Making a combo cab for my fender.

ez_willis said:
That is one of my favorite guitars leaning up my favorite amp ever. :)

true, EZ- almost makes me want to ^&**&(

What's better, though, is that this is not a poll of who wants something other than something I can actually use... when I actually get the steps

hot dang :) :)
I got sidetracked today. I'll work on it tomorrow.If I make much progress, I'll post another pic.

Thanks for the interest. It's cool having someone to share this stuff with.
The wife acts like I'm building a birdhouse or something. "..are you done with "your thing" yet?" They just don't understand.
goldtopchas said:
The wife acts like I'm building a birdhouse or something. "..are you done with "your thing" yet?" They just don't understand.

I'm sure your and my wife would enjoy a 'romantic comedy' somewhere...

I want wood!
...a little progress

Cleats and baffle board.
Got some new nickle corners coming from E-bay...
Searching for cheap grille cloth. Any suggestions?? I'm on a VERY low budget with this project.
Got some coarse linen material at Wal mart. $2.74 a yard!! Gonna actually look pretty cool. Almost looks like "salt and pepper" grille cloth.
It's lighter weight than I would like, but I think I'll double it over before I staple it on....and at that price I can get extra and put it away in case I need to replace it in the future.

You gotta love "redneck Macy's."

goldtopchas said:
Searching for cheap grille cloth. Any suggestions?? I'm on a VERY low budget with this project.

I bought a burlap sack for 79 cents to use for grille cloth on one of my projects... haven;t got a chance to actually build the cab yet, though....
goldtopchas said:
Cleats and baffle board.
Got some new nickle corners coming from E-bay...
Searching for cheap grille cloth. Any suggestions?? I'm on a VERY low budget with this project.

About that pic you posted....

How big is that hole?
That's for a 15" speaker. ...yeah, I know. All my player friends are giving me that "dogs head cocked sideways" look of dismay. I just wanted to try it. I left enough room for the baffleboard to be swapped out for a 10"and 12" if I don't like it. It's an old yorkville alnico that was used in a traynor guitar amp.
E-bay $20.00 inc. shipping ( told you I was a low budget with this project.)

It might sound cool....or not. We'll see.

I thought about skipping the corners too. But It's made out of pine. It's too soft to go without them. I think it really could use the protection.

Gonna' have to make a decent padded cover for it too.
goldtopchas said:

I thought about skipping the corners too. But It's made out of pine. It's too soft to go without them. I think it really could use the protection.

Gonna' have to make a decent padded cover for it too.

Yea, that makes sense. It does look nice without though. What are gonna make the cover out of?