotchety shop teacher that use to hide a bottle of Seagrams whiskey in his locked desk drawer. ....miserable old prick. He used to sneak up behind us and smack us in the back of the head if we were doing something the wrong way.
Well, I finally got the amp up and running. Sounds great! From warm and mellow blues to screaming banshee with a twist of the volume knob. This thing really rips it up! I was worried that the 15" I put in it wouldn't sound right. No problems that I can see,or hear. Nice rounded tone. Wish I could post a sound clip of it, but I haven't got a clue how to do it. I just have my trusty reel to reel.

Anyway..thanks to all that shown interest and support. If you have any questions, or just wanna B.S. . P.M. me.
goldtopchas said:
Well, I finally got the amp up and running. Sounds great! From warm and mellow blues to screaming banshee with a twist of the volume knob. This thing really rips it up! I was worried that the 15" I put in it wouldn't sound right. No problems that I can see,or hear. Nice rounded tone. Wish I could post a sound clip of it, but I haven't got a clue how to do it. I just have my trusty reel to reel.

Anyway..thanks to all that shown interest and support. If you have any questions, or just wanna B.S. . P.M. me.
They say that copy is the best form of praise, I am going to copy your folding chair idea, if you have no objections and I am curious about the angle. Did you have any preconcieved ideas on how much to tilt or did you try it propped at a few different angles to see which was best?
Not at all. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to try and answer them. I just guessed at the angle,then put a small block inside where I wanted it to stop. You can see the block in one of the back pics. It's hard to tell because it's stained the same color as the rest of the wood. You have to be careful where it hinges because the amp is a bit top-heavy. The chassis weighs more than the rest of the cab and speaker.

It's very sturdy, and is quite functional. It was an after thought. I had the cleats for the back panels running all the way from top to bottom. When I came up with the "hinged" panel thing, I had to cut the middle out of the cleats and use a putty knife to get them loose.(I glued them down.) It came off a little rough. Some break out of the wood here and there. Not too bad though. And it's in a place where no one is really gonna notice.
A quick note...I also thought of just using some dowels and various holes for the "stops" that would allow for several different angles. Just an Idea.
How does it sound with that 15" speaker in it?

My neighbor just gave me a Fender Studio Bass but the speaker is blown. I was planning on using it for a guitar but I don't know if I want to refurb it.

It'd be nice if you could post some audio files so we can hear it. PM me if you'd be into doing that but aren't sure how.


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ez_willis said:
How does it sound with that 15" speaker in it?

My neighbor just gave me a Fender Studio Bass but the speaker is blown. I was planning on using it for a guitar but I don't know if I want to refurb it.

It'd be nice if you could post some audio files so we can hear it. PM me if you'd be into doing that but aren't sure how.
Is that tube or solid state? Just thinking, because the first bass amps Leo Fender made were open back with a 15" but he found the sound lacked definition so he put in 4 x 10" and they became legend. Just a thought.
Yeah, unless it's got some glass in the back, it might not sound all that great.
But, it's certainly worth a try. If all that is wrong with it is the speaker, hook it up to another cab or something and check it out. It might sound really cool.